TuanHA, can you make the routine prioritize Healing Tonic over Healthstone?
Dont pick up heathstone?
Tested it yesterday again on BRF hc - RANKINGS RANKINGS RANKINGS!!!!!!!!!!!
i love it and my healfriends (Disc, druid, holypala) HATE ME!!!!
thank u Tuanha
Do u still play with the same settings / talents that u posting before ?
Thank, I'll test and find out what wrong, on Non-AFK botbase, it should not override user manual target...
So maybe im just not doing it right, but I tried your settings and I was getting about 29k on heroic Imp. Then I put in my own settings and was getting about 39k. and I am 675 ilvl.I use this settings - i do a lot on my own because hc/myth needs it.
NEVER target a player with this settings, if your mana is not good so make HolyRadiance changes (6players<60%HP) - NOT the scrollbar, let it be on 20!
Talentrechner - Spiel - World of Warcraft
I am a 572 holypala and ranked very often now
Kromog was working on wednesday
Just wanted to post an update that the routine is correctly weaving divine protection with seraphim. Just tested it!