Thanks, I appreciate the help you're offering for me to become a better tank. Unfortunately, I'm afraid you took my post out of context and did not see the many other back-and-forth posts.
I am not proposing that the routine know what I should target and do it for me. I am proposing that when I do not have a target, and I am in combat, "auto target" should automatically and instantly target the next closest thing to me within a certain range. This would shave a few fractions of a second off me tab targeting or clicking the nameplate of the next target I want to attack, and in turn, improve my DPS.
This is how every other routine works. If I manually select a different target, it should keep it. It should not choose to untarget what I targeted and target something else. Whether I'm a tank, DPS, or healer, if I am using a non-afk botbase, and I target something, it should keep it. There is no reason that "most people are targeting this other mob" should switch your targets for you on a non-afk botbase.
I've given up trying to get the logic of auto target changed, but if people like you continue to respond to my posts then I feel compelled to set the record straight on what my actual request is. I don't think it is unreasonable.