I would LOVE some example FULL setups of both this CC for each talent spec AND both the Talents Used AND Glyphs Used, for the paid version.
I find this CC is lackluster, not due to the CC, but the lack of knowledge of how best to set it up. Examples of builds/talents/glyphs should be a no brainer for all CC's in my opinion. This isn't a flame lol, I use all Tuahns CC's, esp his pally for end game Raid Healing (Always, ALWAYS #1) but it took me a true week to figure out the best settings for that.
I haven't played a rogue since BC, alot has changed, and it seems a little crazy that ALL the boxes are checked in the CC from the get go with very little explanation. As for the examples that are posted they, at least in my experience lead to horrible performance and DPS. Just looking to get the most out of all your work.
Thanks man