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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

Ok guys, new HB is up and new revision is already there to serve you!

New Hotkey Setting Changer!
New Auto Stop Casting on incoming interrupt! (hidden feature, auto activate in PvP)
New Auto Set Focus
New Auto Pickup/Return Flag
New Attack out of Combat
New Print Notification to WoW Chat Log (ie Hotkey Profile Loaded, Burst Mode On/Off, Pause Mode On/Off show on WoW Screen)
Improve Denounce logic
Improve Protection hold agro and Taunt logic
Minor bug fix and improvement

Please update to revision 81 and enjoy

Thanks for the update, just a quick question how does light of dawn work. Do i need to make sure im facing most of the group or is it able to do that automaticly?
hey tuanha, i wanna give a small suggestion to you, if you make auto beacon to tanks only option it will be awesome for tank healing only ty
Anyone else noticing a drop in HPS with special edition Holy?
Dropped from 90k to about 40-50k.
hey tuanha, i wanna give a small suggestion to you, if you make auto beacon to tanks only option it will be awesome for tank healing only ty
i was also thinking about this some time ago but the CC uses some smart logic to beacon players with DoT debuffs so not sure if this is a good idea. maybe make option for tanks+ppl with DoT debuffs?
i was also thinking about this some time ago but the CC uses some smart logic to beacon players with DoT debuffs so not sure if this is a good idea. maybe make option for tanks+ppl with DoT debuffs?

I do agree added Beacon of Light options would be a great addition to this CR. As holy paladin, I'm often asked to keep a "special eye" on the tanks and beacon swapping to low dps, whereas might be an increase to hps, it doesn't necessarily reflect the responsibilities of a holy paladin. Swapping beacon from tank to off tank only option would be ideal for me, along with the current option.
maybe its hb related, got problems with many cc?s singular / pure and tuans which worked flawless before 5.42 / hb 708/443 was released.

what helped me a lot where running wow with a higher priorty (change it after wow is started if you use the launcher) or if you have renamed the wow64.exe add /abovenormal to the shortcut which points to the wow.exe ( ...\WoW\Wow.exe /abovenormal )
I do agree added Beacon of Light options would be a great addition to this CR. As holy paladin, I'm often asked to keep a "special eye" on the tanks and beacon swapping to low dps, whereas might be an increase to hps, it doesn't necessarily reflect the responsibilities of a holy paladin. Swapping beacon from tank to off tank only option would be ideal for me, along with the current option.

With a Holy Paladin as my main character, i believe that if you want to use the BoL only on tanks/offtank, you can just turn off "Auto Beacon" on the CR and use it by yourself (with or w/o the glyph).

Stop being that lazy and push at least one buttom. The routine is great as it is, i get the same healing done (and HPS) than the others healers on my core and i have 20 ilvl less then they have it.

P.S.: routine will ALWAYS check your target health first, when your focus, then yours, then party. So keep your tank on target, off-tank on focus and you will make then have priority over others.
I use premium Tuanha bot for 5 different classes I've noticed across those classes that HPS/DPS/Tanking has gone to shit since the update.. The bot just seems to be running sooo slow even with Framelock on at 30/60/maxxed I think it's the bot at this point, HB needs to tweak it or whatever, but its not fit for Raiding or Arenas at this point.
Hi Antaronra,
Please visite my website, and take a lootk at the end of installation guide for people using pr0xy
got the same problem


when i visit your site -> Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error

and i have configured my pc to direct connect to your login server
Hi Tuanha,

Is your site down? "Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error"

And the authentication-server as well, perhaps?
I can't logon anymore. "Invalid Username or Password"
Hi Tuanha,

Is your site down? "Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error"

And the authentication-server as well, perhaps?
I can't logon anymore. "Invalid Username or Password"

Have the same problem. Can't log or visit the site without error