Fixed in the next revision... I missed the Mechanical check for demo and general users.1 problem, level 15 in westfall, keep casting drain life on the harvesters and there immune![]()
This one is a profile issue.another problem in westfall, when the bags are full it runs back to goldshire to empty
* HB 1.945 - WoW 3.3.5a *
- Removed GlobalCooldown check from waitWhileCasting() - This was causing issues in the new 3.3.5a patch...
- Added UseDrainSoulAsFinisher - Use this to force the caster to Drain Soul the mob to death, very useful for Imp. Drain Soul users - thank you Gilderoy
- Fixed Drain Life Mechanical mob check - Added check to Demo and General spell casts
- Added 3rd arguement to Target() - Target(string logPrefix, WoWUnit mob, bool WaitForTargetMatch)
this doesn't work and the default cc works like crap(after 2 shadow bolts it stops and the mob is killing me)
because searing pain pulls aggro of your voidwalker in 1/2 casts. btw i would like to see Sacrifice and Consume shadows added, so i dont have to implement them each new release![]()
also it doesnt create / use healthstones, and always summons imp and not void walker![]()
getting the following errors (see attached log)
it pretty much just sits there spamming me with errors and doesn't do anything!!!
Hi ski,
My guy just lifetaps like it's his job.... from 14K all the way down to 300 about.... every 3-4 fulls, not sure how to fix this?? Attach is log.