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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

А кто нибудь может поделиться оптимальными настройками рутины для pve рейдов желательно в картинках,пришлите в приват если не сложно.
А кто нибудь может поделиться оптимальными настройками рутины для pve рейдов желательно в картинках,пришлите в приват если не сложно.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/2kp37atcxvj67ee/Demonic - Test.xml
Суккубу не юзай. Собаку вместо неё на боях, где только 1 таргет. В остальных случаях только импа. Инфернал юзается на 8+ целей, а не на 2-3. Стражник ужаса юзается под героизм. Фэйсинг и таргетинг не включай. Аое 3-4 цели, чаще 3. 2 не ставь никогда.
I was testing out the free version of this routine but my warlock won't move. He buffs up and calls pet but it wont attack. I already reinstalled HB but the same problem happens :/
Any reason why? Regards!
Hy Millz,
ty for PM and explanation.
But i continue to have problems when start fight against bosses with large hit box.
As u can see in the log, from line
[11:18:55.140 N] [Demonic] [Casting: Curse of the Elements] [On: Tortos]
I start the fight in ranged distance but after 15 seconds i was waiting for Corruption and Agony.
When i came under Tortos the routine started normaly. This is a big problem for me. The same happen in Immerseus fight.
Noone have the same problem? Even with destro spec happen
If i can't stay in ranged distance i can't play :(


I was testing out the free version of this routine but my warlock won't move. He buffs up and calls pet but it wont attack. I already reinstalled HB but the same problem happens :/
Any reason why? Regards!

The free basic version doesn't come with movement.
I was testing out the free version of this routine but my warlock won't move. He buffs up and calls pet but it wont attack. I already reinstalled HB but the same problem happens :/
Any reason why? Regards!
The free basic version doesn't come with movement.

This ^

Hy Millz,
ty for PM and explanation.
But i continue to have problems when start fight against bosses with large hit box.
As u can see in the log, from line
[11:18:55.140 N] [Demonic] [Casting: Curse of the Elements] [On: Tortos]
I start the fight in ranged distance but after 15 seconds i was waiting for Corruption and Agony.
When i came under Tortos the routine started normaly. This is a big problem for me. The same happen in Immerseus fight.
Noone have the same problem? Even with destro spec happen
If i can't stay in ranged distance i can't play :(

There's no range checks in it for current target, I don't understand how you're having range issues. The only thing I can think of is the internal Honorbuddy method that the free version uses, SpellManager.CanCast - which determines if the spell can be cast on the target is returning false for the range.
There's no range checks in it for current target, I don't understand how you're having range issues. The only thing I can think of is the internal Honorbuddy method that the free version uses, SpellManager.CanCast - which determines if the spell can be cast on the target is returning false for the range.

So any suggest?
Not one that I'm allowed to post publicly :P
Millz --
I'm using the suggested talents/glyphs you linked me with your build. Could you attach your settings and aura list that you use, or would the old aura list be fine? Currently, I really don't have any of the best trinkets for warlocks. I'm still trying to get them. I have the LFR version (ilvl 502) of UVLS, which is really only good for demon spec, but it seems to work well enough for destruction as well. Not really sure if I have any of the BiS LFR gear for destruction, but I'm making what I have work as best as I can. I've tried to use the old settings .xml that you uploaded earlier in the thread, but each time I try to load it up it causes HB to crash. I opened to look for the comma issue you suggested to change, but I noticed that the .xml looks way different than I was expecting, so I'm not sure it'll work out. Anyway, would you mind attaching your settings file so that I can use it with the build you gave me?
Millz --
I'm using the suggested talents/glyphs you linked me with your build. Could you attach your settings and aura list that you use, or would the old aura list be fine? Currently, I really don't have any of the best trinkets for warlocks. I'm still trying to get them. I have the LFR version (ilvl 502) of UVLS, which is really only good for demon spec, but it seems to work well enough for destruction as well. Not really sure if I have any of the BiS LFR gear for destruction, but I'm making what I have work as best as I can. I've tried to use the old settings .xml that you uploaded earlier in the thread, but each time I try to load it up it causes HB to crash. I opened to look for the comma issue you suggested to change, but I noticed that the .xml looks way different than I was expecting, so I'm not sure it'll work out. Anyway, would you mind attaching your settings file so that I can use it with the build you gave me?

My current settings file for destro PvE; https://www.dropbox.com/s/1slgdb37d8kunbk/Destro PvE.xml

I toggle things with hotkeys constantly - i.e. facing, targeting, aoe - so if they're disabled make sure you enable/disable to your preference.

Aura List - load the default one that updates from SVN - it's what i'm using at the moment.

That UVLS trinket got nerfed into the ground, it's pretty poor for all specs now :(
Millz как правильно в дальнейшем настраивать по умолчанию список аур?
Its a combat routine, it needs to be combined with something like Tyrael or Combat bot for it to automatically attack.
I bought the premium version but my warlock still doesnt attack.
Any ideas?

As per the PM - Can you attach/send me a log file please?

Millz как правильно в дальнейшем настраивать по умолчанию список аур?

Just add a new line, and enter whichever aura you need to. The ID is the important part, so find the entry on wowhead.com and use the spell ID from there, then just select which tick boxes next to which spell you wish to cast.
hi. i have a problem that my toon wont cast incinerate when running. is it some setting or why i need to spam it my seft when running?