Set Havoc to cast only on focus and make a macro for setting up focus if you wanna have best results. Not everything can be automated to the perfection.Is there a reason why isn't the routine using Havoc + Shadowburn on the small adds on Norushen?
Why would you wanna have havoc on weapon lol?@millz
on Garosh , is there a change to get Havoc on the weapon from garosh ?
Set Havoc to cast only on focus and make a macro for setting up focus if you wanna have best results. Not everything can be automated to the perfection.
Why would you wanna have havoc on weapon lol?
on Garosh , is there a change to get Havoc on the weapon from garosh ?
Hi, maybe been asked before. but cant find it. If u change talents, do u have to restart the bot or the cr will work without a restart of hb?
oh - i just read that this may be only part of the premium CC - i placed my order![]()
function Round(number, decimal)
local multiplier = 10^(decimal or 0)
return math.floor(number * multiplier + 0.5) / multiplier
local tick_every = Round(3/(1+(UnitSpellHaste("player")/100)),2)
If Immolate <= tick_every + 1 then return true end
A Few First Sight Suggestions:
<-> ComboBox for Drain Life
"1." -- If Healthstone/Ember Tap (Destruction)/Mortal Coil (Talented)/Rejuvenation (Symbiosis) are on Cooldown.
"2." -- If Harvest Life is talented.
<-> Pet Summon ComboBox Rules (SimCraft Rules don't tell you much, as far as Simcraft is concerned, it casts it off cooldown)
"1." W/ Heroism/Bloodlust/TW, etc.
"2." Under 20% Health, Boss Target.
<-> Talents Grimoire of Service/Others
Is there any reason why there's a "Target Low HP" value here? Is it suppose to mean if the target is at or less than this health? Seems a bit confusing to unknowing players.
The Harvest Life talent references the general tab as well, which the general tab has nothing to do with Harvest Life/Drain Life, so I'll assume this was outdated or something.
Possibly a combobox for Shadowfury/Demonic Breath to allow lists of targets and mob count for PvE content, for using these talents for specific situations.
As for quality of life changes, an option to reset tab settings to default would be nice, whether that means a small icon on each tab or a combobox in say general for each tab. As well as another option for General Nazgrim, such as to only allow dotting during defensive stance.
I've been developing warlock rotations for PQR for about a year and I have to say, you've really improved my opinion of HB's capabilities as far as rotations go, Millz. Good work.
I'm still noticing a lot of inconsistencies in the destruction rotation, like the damage in comparison to my personal rotation is far bellow, main things I'm noticing is Immolate having too low of a priority, it shouldn't be falling off the target. The way I handle refreshing is simple:
(This will refresh Immolate on the last tick remaining, which is proper handling).Code:function Round(number, decimal) local multiplier = 10^(decimal or 0) return math.floor(number * multiplier + 0.5) / multiplier end local tick_every = Round(3/(1+(UnitSpellHaste("player")/100)),2) If Immolate <= tick_every + 1 then return true end
The rotation feels very unfluid with chaos bolt usage, as well. I watched on numerous occasions it not cast chaos bolt with int procs, even with dark soul having a greater than 40 second timer and having 3 embers. There should be a pooling system, basically. If you have greater than 20 seconds on dark souls cooldown, you should be utilizing chaos bolt with trinket procs, by all means. Once you hit the pooling region, you should be conserving.
The "Sparkuggz" opener is incorrect as well, it should be like this:
Dark Soul > Immolate > Conflagrate x2 > Incinerate x4 with heroism, x3 outside of heroism (Or in most cases, you usually won't be able to run x4 incinerates with a stacking int trinket outside of heroism). The current way it handles the opener has Immolate at way too low of a priority, as well as it not casting dark soul which I could see for multiple reasons, but still should be handled if the user selected the opener option anyways, or allow a checkbox for allowing this usage on boss targets only.
My skype is iiKink, if you want to theorycraft or talk different lock type things, feel free to add me.
What is the best way to swap specs using this premium version. For some reason, when I go from affliction to demonology, or vice versa, it will cause the bot to not do any rotation. Even if I "alt x" to continue the rotation or stop and start it. Sometimes I have to completely exit honorbuddy, and switch specs, then bring the bot back on.[/QUOT
handy Plugin called
works great
Millz please, as i said some time ago, blacklist the pandaren for shadoburn in the spoils encounter. It's a big dps loss since they dont give you ember when they die.
A Few First Sight Suggestions:
<-> ComboBox for Drain Life
"1." -- If Healthstone/Ember Tap (Destruction)/Mortal Coil (Talented)/Rejuvenation (Symbiosis) are on Cooldown.
"2." -- If Harvest Life is talented.
<-> Pet Summon ComboBox Rules (SimCraft Rules don't tell you much, as far as Simcraft is concerned, it casts it off cooldown)
"1." W/ Heroism/Bloodlust/TW, etc.
"2." Under 20% Health, Boss Target.
<-> Talents Grimoire of Service/Others
Is there any reason why there's a "Target Low HP" value here? Is it suppose to mean if the target is at or less than this health? Seems a bit confusing to unknowing players.
The Harvest Life talent references the general tab as well, which the general tab has nothing to do with Harvest Life/Drain Life, so I'll assume this was outdated or something.
Possibly a combobox for Shadowfury/Demonic Breath to allow lists of targets and mob count for PvE content, for using these talents for specific situations.
As for quality of life changes, an option to reset tab settings to default would be nice, whether that means a small icon on each tab or a combobox in say general for each tab. As well as another option for General Nazgrim, such as to only allow dotting during defensive stance.
I've been developing warlock rotations for PQR for about a year and I have to say, you've really improved my opinion of HB's capabilities as far as rotations go, Millz. Good work. I'm still noticing a lot of inconsistencies in the destruction rotation, like the damage in comparison to my personal rotation is far bellow, main things I'm noticing is Immolate having too low of a priority, it shouldn't be falling off the target. The way I handle refreshing is simple:
(This will refresh Immolate on the last tick remaining, which is proper handling).Code:function Round(number, decimal) local multiplier = 10^(decimal or 0) return math.floor(number * multiplier + 0.5) / multiplier end local tick_every = Round(3/(1+(UnitSpellHaste("player")/100)),2) If Immolate <= tick_every + 1 then return true end
The rotation feels very unfluid with chaos bolt usage. I watched on numerous occasions it not cast chaos bolt with int procs, even with dark soul having a greater than 40 second timer and having 3 embers. There should be a pooling system, basically. If you have greater than 20 seconds on dark souls cooldown, you should be utilizing chaos bolt with trinket procs, by all means. Once you hit the pooling region, you should be conserving.
The "Sparkuggz" opener is incorrect as well, it should be like this:
Dark Soul > Immolate > Conflagrate x2 > Incinerate x4 with heroism, x3 outside of heroism (Or in most cases, you usually won't be able to run x4 incinerates with a stacking int trinket outside of heroism). The current way it handles the opener has Immolate at way too low of a priority, as well as it not casting dark soul which I could see for multiple reasons, but still should be handled if the user selected the opener option anyways, or allow a checkbox for allowing this usage on boss targets only.
My skype is iiKink, if you want to theorycraft or talk different lock type things, feel free to add me.