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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

Tuanha, Pleaseeeee can you add a feature where as HPally, it won't use holy prism out of combat... If I leave it on, it will keep pulling bosses and stuff hahaha. I would appreciate this SO much !!

EDIT: I'm retarded... Simply set "Holy Prism Enemy HP Below: 99%" which will only use Holy prism when the boss is at 99% or below... solving my issue :)
Tuanha, Pleaseeeee can you add a feature where as HPally, it won't use holy prism out of combat... If I leave it on, it will keep pulling bosses and stuff hahaha. I would appreciate this SO much !!

Can you tell me how this Holy Paladin routine perform ? (talking about the premium one)

Using the new free Oracle routine, but it has some flaws (i think).

How is Tuanha's holy paladin ?
I'm using the special edition, and I can't regard it any higher than I do. It performs for me as a heroic raider absolutely perfectly. With customising to your needs, such as healing cds, when certain heals are used etc. you can fine tune it to fit any encounter. It handles all talents flawlessly, especially when switching from EF to Selfless healer, it automatically starts rotating judgements and predicting faster cast times from its proc.

I would recommend buying the full version as it gives you some extra logic and functionality. PM me if you want to know my settings for any encounters or anything like that.

-- I am currently raiding up to Heroic Thok in both 10 and 25 man using this routine... Shhhhh my guild doesn't know!

EDIT: One issue that you do have to handle is in some situations, you need to SAC or BOP someone, and without Manual Cast detection on, it can be hard to fight the spam of the bot. (I leave Manual Cast Detection off because my push-to-talk button on vent triggers it... meaning no healing will get done when I talk... would be great if TuanHa added a white-list of keys that would not set off Manual Cast Detection <3). To handle that kinda of situation, I just pause the bot really fast, cast whatever I have to, and quickly resume... not too much of a problem :)
Hey, I noticed that after I updated Tortoise SVN I can no longer update the CR. It says that the up-loader needs to update it to the new version or something of that sort.
i see a lot of people with problem on proving ground as holy paladin.
if someone think it's usefull i can make a guide for reach 30 wave.
it's only to help people to become ranked with HB and TuanHA routines.
ps : i'm not english native sry

Yea that would be great. My tank dies on 3-4 wave of gold.
Howdy! I started using the newest update last night. I deleted my old folder and installed the newest version and updated the SVN.

Now that that's out of the way. I am spec'd for Executioners Sentence and whenever I select a friendly target (someone in my raid) it casts it on them. Mind you I am Ret spec and have it disable for healing friendlys.

Another problem I am having is a bit more specific. On the Garrosh encounter whenever one of my raid members gets empowered mc'd the CC doesn't try to interrupt or kill the mc at all. Anyone else having this problem? Any fix for either of these problems??
Hi Tuanha,

Top notch routine and I'm interested in buying all your private routines but I have a question regarding this one.
Is there any way to stop the eternal flame blanket spam ? Basically it's spamming it everywhere all the time for exemple when you are in the WSG starting point before match starts, the routine is spamming for 1,5 minutes the eternal flame.
This happens on Tyrael and on PVP Helper settings. (HOLY spec)

Hello Tuanha,

I've tried to recover my password from your site numerous times without success (the new website, not the old). It will not send a recovery email to me and yes I have checked the junk/spam folder. I've sent you a couple PM's and emails over the last few weeks to trying to get a password reset but haven't heard from you. Can you please respond when you can?

would be great if TuanHa added a white-list of keys that would not set off Manual Cast Detection <3). To handle that kinda of situation, I just pause the bot really fast, cast whatever I have to, and quickly resume... not too much of a problem :)

I too think a whitelist could be beneficial.

Also, could we get an option to auto-cast Hand of Sacrifice on nearest friendly if someone is casting poly/seduction/mesmerize on the holy pally (ideally, this could be set with a friendly's HP threshold)? I often spam my HoS macro when a hunter has me in his sights or a mage is poly'ing me, but can't seem to slip the cast in... even with pause on manual key-press set to 100+.
hey I updated this and for some reason says [Special Edition OLD Version 5.3[ how come its not updated for 5.4?? :(
So I raid heroic SoO with my guild, 25 man. I used to be THE top healer, period. Now a priest kills me at the same ilvl (565 w/4 piece). So I'm not expecting to beat every healer, but I AM curious as to what settings are best now for 10/25 end game raiding?

I currently still use EF Blanketing, though from what I understand this is no longer optimal since EF no longer triggers Illuminated Healing. It still really performs well though. Your Glyph settings on the recommended PVE Holy are completely wrong as well, please let me know other than Beacon what majors you recommend. I use Beacon, the new H of SaC, and Prot of the Innocent.

Does the current build support the t16 Bonus for Holy, I saw it was added for ret but how about Holy?

And lastly, here is my build. Does this still seem appropriate to you or should I be dropping the haste and/or EF Blanketing?

ILvl 565 w/T16 4 Set
Stat	Buffed	UnBuffed
Intel	28715	25982
Stamina	37596	34179
Spirit	15000	15000     Hard Capped, otherwise over 21K...
Mastery	38.11%	31.39%
SellP	45701	38813
Crit	21.11%	15.03%
Haste	45.04%	38.13%     Capped at 10867 for +5 Ticks of EF

Thanks for any in site you can provide, Ironically I heal Malkrok just fine, dunno what other folks problem is.

How is this for healing? I haven't played my pally since BC at level 20. Now he is 45 and climbing. I plan to have a pocket healer and a healer for LFR and such.
Dont know why but till this day sometimes it happens. That when i pause the bot using tyrael and un pause it during tanking the boss. The rotation completly stops and sometimes everything works except for shield of righteous. So confusion and annoying. Only way to fix it is restarting the bot again. Everything is updated for me.
Is there a option to disable the pre-combat holy power stacking? Imho in raidfinder when waiting for tanks it gives away it's a bot..
Is there a option to disable the pre-combat holy power stacking? Imho in raidfinder when waiting for tanks it gives away it's a bot..
Pause your botbase until right before the pull. That having said, stacking HP is not a bad thing?
Sorry if this is incredibly stupid but what Bot Mode do you use for arena? It seems like it only works 50% of the time.
I've been using successfully for several months se version.
I Here are some points you are improving.
1. I think if there is an option to use only tanker in hands of sacrifice.
2. I think that if there is a hot key that can be converted into aoe mode.
3. I am happy to be able to define the spell that need to be always interrupt raid.

Sorry I could not play well in English, and updates please stable.(specially raid dungeon)