Event set to false, bot keep judgement to get 9% haste buff once every 1 minute. Will not judge target got CC break on damage Blind, Sheep...it stil uses judgment even if you have it on true or false?
Holy Warth
Holy Wrath
!SpellManager.Spells["Holy Warth"].Cooldown
CastSpell("Holy Warth", Me);
How can i turn off "Healthstone used"?![]()
Thank Crowley.You have
Code:Holy Warth
Instead of
Code:Holy Wrath
in quite a few places. Just pointing it out incase you didn't know as i don't know if it can do
Code:!SpellManager.Spells["Holy Warth"].Cooldown
Code:CastSpell("Holy Warth", Me);
if the spelling is wrong.
If your talking about the toon saying it in wow then open up the helper file and comment out/delete line 926
public IEnumerable<WoWPlayer> NearbyUnfriendlyPlayers
return ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWPlayer>(true, false).Where(p => p.IsAlive && p.DistanceSqr <= 40 * 40 && IsEnemy(p)).ToList();
public override void Pulse()
wadawhiawdhidhawidhawiud hawiuhdiahwfihwaufhawf/( ;
i just looked into your code and noticed a lot of potential for optimizing.
For example:
You often call
Code:public IEnumerable<WoWPlayer> NearbyUnfriendlyPlayers { get { //ObjectManager.Update(); return ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWPlayer>(true, false).Where(p => p.IsAlive && p.DistanceSqr <= 40 * 40 && IsEnemy(p)).ToList(); } }
You have got plenty of these lists - and these will slow everything down.
If HB runs through your Rotation and not 1 of the first spells evaluated to true ... these lists will be evaluated again and again...
You should try one of the following things:
a.) Evaluate these lists at the top of your rotation, so that each if clause can use it
b.) Evaluate these lists with every pulse.
Code:public override void Pulse() { wadawhiawdhidhawidhawiud hawiuhdiahwfihwaufhawf/( ; }
Feeling a bit scared to release the bot with handnavi implementation. It's too good and no normal human can react like it :|
Feeling a bit scared to release the bot with handnavi implementation. It's too good and no normal human can react like it :|
Can you teach me how to make CC lol.
Nice that it works that good! I didnt even start your CC - was just a guess because i have got no heal paladin ^^
Can you teach me how to make CC lol.
With the tip, now I never 2nd on healing in any BG and my healing event double the 2nd best healer ^.^
Thank A LOT for the tip, I'm suck an idiot.
I change the method as you suggest and the bot run TWICE FASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm testing now, the bot reaction is so fast that the Priest beside me with better gear have little chance to heal. All people need heal, my bot top them up already.
My heal is double the priest now lol.
Again, thank A LOT for the tip, the CC just now run TWICE FASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!