Does targeting in general tab need to be enabled in order for Shadowburn 'Cancel For Any Target' to be effective?
I had enough mana, archimondes darkness as talent, and it was working the last weeks, after todays updates it stopped working
Hi Millz
not sure if CC problem or otherwise.
Bot wont dismount to attack in BgBUddy
Plugins tend to not be made around performance, so pulsing a plugin can take just as long as the full combat routine takes to run. Disabling plugins in Tyrael is a good idea unless you need it active (i.e. for something like the Minify plugin).
Soulstone is in for mouseover, no plans to add it any other way. Pet stuff still needs more work.
Immolate can be refreshed early depending on your settings and procs. With AoE, it'll cast if there's a unit within range of your F&B which doesn't have immolate - after that it'll spam incinerate.
I had to drop the priority on it a while back because the routine was doing nothing else other than spamming drain life. It will prioritize DoTs over Drain Life, but shouldn't cast MG. I think Drain Soul has a higher priority than DL too come to think of it.
Disable the setting / lower the value etc.
Soulstone is in for mouseover << I'm sorry but I do not understand what you mean (read my signature,I use a translator)...... do you mean that your plugin can not handle the soulstone?
Hey Millz, is it possible to create a Shadowburn blacklist for some creatures in SoO that we can edit? Like adds during the Fallen Protectors or Spoils of Pandaria's Pandaren. They give us 0 embers back uppon death. It's a big DPS loss and a waste of embers when the routine chain 3 Shadowburn for nothing.
And a suggestion to implement a setting: Shadowburn under 20% and target has no shadowburn debuff active. This help alot on some fight when you risk to run out of embers if the target dies after the debuff drop and you dont have enough ember to reapply it.
is there a possibility to add a sb:ss with 10 stacks of wrath for this trinket: Black Blood of Y'Shaarj - Item - World of Warcraft ? If yes: how?
I was wondering if something was possible Millz. During Garrosh fight, people get mind need to do damage to them to break the MC....but you do not want to apply Immolate/Chaos Bolt. Would it be feasible to add a check for the mind control buff to make sure you only conflag/incinerate them?
How well does this perform in arenas (affli)?
please check this out
CodenameG says its not the bgbuddy botbase causing the problem
This is a good point but in some situation may not work because an option like this implies you have more than 1 possible target under 20% hp. Maybe a Shadowburn Hotkey is what we need. I'll give you some example:Yeah it's a nice idea, but means we'd potentially loose out on damage done / dps. An option would be to make it prefer units which don't have the shadowburn aura, but if none exist - then still cast anyway - thoughts ?
Normal/Heroic Immerseus
This guy is easy as damn troublesome for a good Destruction Warlock. He doesn't die then every last Shadowburn is wasted unless we are near the end of the fight (last reform phase). We want to keep our embers to burn them with F&B when he goes in Split Phase, if a bunch of Sha Puddle spawn close to each other and if not, we burn the boss with Chaosbolt when he reform. In Heroci Difficulty this method is crucial due to the Swelling Corruption mechanic during the main phase.
Normal/Heroic Fallen Protectors
Desperate Measures
Rook Stonetoe's: 3 adds appear (shared health in HC difficulties) Embodied Misery/Embodied Sorrow/Embodied GloomWarlock Cleave Situation: Havoc/Chaosbolt is fine but We don't want to use Shadowburn at all on them under 20% HP because they give us 0 embers back on death and we prefer to keep our embers for the next phase of the encounter.
Sun Tenderheart's: 2 adds appear. Embodied Despair/Embodied Desperation which in turn generate Despair Spawn/Desperation Spawn (Shared health with their master. All difficulties).Warlock Cleave/AoE Situation: F&B/Havoc/Chaosbolt is fine but We don't want to use Shadowburn at all on them under 20% HP because they give us 0 embers back on death and we prefer to keep our embers for the next phase of the encounter.
He Softfoot's: 1 add appears. Embodied AnguishWarlock Single Target/Cleave Situation: Havoc/Chaosbolt is fine but We don't want to use Shadowburn at all on him under 20% HP because he give us 0 embers back on death and we prefer to keep our embers for the next phase of the encounter.
Normal/Heroic Norushen (Amalgam of Corruption)
Everything is fine
Normal/Heroic Sha of Pride
Everything is fine
Normal/Heroic Galakras
This fight is amazing for Destruction Warlock if managed optimally. Run out of embers because we burned the last add of the wave X isn't good because we run the risk of having 0 embers to use F&B on the wave Y. In this fight would be appropriate to use Shadowburn only on targets that don't have the Shadowburn aura.
Normal/Heroic Iron Juggernaut
Everything is fine
Normal/Heroic Kor'Kron Dark Shaman
Everything is fine
Normal/Heroic General Nazgrim
Coming Soon
Normal/Heroic Malkorok
Everything is fine
Normal/Heroic Spoils of Pandaria
Ancient Brewmaster Spirit/Wise Mistweaver Spirit/Nameless Windwalker Spirit
Warlock Single Target/Cleave Situation: Havoc/Chaosbolt is fine but We don't want to use Shadowburn at all on them under 20% HP because they give us 0 embers back on death and we prefer to keep our embers until the next box will be opened
Normal/Heroic Thok
Everything is fine
Normal/Heroic Siegecrafter Blackfuse
Everything is fine
Normal/Heroic Paragons of the Klaxxy
The problem isnt the adds in this fight, the problem is every Paragon because when one of them die he gives us 0 embers back. We prefer to keep our embers for the next Paragon we want to burn down or use .
Normal Garrosh Hellscream (Heroic soon... I hope)
Everything is fine
Now I've had the opportunity to use this routine, its simply amazing. Thank you very much Millz
I do have 1 slight concern though.
With the routine being so damn good I am concerned that I may stand out too much from the rest and become almost superhuman in my playing.
For example I'm now level 72 and I've only being using this routine with Tyrael, I've just out dps'd same level warlocks, 2 of them in full heirlooms and me in levelling greens and blues. Now you could argue that they might have been bad players etc, but I'm concerned that I stood out too much in that instance as playing above what a player could play with that level of gear.
My question is, would it be possible to randomize aspects of the routine to almost turn you more into the average player? Instead of having crazy high uptime on your dots, make it so your more in line with other locks?
Almost have a button that "breaks" the routine so you perform worse, rather then constantly at the top of your game.
I may be overstating the problem and when I hit 90 I'm in fact just like the average player, but I worry easy.
Dont worry about it mate, just because you are un greens and they are in heirlooms doesnt make them automatically better than you in greens.
Just sit there and think "Yeah, im boss" haha