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Tuanha Paladin Holy PvP

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the only thing i have with lazyraider is that it sometimes in 3s forget to heal the person that needs a heal:)
Tip from a real Holy pal:

Vs. a mage/shaman/priest you WANT to use Hand of Salvation because it makes wings harder to dispel.
Tip from a real Holy pal:

Vs. a mage/shaman/priest you WANT to use Hand of Salvation because it makes wings harder to dispel.
Thank, I'll make CC cast Hand of Salvation when Divine Plea/Avenging Wrath up to make dispelling it harder.
Tip from a real Holy pal:

Vs. a mage/shaman/priest you WANT to use Hand of Salvation because it makes wings harder to dispel.

omg didnt knew this is real haha now i wil use salvation only but they stil can dispel wings right?
they can still dispel wings but it takes a little bit longer allowing you to heal for 20% more for that much longer.
u should ad hand of salvation on wings with a mage fight its op mages cant steal wings if u use hand of salvation i tryed it in bg with ur bot class and hand of salvation on a keybind:) u should add it so its only use hand of salvation on wings and with a fight on a mage:)
they can still dispel wings but it takes a little bit longer allowing you to heal for 20% more for that much longer.

no they cant i tryed it when he popped wings and he spellstealed me but he could not take it away:) so when u do all that u just hoj him also:)
u should make it first pop hand of salvation then wings if u do wings befor hand of salvation it get stealed
u should make it first pop hand of salvation then wings if u do wings befor hand of salvation it get stealed
hand of salvation take 1.5 second global cooldown.

When people at 20%, spent 1.5 second to "protect buff" is way to looooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
yh i hope u can get it D its not hard to use it self on wings but it would be great if u could:)
i dont know why .. well with ur last cc i cant keep my target by clicking, bot alway change target by himself with lazyraider off on auto select tank and off on auto target .... was not doing that with the old cc ... sooo hard to fear pet or apply freedom on your focus manually ;)

i dont know why .. well with ur last cc i cant keep my target by clicking, bot alway change target by himself with lazyraider off on auto select tank and off on auto target .... was not doing that with the old cc ... sooo hard to fear pet or apply freedom on your focus manually ;)


i have the same with lazyraider he auto targets enemy players
i dont know why .. well with ur last cc i cant keep my target by clicking, bot alway change target by himself with lazyraider off on auto select tank and off on auto target .... was not doing that with the old cc ... sooo hard to fear pet or apply freedom on your focus manually ;)

Sorry for slow update this Holy CC, I'm working on my Ret Paladin spec, that so awesome, im not full cata but always top KB and DMG

Regarding the pet target bug, I've fixed in on 3.1 release.

Download and enjoy.
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