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Tuanha Paladin Holy PvP

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That's not right.
Take a look at all the CCs out there and u'll find different solutions for the same problems, so ... it's not only a piece of code that some could write with half a brain
but the main intention to have beta testers is to deliver quality to the community
Mario and the others are testing in defined situations the whole CC and chatting with Tuan via Skype where he can ask more detailed questions if he needs this.

If this would be done via forum it would be very much to write and take a long time

If i wanna release something than i'll let some testers do test first to find major bugs, minors aren't good but not that hard to fix.
If it would be that easy to write a whole CC, why you didn't?
If it would be that easy to test a whole CC, why you didn't?

It is not good to publish something unfinished or not even rc ready for the community to have 200 "testers" or more, if they all want to report their issues and problems, u would have a lot of pms (max 50) a lot of crying in the thread and i'm sure u want handle all the problems cause their could be too much.

Every CC has its own pros'n'cons, its own problems and its own solutions, the one who writes the CC tooks more than only one hour to code some of these lines.
I remember that tuan and me talked more than one hours about only ONE lil problem (and he is still working on more than this ONE issue)
And we only talked about that ... we haven't found a solution at this point, we only discussed about usability, doability and performance, we've written some lines of code to test the solution and weren't very happy (okay i was a little bit more disappointed than he, and maybe he got it already working).
Your "one hour" is far from reality ;) it's not like only changing one property from 50 to 60 or to add one simple line to cast a spell at a specific condition.
Everytime you change a line here or there, u have to think about the background (i remember one lil fix from me for singular, which took only 5 minutes, after i send the change to one tester i had to find out that my fix really fixed the reported issue, but made one new issue. and all this only because i didn't know much about singular and tried to help, if this were released (i hope it wasn't) everyone would cry about the new behavior of singular, only because no one tested it before releasing)

Yeah, you already said that :P :D
Guys, calm down.

The CC only work for next 24 hour and I start making next version for Mist of Pandaria, and I hope it's not too disappointing.

See you next month after MoP launch.

PS: Please don't post, I'm asking Mods to close it.
Why would I just give away what I've written? If someone wrote the best program ever to do pvp arena or rbg to carry you to 2400 or higher why would they ever just give it away? Now before you say WTFBBQ YOU DIDN'T WRITE THAT! I'm not saying I did I'm just using that as an example. And how do you know I haven't written something tested it myself and gotten better results. You're awfully presumptuous.
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