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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

If you think the public version of this is good.... the premium is fkn awesome. well done sir!
what is the URL for the repository to checkout with SVN? I dont understand. On the OP it has directions but it has no link. it just says it's the public one.
what is the URL for the repository to checkout with SVN? I dont understand. On the OP it has directions but it has no link. it just says it's the public one.

Coz you don't need one. The public release zip file already has the SVN structure in it. Just right-click the unzipped CR folder and SVN Update.
Protection -
Keeping EF Blanket on yourself (like Holy CRs raid EF blanket) with 5 stacks of Bastion of Glory.

It's currently supposed to be better than SS.
Protection -
Keeping EF Blanket on yourself (like Holy CRs raid EF blanket) with 5 stacks of Bastion of Glory.

It's currently supposed to be better than SS.
The setting on version updated 1 month work like this

The setting mean Word of Glory/Eternal Flame Me if Holy Power = X and my HP < Y

It doesn't count 5 stacks of Bastion of Glory, let me find way to improve it.

Thank for the suggestion Unde
Is there a way to make it use the 4 piece Ret/Prot bonuses for this set?

The retribution buff is called "Divine Crusader"

Also I would still love if someone could post their gear/avg dmg/and current CR Settings so I can ensure mine is performing as best it can in a 10man heroic setting. Thanks!
Suggestion 2:
Holy (PvP) -
Cleanse Important Debuff Immediately

Well this is more of a question than a suggestion. Is it possible to prioritize some CC's over others? Like a Fear or Polymorph would be prioritized over Frost Novas would be great. When I do BGs I find it dispelling Frost Nova on me rather then the 7 second Fear on a teammate.

Thanks again!'

Edit: Prioritize Healers first too! :D
Suggestion 2:
Holy (PvP) -
Cleanse Important Debuff Immediately

Well this is more of a question than a suggestion. Is it possible to prioritize some CC's over others? Like a Fear or Polymorph would be prioritized over Frost Novas would be great. When I do BGs I find it dispelling Frost Nova on me rather then the 7 second Fear on a teammate.

Thanks again!
The reason it dispel your root > your friend fear is to avoid a frost nova + ring of frost combo or a pet root + trap combo.

I think and tested and conclude that dispel yourself in these scenario is almost better than dispel your team mate.

A feared dps can be healed/dispel later. A frozen healer in ring of frost or trap = disaster :D
Tuanha: Any reason why you deleted all of the presets in the latest SVN update. Some of them were quite good, such as the Holy BG preset.
Tuanha: Any reason why you deleted all of the presets in the latest SVN update. Some of them were quite good, such as the Holy BG preset.
It will be back soon once I got the Auto Manual Cast Detection coded into the CR. Currently it conflict if people don't set the keybind correctly.

Just give me a few hour more (the code was on DK, Hunter, Shaman) so it do not need days :D
  • Improved Logic on Manual Cast Detection
  • Movement Keys Override removed, it's Auto and no longer needed.
  • Add "Touch of Y'Shaarj" and "Empowered Touch of Y'Shaarj" to enemy list.
  • TuanHA Settings are back, it now compatible with any keybind.
Hi Tuanha. Is the CR configured for the healing parts on Malkorok?

I'm 550 ilevel holy pally and I find the CR underperforming on this fight when all the others im finishing with over 100k hps
Hi Tuanha. Is the CR configured for the healing parts on Malkorok?

I'm 550 ilevel holy pally and I find the CR underperforming on this fight when all the others im finishing with over 100k hps

Hi Tuanha, I'm very curious on this also, as I noticed the CR not healing when the raid starts when everyone is full.... But then it starts blasting heals when someone gets hit and focuses all healing on that one individual. Is the CR logic not set for the Malkorok encounter?
Hi Tuanha. Is the CR configured for the healing parts on Malkorok?

I'm 550 ilevel holy pally and I find the CR underperforming on this fight when all the others im finishing with over 100k hps

I suggest turning Holy Radiance to Hp/Unit of 1/99 and Light of Dawn to Hp/Unit of 1/99 while turning off every other healing spell.

Talents: Speed of Light, (optional tier 2), Selfless Healer, Clemency and Divine Purpose.

Tier 6:
Use Light's Hammer if your raid has more than 5 melee (2 tanks + 4 or more melee DPS) and Holy Prism if you have only 2 tanks and 3 melee DPS.

Keep Beacon on whomever is tanking.

Glyphs: Hand of Sacrifice, Avenging Wrath and Battle Healer. These are completely optional but I just prefer these talents to maximize and offhealing I can do.

I don't think the CR is configured for Malk but this seems to provide the best results. I do prefer to heal it personally though.
hey tuanha noticed most of your newer CRs all have auto pick up/return flag and auto set focus on them in the Special edition but this one doesnt. which id like to see as a melee. any thought about adding those features onto this CR as well?
I've just levelled my very first ever Paladin from level 1-90, and it has proven to be the most efficient levelling experience I have ever encountered using Honorbuddy. It's been fast, fluid, barely any deaths (even to other players) and that's with only the three heirlooms you get from Guild Vendor and nothing else.

After reaching level 90 I decided to re-spec from Retribution into Protection + Holy as I'd want to start experimenting with tanking and have healing as off-spec on this character thus making Protection my Honorbuddy "grinding" build of this character. I had a bunch of Timeless Isle pieces ready to go so my character got instantly boosted to item level 492 with my One-Hand Mace and Shield holding it back (463 + 476) which is half decent before starting to play around with tanking, and starting to farm Timeless Isle for some Burden of Eternity, or at least so I thought.

I'm starting to suspect something is off with my Paladin DPS-wise, I guess one can't expect the DPS of a tanking spec to be as fluid and effective as DPS specs and whatnot but with 492 gear on a Paladin with such a awesome combat routine I at least expected it be almost as effective, especially as my friend got his Brewmaster Monk with 486 or something gear and it's doing way, way better compared to my Protection Paladin and you can't even start comparing to how Windwalker Monk with 476+ is doing, it's killing things at least 4-5 times as fast as my Protection Paladin is currently on Timeless Isle.

But as I have no clue on what to expect from Protection Paladin grinding wise I figured this would be the best place to ask. Is there some special profile or anything I should / could be using to optimise things or is it simply so that a Protection Paladin is dreadfully slow at killing things solo? I've followed all your recommendations when it comes to talents and glyphs, I've got all Protection Paladin appropriate gear with a current gearscore of 492 and still even after about 5-6 hours of grinding on the Timeless Isle I've barely gotten 5000 coins (this is including the starting quests which tends to give you loads of coins to get you started.) which would normally be at least twice or three times the amount on my friends Brewmaster og my Windwalker with lower gearscores.
Prot pally would be worst solo grinding char to use. Unless you multi pulls. Prot Pally has the worst DPS among all tanking classes/spec. But they scale relatively well with Vengeance, you need to get hit a ton first, before you see your numbers go up.

Your stats and reforging is a big doubt too. A prot pally would do well DPS wise at around 40% haste, with active mitigations coming from your skills, and HASTE reducing CDs on your mitigation like Avenger Shield, SoTR, HoTR, Crusader etc.

And you are right with one thing. Prot tank DPS is shit. Unless you get hit a ton, else you're shit.

Just to add:

My prot pally is at ilvl 545 and doing about 80k dps if I multi pull Ordon mobs like 3 of em, takes like a min to kill.
My ret pally at 520 doing about 150k dps if I multipull also, takes like 30 sec or less.

The thing with this CR is you could go RET, and worry less about dying. Configure your settings properly and use SoInsight for longevity and sustained boost to dps.