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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

some ppl just cant play casters mate, like myself, never played melee classes because I am not used to being "in your face" but I can play most ranged no problem. There could be the opposite
Millz --
I'm trying to milk this routine for as much DPS as I can. I'm currently 509 ilvl. I'm Destruction spec, also. Can you give me your best, educated guess as to what the best talents and glyphs would be for running LFR since I don't have the friends/guild mates to run flex and normal raids? I'm only a few bosses short of completing the entire SoO LFR. I just can't figure out the best configuration for the most DPS out of the routine. It almost seems that there are other warlocks (of different specs, and the same spec) that are doing more DPS in less gear, or equal gear, that I'm in. If you want to take a look at my toon I'll PM you a masked armory link to look at her.
Now I've had the opportunity to use this routine, its simply amazing. Thank you very much Millz

I do have 1 slight concern though.

With the routine being so damn good I am concerned that I may stand out too much from the rest and become almost superhuman in my playing.

For example I'm now level 72 and I've only being using this routine with Tyrael, I've just out dps'd same level warlocks, 2 of them in full heirlooms and me in levelling greens and blues. Now you could argue that they might have been bad players etc, but I'm concerned that I stood out too much in that instance as playing above what a player could play with that level of gear.

My question is, would it be possible to randomize aspects of the routine to almost turn you more into the average player? Instead of having crazy high uptime on your dots, make it so your more in line with other locks?

Almost have a button that "breaks" the routine so you perform worse, rather then constantly at the top of your game.

I may be overstating the problem and when I hit 90 I'm in fact just like the average player, but I worry easy.


Think your worrying a little too mutch there buddy ^^, the only thing those other locks will be thinking is "Damn how do i improve", I manualy played lock for 7 yrs, i played it at a high lvl in PvE, I still test my own DPS vs Demonic regular and i usually come out ahead, But even at high lvl the game lost its appeal for me, So i now BoT because its something new and revitalised the game for me, Point is, some players are better than others, Some are worse than other, Some Bot, the only way anyone would be suspiciouse in a dungeon is if you had movement on, now that does look botish.
*Edit* Spoke to Chinajade about it, seems there's another method I can potentially hook into to force the dismounting behavior, however I'm fairly confident it's the bot base at fault, as the routine doesn't appear to get called when it's becoming stuck on the mount.

Either which way, if you could code something in, it would be great. I always have to manually get off the flying mount I use (no matter which one), if I'm just tootling around with Tyrial or the like. It just sits there staring at the critter that's hitting it. =)
Ребята я играю чернокнижником около недели,подскажите нормально ли в 535 ilvl выдает дпс в 130к без бурста? Или может я делаю что та не так?
Ребята я играю чернокнижником около недели,подскажите нормально ли в 535 ilvl выдает дпс в 130к? Или может я делаю что та не так?
конечно нормально. мы ведь знаем твой спек, баффы, куда ты выдаёшь этот дпс, с какими талантами, аоешишь ли. А ещё мы знаем твою перековку. не надоело задавать тупые вопросы?
Sk1vvy да это не тупые вопросы просто разобраться еще с настройками угольками разобраться не могу. Что так трудно помочь новичку в этой рутине! Мой спек разрушение.
Sk1vvy да это не тупые вопросы просто разобраться еще с настройками угольками разобраться не могу. Что так трудно помочь новичку в этой рутине! Мой спек разрушение.
Так как тебе помочь, если ты ничего не объясняешь? ты пишешь посты аля "У меня красная машина, не заводится, что случилось?". Расскажи про свой спек, таланты, настройки. Masked armory линкани. И люди к тебе потянутся.
this CC does not like to use haunt, does it ?

after 40 minutes of testing out almost every setting combination it still decides to spam dots (even if they are up for over 10seconds remaining)instead of using haunt on targets or even focus targets :x

is here anyone who got success with this in arena and wants to share his settings via PM?

i have 2 accounts and im healing my lock up in 2s to test out stuff
after 5minutes of gametime i end the game with 300-k500k damage

also it spams seed in arena WTF?

also, is it possible to disable dotting pets?


i dont want to sound rude :(
i really hope someone can proof me wrong with the correct settings

I honestly have no idea how you've managed to configure it into that state of affair. Load the default PvP settings file, and load the default aura file (into the aura tab), and see how you get on from there.

This is a good point but in some situation may not work because an option like this implies you have more than 1 possible target under 20% hp. Maybe a Shadowburn Hotkey is what we need. I'll give you some example:

I think the only way around this is to code in some hard logic for every unit i.e. if unit is xxxx then don't cast shadowburn on them, or if unit is yyyy then only shadowburn if they haven't already been SB'd.

Is Millz never online in the afternoon?

I went out last night, Uncle's birthday, usually around :P

Millz --
I'm trying to milk this routine for as much DPS as I can. I'm currently 509 ilvl. I'm Destruction spec, also. Can you give me your best, educated guess as to what the best talents and glyphs would be for running LFR since I don't have the friends/guild mates to run flex and normal raids? I'm only a few bosses short of completing the entire SoO LFR. I just can't figure out the best configuration for the most DPS out of the routine. It almost seems that there are other warlocks (of different specs, and the same spec) that are doing more DPS in less gear, or equal gear, that I'm in. If you want to take a look at my toon I'll PM you a masked armory link to look at her.

My current PvE build; Mists of Pandaria - Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

When im in arena, my character doesnt do anything, just stands there, any idea?

Post a log
Either which way, if you could code something in, it would be great. I always have to manually get off the flying mount I use (no matter which one), if I'm just tootling around with Tyrial or the like. It just sits there staring at the critter that's hitting it. =)

With Tyrael it'll never dismount - it's not meant too (manual control etc).
Спек Разрушение. Вообщем вот: Туманы Pandaria - Калькулятор талантов - World Of Warcraft . Питомца использую беса или сукубу,аое даю на 2-3 цели,так же призыв инфернала в 2-3 цели,стражника жути вызываю под соло цель. Я прикрепил архив с моими настройками можете посмотреть что в них не так,если можете то пришлите свои оптимальные настройки.


View attachment Мои настройки.zip
I think the only way around this is to code in some hard logic for every unit i.e. if unit is xxxx then don't cast shadowburn on them, or if unit is yyyy then only shadowburn if they haven't already been SB'd.
I think a more elegant way is creating an editable list where you can put the unit id and select which action the routine must take. In this way you dont need to insert a new unit when someone ask for it and make everything more flexible for future updates.
Ah. Well then. Still would be nice if the CC had a "no really, make sure we can fight" option, but that makes sense.

? Theee is a option for the CR/bot to attack from mount. Enable movement + force attack out of combat = afk mode
It seems like a consistent thing with warlock routines as to where there are moments my warlock just sits there doing nothing. What should I do to get the most out of this routine?

Also, how do I get the paid version?
Да тоже бы хотел это узнать от опытных чернокнижников,как получить максимальную отдачу ДПС? Может кто помочь мне с моим чернокнижником,если есть тут русские люди опытные то постучите в Skype: mokoronnik или же отпишите тут как все четко сделать в настройках рутины. Моя специализация разрушение 540 ilvl. Прошу вашей помощи.
It seems like a consistent thing with warlock routines as to where there are moments my warlock just sits there doing nothing. What should I do to get the most out of this routine?

Also, how do I get the paid version?

As been posted right through this forum, free version doesnt support movement, you have to use Tyrael or something similar ;-)

Private message Millz for info on the paid version as that can not be discussed here
Lotzadots ну а где же можно обсудить настройки платной версии?