* 1.94 Update - WoW 3.3.5 *
- Added MoveToUnit(WoWUnit mob, float distanceFrom)
- Replaced all ClickToMove()s with MoveToUnit()
- Removed surplus comma's in ID listings
- Combat(): Added Battleground check for combatAdds() call - this should make the bot single target DPS players correctly in battlegrounds
- Target(): Decreased Sleep time from 200 -> 100... more sleeps, but quicker checking
r52 (ski)
- Changed SingleRotation from 1 iteration to 3 iterations per add in combatAdds, it was just casting once then switching to the next, this way it will do a few dots or spells before switching at lower levels
* Low Level Update *
- Added variable: bool fightAddsCanAOE
- Initialize(): Changed fightAdds AOE check to disable fightAddsCanAOE if there are no viable AOE spells
- combatAdds(): Added fightAddsCanAOE check - can now either AOE or single target DPS adds (when you dont have AOE)