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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

i see a lot of people with problem on proving ground as holy paladin.
if someone think it's usefull i can make a guide for reach 30 wave.
it's only to help people to become ranked with HB and TuanHA routines.
ps : i'm not english native sry
Hey Tuanha, would it be possible to give Holy the option to use Hand of Salvation on any DPS with high threat levels? Thanks!
Is it possible to make this heal the Celestial Defender on the Thunder Forge legendary step?
Hello TuanHa!

One Question,does this CC Support t16 4 pieces? The Divine Storm Procc
Hello TuanHa!

One Question,does this CC Support t16 4 pieces? The Divine Storm Procc
Hi, can you please send me a link on the T16 set bonus? I'm sorry my Ret don't have that set to code.
Hi, can you please send me a link on the T16 set bonus? I'm sorry my Ret don't have that set to code.

This is the T16 4 pieces Set Bonus : Item - Paladin T16 Retribution 4P Bonus - Spell - World of Warcraft

Your Divine Storm have a chance to Procc and than you can use DS for free and it deals 50% more Dmg.

After numerous calculations, the spell should then be used as soon as possible, even before the Templar Verdict.

I hope it helped you.

If my English is not perfect, do not be surprised I'm from Germany;)
Hey, i've been usin the free version for a while in PvPand its very very nice, great job!
Now i'm thinking about to donate for the special edition, so what are the advantages from the special edition? Does it boost my heal in Pvp or could i get perfect Settings?

Nice regards
How can I disable interrupts/Dispells? What else do you recommend to disable in order to not be detected? I read lot of people get caught because of super fast interrupts/Dispels...I can do that manually and generally don't mind to have less performance for more safety
Hello, TuanHa !
Can i heal my raid on Malkorok with your routines ?
Please C:
nope,at default setting this routine is underperforming on malkorok.(i have special edition)
few pages back somebody posted great setting for malk. but still i prefer to heal it on my own.
How can I disable interrupts/Dispells? What else do you recommend to disable in order to not be detected? I read lot of people get caught because of super fast interrupts/Dispels...I can do that manually and generally don't mind to have less performance for more safety

Set the MS to 750 or less. Sometimes it'll miss but it'll look more human.
First off, great routine! Like it alot!

But, i cant seem to get it to use Avenging and other cooldowns at all, not cooldown, onboss etc.
I want it to pop it all the time :) Is this possible? (Been using Singular and it uses them on CD like i want to but that CR is so slow executing stuff :/)

Any ideas? :)
Hey, i've been usin the free version for a while in PvPand its very very nice, great job!
Now i'm thinking about to donate for the special edition, so what are the advantages from the special edition? Does it boost my heal in Pvp or could i get perfect Settings?

Nice regards
There's option to disable interrupt/dispel completely. There also option to set a delay (only interrupt when the cast have X millisecond left) in the interrupt part.

Please look for it in the General Tab (for interrupt) and Holy Tab (for dispel)
Tuanha hi!

I found one problem associated with a profile for paladins! When a character is trying to interact with NPCs, it makes a lot of clicks on it (3-4 per second), but the dialogue does not start. This problem occurs only when you turn on your profile. When using the singular, no such: (The logs empty.
Tested on 3 computers.


Hi Tuanha,

I have the premium cc and i just found 1 problem with it which happens some times. When i stop the cc using tyrael hot key and resume it back. The cc in prot spec some times doesnt use shield of the righteous, the only way i gt it working again is restarting honor buddy. Mind you this doesnt happen every but sometimes like 1 in 5 times. Really odd
I tried soloing old raids and it seems that the cc "thinks" it is on a raid group with healers and does not prioritize survival over DPS. I was sitting for long time under 50% and did not used WoG nor Flash light. It does only use Sacred Shield and when I go pretty low it might use Lay on Hands. Is it possible to configure it to prioritize survival over DPS when I enter a raid? Thanks