Im tired of combat rogue, so what you recommend me for up to 2k in 2v2 , assasin or sub?
Sub still the way to PvP
Better don't let burst auto activated at 70% by default. Burst is institutional depend greatly on too many factor and better you do it by yourself.So amazing guide Tuanha, thank you, another thing, with combat on arenas on routine, I always select Control + R to do the burst when I want not at 70% , in sub what is the best config of routine? just press arena button and let all settings by default, or its better change anything?
Tuanha, is the public version updated? I try updating SVN and it still says revision 1.
It auto activate when you enter burst modeHi man, i have a little problem with the routine. Everything works fine except the use of racials. Auto Racial is checked in the setting panel but i have to use it manually. (I'm an pve orc rogue)
Better don't let burst auto activated at 70% by default. Burst is institutional depend greatly on too many factor and better you do it by yourself.
When I play competitive PvP, I set use burst "When Using Offensive Cooldown".
So whenever I manual activate Shadow Dance/Killing Spree/Vendeta (I macro control + R), CR will burn all available cooldown to kill.
If you want to interrupt healer only, set him on focus and set Interrupt to Focus.Okey Tuanha, Thanks again xD , I?ll bind shadow dance at hotkey, and try the "when using offensive cd" option, and now the last question (sorry 4 bother :$) , when I?m on arenas, I load arena config, and in arena config says in general tab "Interrupt = ALL" , then why when im on arenas vs DPS And healer, and me and my partner are focusing the dps, never cast a gouge or blind or something in to healer to fack him the cast? I need to change the target manually (Of course I talking about the healer its on range, but idk, dont do nothing with him) , maybe if I set the "Auto target option" CR will detect when the healer is casting trash and jump into him with Shadow step or something to make CC or interrupt the casts ?
if i start honorbuddy and select ur rogue cr pro edition and clicked login my bot stoped and i have to restart it via task manager pls help
Yes its updated for 5.4 , more than 11 revs now on 5.4 , Tuanha is working hard on rogue now![]()
About pve spec, and 90% depends on your gear, not only the pieces, the enchants and the gems, for example if youre going to haste cap then you will found better on combat, if ure targetting mastery, then you go better on poisons (mutilate build) .. same with sub, you can choose , for me the best right now on pve its mutilate, on general PvP Sub, and in arenas 2v2 with another nice dps, combat cause the super burst of KS combo.
You have two options tuanha. Remove the DRM bullshit from the CR or actually have working servers to authenticate. Failure to respect your customers and I will make sure to distribute this CR for free to the community. Fuck with me.