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TuanHA Rogue - The Ultimate Experience

I'm not sure Tuanha, but I don't see the reason for Kidney Shot someone out of burst mode. I'm aware of the fact rogues need to stunlock rather than do pure damage, but a timed kidney shot while dancing (or better: an instant BEFORE) is far more better imho; I personally don't want to have kidney shot on cooldown while dancing.

My go for a good opener (according to the arena junkies article you posted) would be: garrote/cheap shot with shadowblades up, using subterfuge to make a mini-shadowdance effect and to apply pressure on the opponent at the very beginning (it's not the actual burst but it might lead someone to pop some defensive CD), keep it up with backstab and eviscerate/rupture, then Kidney shot and push with the real dance with a fair amount of energy (I want to be able to push 2 ambushes) when I'm quite sure I can land the kill. At that point I want to make sure I can rely on kidney shot. If I'm confident enough and I could put the guy in bad shape, I could even dance after subterfuge on the opener and, in that case, I would shadoblade while dancing in order to have the maxium burst potential I can. In either case, having a nice kidney shot while bursting is pretty much mandatory I think. You'll never be able to kill outside SD (at least you're lucky enough with the help of your partner); what you can do is set everything up to dance effectively afterwards, wich means most of the time "end of the line, pal". As sub, seeing your dancing getting screwed up is damn frustrating and that's exactly what your opponents want.

Ok, you're not that good out of SD. But if you pool your energy to 100% or so, kidney shot and dancing with Mark, man, a few can whitstand what you're about to do. You can even vanish offensively and SD two times!

That said, it's good to land a KS and then trick your partner, but that should be while pooling energy and waiting for your dance to reset, if for some reason you weren't able to kill the target.

Expecially with this patch, sub rogues gives that kind of "make it or break it" feel. But in generall, I think Blizz have been translating The Rogue image very well in terms of mechanics: wait for the right moment, find the weakness, then do the job.

I'll repost the article if someone wants to have a look at it. I think it's great.

Sub 5.4 Mini Guide to Damage or Why do I hit like a wet noodle? - Rogue - Arena Junkies

What's your thoughts?
CR causing Wow-client freeze and DC

Running DungeonBuddy, upon vanishing for what I can only assume to be defensive reasons, wow freeze up and only upon stopping HB I can then again do anything to the WoW-client. In the meantime, my character has been kicked ofline.

View attachment 9084 2013-10-18 16.51.txt

Hello, I am trying to Quest with my rogue at level 47 but my rogue isn't moving to the mob nor attacking it. He does target an enemy but thats it... He just stands there. Does anyone know whats wrong? All settings are currently set aswell plugins with the right settings: Anti drown, autoEquip2 (set as dual wield and the right weapons, Questhelper - ItemForAura, Refreshment Detection and Talented2 (set as Combat). I use both Singular and Tuanha... Anyone know what it is?

Are you sure the option Auto Enter Combat is checked in class configuration?
Does anyone else have an issue where it spam applies your lethal poison at every second the bot isn't moving?
when i use paralytic poison my rogue stops attacking when they are paralized and waits for them to start attaking me again. any way to keep attacking while opponent is paralized?
Thank you.
CC works much better now!
I can finally start playing my rogue again using special edition.

Will do PVP only, do you recommend sub or assas for PVP? (arena + rbg)

Does targetting has to be on in arena? For blinding healers when x target can be killed etc? that's a very nice feature..or can targeting be off? plz explain

Targeting on/off doesn't mater.

As long as your target below x percent and CR find a healer around (within 15 yard range) it will blind him.
So, nobody else has an issue where it never applies the non-lethal poison, just spam reapplies lethal? I've tried 3 fresh installs, normal client beta client addons no addons, I'm running out of ideas.
I'm still having issues where it reapplies deadly poison at every possible moment, I've run out of ideas how to fix it. The only thing in the logs I see that might point to the problem is "40:593 HP: 100% Energy: 43 + CP: 0 Lvl 90 Alliance Rogue 0y 100% hp Deadly Poison (Wound Poison) " I think maybe it thinks I have wound poison on so it keeps reapplying deadly?
I'm still having issues where it reapplies deadly poison at every possible moment, I've run out of ideas how to fix it. The only thing in the logs I see that might point to the problem is "40:593 HP: 100% Energy: 43 + CP: 0 Lvl 90 Alliance Rogue 0y 100% hp Deadly Poison (Wound Poison) " I think maybe it thinks I have wound poison on so it keeps reapplying deadly?
Please give me log and more detail of this bug. Like what your level, what your situation...

So basically there a mess in Deadly - Would Poison or something? I'll find and fix it.
Level 90 Alliance rogue running a questing profile for grinding. Log should be attached, I noticed that the "40:382 HP: 99% Energy: 120 + CP: 0 Lvl 90 Alliance Rogue 0y 99% hp Deadly Poison (Wound Poison) " Line posted, it started to apply deadly poison and then interrupted it to loot a mob, and as soon as looting was done it posted it again and tried to apply deadly poison even though it had 59 minutes remaining.


so how do I get the Non public release version?

dont see that info anywhere