hey, i emailed you. I need another invite to assembla
Can anyone help me setup affliction for max dps and cc for RBG? My current settings are so bad, it doesn't apply dots to more than one person. I'm using the premium version. PM preferred please
BGFarmer - An Advanced Battleground Bot Base
^ YAY!![]()
Highly excited for the release on this,
Question, will previous donaters for your routines have early access to test this? Will it be free on final release, or will it be paid? :/ (I put the semi-sad face because Although I don't mind paying for your services, it's just your scripts are pricey in comparison to other script writers here, but IF this project has some extensive code and yields GREAT results, I could see this being worthy of being a paid script...)
Any Thought yet on this Millz?
Haven't put much thought into that yet. Still just focusing on getting it working before I deal with that side of it.
I have 4 battlegrounds left to code - but it's the hard 4 that are left. Finished WSG and TP yesterday (after a week or so battling with it). In WSG, it chased down someone carrying our flag, killed them, and returned the flag (after someone on our team was holding their flag at our base), so we won. BGFarmer is actually helping significantly to win the game (meaning conquest points!).
It's a hell of a lot more complex than what I'd originally anticipated though, coming to grips with it all now - but quite a difference from coding combat routines.
quick question guys without going through 500 pages, are there any demonic pvp guides/setups posted here anywhere for high rated arena/rbgs? if so could you point me in the right direction? mucho gracias!
is there a way to Stop it from casting Soulwell in arenas an bg's? cant find a setting..?
Disable create healthstone, and it'll stop using soulwells too.... Dont work... it always casts soulwell in arena's/bg's with Create hearthstones disabled . Playing affliction Will post log after bg/arena if needed
- [Destruction] Immolate during opener will now only take a lower priority than Chaos Bolt.
Will this work with sparkugg'z opener style?
hi milz, i have an problem with your cr
when my Wrath of the Darkspear procs the cr dont use chaosbolt, i set the stacks down to 4 (previously 6) but still do nothing until i have 9 stacks
afaik the chaosbolt only profits from this buff when the cast is done before the trinket fades..
Millz, I see you updated the percent to 70% for BGFarmer. Any new info?