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TuanHA Rogue - The Ultimate Experience

Rotation times, now are really OP, congrats for work tuanha, really, but like buddys says, stealth needs an urgent fix, I need to disable mounts, if not in BG begin to mount and enter stealth all time like a retard and its really dangerous care with that, its really risky

Thanks Tuanha <3
Rotation times, now are really OP, congrats for work tuanha, really, but like buddys says, stealth needs an urgent fix, I need to disable mounts, if not in BG begin to mount and enter stealth all time like a retard and its really dangerous care with that, its really risky

Thanks Tuanha <3
It's a revision 1 so few bug still there.

I'm fixing and testing, hope I can update new version soon.

Edit: Fixed in Rev 2.

Preemptive Cloak of Shadow on incoming fear/mortal coil/sheep/deep freeze, is still under development. I'm adding auto return/pickup flag in WSG, TP, EotS too.. these are must needed feature for rogues.

Could you PLEASE add in a World PVP setup for this? It would be extremely helpful, especially with BLOODY COIN farming going on on Timeless Isle right now! :)
The free version of the first page, works perfectly... just its not good for rating bg, arenas, raid (if you wanna be on top) , but for leveling, bgs, grind etc. founds perfectly, I finish 2 days ago to level another rogue, 1-90
with that routine, and I take about 5000-6000 honor on BGBuddy with that without problems, now I have the special, and I can say you its the same than free right now :S of course when special get the rev.50 (we are waiting for it since tuesday) it will be better, but like I say to do "Normal things", free version works perfectly, tested by me the last 2 weeks using it.

Thanks Qual! I'm having a bit of problems with it but glad that you are saying it is a working version. Will try to see what I am doing wrong. That said, is it just for PvP, because I am using it for PvE and maybe that is my problem.

Mr. TuanHa:

Where do I find out about paid version and how much that is please?

Added 2 crucial feature to Rogue:

Auto Return/Pickup flag, this single spell can make big the difference in RBG. Rogue is a very good Flag Carrier now because of Burst of Speed, Feint and this will make your rogue more viable/love in your team.

Add auto Cloak of Shadows on Incoming Crowd Control. The success rate depend greatly on your latency. If you latency < enemy latency, it usually success.
These are the list of incoming spell that Rogue can cloak with option Class Config > Advanced Settings > Cloak of Shadow Incoming Crowd Control Enabled.

private static readonly HashSet<int> PreEmptiveCloakHS = new HashSet<int>
105421, //-- Blinding Light
44572, //-- Deep Freeze
31661, //-- Dragon's Breath
105593, //-- Fist of Justice
853, //-- Hammer of Justice
88625, //-- Holy Word: Chastise
126246, //-- Lullaby
6789, //-- Mortal Coil
64044, //-- Psychic Horror
115001, //-- Remorseless Winter
33786, //-- Cyclone
605, //-- Dominate Mind
5782, //-- Fear
51514, //-- Hex
115268, //-- Mesmerize
118, //-- Polymorph
61305, //-- Polymorph (Black Cat)
28272, //-- Polymorph (Pig)
61025, //-- Polymorph (Serpent)
28271, //-- Polymorph (Turtle)
113792, //-- Psychic Terror
20066, //-- Repentance
113724, //-- Ring of Frost
//1513, //-- Scare Beast
6358, //-- Seduction
//9484, //-- Shackle Undead
19386, //-- Wyvern Sting

private static readonly HashSet<int> PreEmptiveCloaknoTargetHS = new HashSet<int>
5484, //-- Howl of Terror
8122, //-- Psychic Scream

Please svn update and enjoy.
First, Why is there no bandage option??? lol

So I have a couple more questions about the CC setup. It is confusing to me simply because it almost looks like you just enable almost everything for the various defaults. I would assume certain things should be turned off, I guess just a more in depth guide for the paid customers and some up to date PVP, PVE Talent AND Glyph settings. As it stands now the spec choices are not very well explained.

TUANHA you are a god! Flag pickup/return is AMAZING! Saved us from losing rbg's SOOOOO MANY TIMES!
Just got your SE and I'm loving it however for some reason the "smoke bomb enemy below" option is grayed out. Thanks again tuanha
keeps opening with cheap shot instead of garrote against healers

edit- should note that I'm using shadow focus
Can you please explain more? I know opener can tweak a little better but I play competitive rbg and I usually open manually. Vs caster/healer I almost always start with garrote.
First, Why is there no bandage option??? lol

So I have a couple more questions about the CC setup. It is confusing to me simply because it almost looks like you just enable almost everything for the various defaults. I would assume certain things should be turned off, I guess just a more in depth guide for the paid customers and some up to date PVP, PVE Talent AND Glyph settings. As it stands now the spec choices are not very well explained.

Well I think most option are self explanatory like no kidney shot in PvE... When I have time I may write a guide but most question about rogue mechanic can be found everywhere on the internet
PvE: Icy Veins - Combat Rogue DPS Guide (WoW MoP 5.4) - Icy Veins
PvP: Arena Junkies - Sub 5.4 Mini Guide to Damage or Why do I hit like a wet noodle? - Rogue - Arena Junkies
Just got your SE and I'm loving it however for some reason the "smoke bomb enemy below" option is grayed out. Thanks again tuanha
The logic behind smoke bomb and blind not coded. Most competitive PvP player prefer use it manually.