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Tuanha Paladin Holy PvP

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can u put manual option for King and might rebuff ??? ive seen some priest or shammy who doubt im botting to only spam dispell or purge and the bot auto rebuff king ... soo obvius im botting ;) will be great if u can put option to manually bufff :) ty !
Hi were do i remove the exorcism spamming the bot does? i dont spec for that so its annoying it waste mana on it :D

Edit: awesome cc btw just love it.
Hi were do i remove the exorcism spamming the bot does? i dont spec for that so its annoying it waste mana on it :D

Edit: awesome cc btw just love it.
You can disable Exorcism by following the guide in page #1

@Stef7: Ok, i will add option for manual buff next release.
can u put manual option for King and might rebuff ??? ive seen some priest or shammy who doubt im botting to only spam dispell or purge and the bot auto rebuff king ... soo obvius im botting ;) will be great if u can put option to manually bufff :) ty !
Done sir!
Tried this today and was so awsum =!
Had to stop it though as people were contacting me how I use trinket/dispell so fast hehe
Any plans to make a PvP CC for another class?
This one seems pretty perfect so far :P
and btw i think u forget to add :::::::public bool ManualBuffMode = false; //Set to true if you want to buff Blessing of Kings/Might by yourself in 2.1 coz i cant find the line .. thx !
This worked great until I met a mage and a hunter. I was getting low on hp and expected a bubble, but he instead used HoP because of the pet's melee (I suppose). Can this be fixed? Otherwise it seems a great CC.
and btw i think u forget to add :::::::public bool ManualBuffMode = false; //Set to true if you want to buff Blessing of Kings/Might by yourself in 2.1 coz i cant find the line .. thx !
It in version 2.2 file TuanHA BT Paladin.2.2.zip
This worked great until I met a mage and a hunter. I was getting low on hp and expected a bubble, but he instead used HoP because of the pet's melee (I suppose). Can this be fixed? Otherwise it seems a great CC.
Thank you for your suggestion.

I checked and find a logic flaw where sometime the bot use Hand of Protection instead of Divine Shield.

It' fixed, now the bot always use Divine Shield if not on cooldown before checking Hand of Protection.

Will release in next patch (2.3)
this CC is Amazing!!! I Love it.

I test the CC in a Battlegound with PVE equip and it?s realy hard to kill me and my mates. very Good work tuanha.


Sorry, my English is not so good.
Any plans to make a PvP CC for another class?
This one seems pretty perfect so far :P
Making new CC is not really hard bacause I learn a lot by building this CC, thank Stormchasing for all the code.

But making CC also take a lot of time to tweak so it work flawlessly as intended. I have no plan to release other CC because it like a mess at the moment and I need to build new version every 30 min to improve logic :)

Anyways, I will try to release a Monk CC in MoP, hope you guys will love it.
Making new CC is not really hard bacause I learn a lot by building this CC, thank Stormchasing for all the code.

But making CC also take a lot of time to tweak so it work flawlessly as intended. I have no plan to release other CC because it like a mess at the moment and I need to build new version every 30 min to improve logic :)

Anyways, I will try to release a Monk CC in MoP, hope you guys will love it.

ur cc clas is good man i played yesterday with a fire mage we are like 21-9 we beated a priest and lock etc and great other hard combo's while im in full ruthles and one cata item:)

i kept rebuke him on a encounter his mana went down fast

but ye fire mage and holy paladins seems to do it good in 2s:)

i had one round almost 9million healing because it took long to beat a priest lock its verry hard cant wait to have full cata like my fire mage friend then i wil heal even more:)

but devine plea for mana isnt working but its not a big deal i have it on a keybind
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but devine plea for mana isnt working but its not a big deal i have it on a keybind
ROLF, Divine Plea is on 2 minutes cooldown. You only have to cast in once every 2 minutes and u still complain about it? How lazy can you be :)

The automatic Divine Plea can cast under these conditions:
+ You have Divine Shield (immune to dispel)
+ Or you have at least 3+ buff on you (hand of freedom, kings, divine favor... the more buff on you, the less chance Divine Plea got dispelled)
+ Or no dispeler in Line of Sign
+ Or enemy dispeler don't have enough mana to dispel
+ Or there are no warlock pet felhunter, no hunter tranquility shot, no prot warrior shield slam...
+ Or no druid cyclone that make Divine Plea return no mana
+ AND you or your teammate not really how HP (divine plea reduce 50% heal)

That a lot of condition to check and as you know, the more condition, the slower performance get.

Conclustion: manual click Divine Plea once every 2 minutes > -20ms on performance every 1.5 second global cooldown. A lot of PvPer will complain if i add this on auto mode :)
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ok :P i love evrything auto mode it would be nice:D to have it as a option if you want it auto mode or not:)
i am playing with a warri and we started at 239, a few games later we were on 1300, he said that i play very good, but the dispel is to low, like when he is freezed because a frostnova and he wants to charge the enemy. maybe when you are in arena, can dispel your cc melees fast so that they can run and dont priorize the caster mates? only a thought...
btw. the CC is great and kicks asses, me and my teammate smashed a rouge frostmagecombo very fast and win versus a rouge holypaladuo (in 30mins) and my toon never got in range to get oom!
on 2v2 i was accused to suck (lol, the bot does not) cause of the fact i didn't cast freedom on my partner, a rogue...also not to dispell enoufg.... is there a way to fix this or improve?
he said that i play very good, but the dispel is to low, like when he is freezed because a frostnova and he wants to charge the enemy.
The option to dispel fast is already included!!!

By default, this set to true:
public bool CleanseOnlyImportantDebuff = true; //Set true if you want to save mana, the bot will only dispel important debuff

Change this to false and the bot will
- Dispel all the CC on your teammate, dispel Root on Melee, dispel Silence on Caster/Healer VERY FAST (don?t dispel people got Unstable Affliction, Vampiric Touch, Flame Shock... though)

Find the guide how to edit option in page #1. The downside is you will burn more mana than normal mode through.

Happy pvping :D
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