As I say, I'm sure if Blizzard were checking Addons, it would be PQInterface they'd go after, not mine.
Quote from a thread discussing that addon;
I'm 99.9% confident there's no risk in using it, but obviously that's down to your own discretion whether you wish to use it or not. I, personally, am using it.
*Edit* And back when Pirox bot was around, most of the bot ran from an in game addon flagging colors etc - and it was never detected from that.
Anyone know why when I use Tyrael and try do bg's and arenas, it doesnt attack and just stands there?
What plugins are you using?
I've noticed that I've got an issue with the combination of Tyreal/Millz/BrodiesPlugin and FrameLock.
If I am using Brodies I have to turn Framelock off in HB, but leave it on in Millz. If I'm over in Tyreal I can turn Framelock back on in HB and Tyreal and leave it in Millz.
I've noticed that when Brodies tries to take over movement to dodge mobs (like if you're farming in Timeless Isles and it tries to dodge the flame blasts, or move around the shield walls) that some combination of the frame lock settings will cause the whole thing to hard lock until I stop HB and turn Famelock off in HB then start back up.
Hello, I was wondering if it was possible to add options to your plugin please?? Example: Axe Toss (The Felguard hurls His weapon), Soulstone ??? Ty
Why cast immolate 2 times on singel target and AoE the cast Immolate Incinerate Immolate Incinerate etc
Im using the premium version which works flawlessly as Destro. I decided to try Affliction drain spec to see what it could do. I have Harvest life and the drain life glyph and Drain life is set 50% health. So far ive only seen it attempt to drain 2 times all while below 10% health, its pretty much worthless at this point. Is there any way to increase the priority of drain/harvest life?
Why is it casting Drain Life when i get below 70%? -_- i cant even do any dps in a raid with this!
A couple points, for what they're worth. The only time I've been banned in the last 2 years is during the 3 days when I was using the "Super Guild Invite" addon with HB. It was the only time I've EVER used an addon in conjunction with HB. Maybe a coincidence, maybe not. Second, the Pirox "ban wave heard 'round the world" was a direct result of their idiotic archaeology bot spamming digsite coordinates into the chat window.... or at least, that's the way I understood it.
My paranoia is at an all-time high right now with a friend just being banned 2 weeks ago for using the Questing bot, which I use almost daily. So, for me personally, the reward isn't worth the risk. It does look nice/convenient, though!
I'm using this as affliction for arena and rbgs/bgs. What should I have Enable AoE abilities set for for each? Currently it's at default 5.
Millz как сделать так чтобы при постоянном запуске конфига класса стоял всегда русский язык,а то не удобно его постоянно менять с английского на русский.
Then you need to tell me where that setting is cause i cant find it.
Plugins tend to not be made around performance, so pulsing a plugin can take just as long as the full combat routine takes to run. Disabling plugins in Tyrael is a good idea unless you need it active (i.e. for something like the Minify plugin).
Millz........What spec and talent build do you suggest for max dps in raids?
Finally got my lock at lv90...
No Felflame in destro singletarget while moving...
Yes it does, it just stops when mana gets too low, blizz wanted to keep destro from spamming it instead of incinerate so they upped the mana cost. If you have KJC, there is no reason to use fel flame, except in odd situations.