Checking the thread every 2 hours to see if 5.3 is released ) Love your work,dude.
Checking the thread every 2 hours to see if 5.3 is released ) Love your work,dude.
What exactly is the Milliseconds Lag Tolerance?if i set it too 50 ms instead of 100 ms in the GUI does that mean it will be faster or slower?
i need to knopw one more thing what do u have ur lazyraider settings to? like fps and framelock ticked or not?
Hey buddies,
I'm so proud that my Holy Paladin CC version 5.2 is decent as healing and that help people enjoy healing in battleground, arena.
But the CC itself have fundamental flaw: It's build to heal on No-Rated Battleground in mind!
To be honest, so far the CC is not optimized for Arena / Rated Battleground. For example, the CC don't use cooldown to save "Stranger", but in Arena / Rated Battleground, there's is no "Stranger", they are all your partner and you must keep them alive.
Therefore, I'm on the process of rewriting the CC version 5.3 that:
- Work better on Arena / Rated Battleground. Better logic on cooldown usage to save partner.
- Smarter use of Hand of Protection and Divine Shield.
- Add option to Hand of Freedom melee partner who need to get into enemy range to make a killing blow.
- Dispel crow control on pets (if Unholy DK / BM hunter pet get CC all the time, he will not kill anything soon)
- Faster reaction on all situations.
Version 5.3 will take more time because I also include Stormchasing tips to make it run faster than ever.
Please check back soon in 2-3 day, I hope 5.3 will not disappoint you.
Thank you and best regards,
Hey Buddies,
I just want let you know that TuanHA Holy Paladin verion 5.3 is uploaded. This version include:
- Improved logic on cooldown usage on Arena / Rated Battleground to save partner.
- Improved logic on Divine Shield, Hand of Protection, Lay on Hands
- NEW: Hand of Freedom melee partner who need to get into enemy range to make a killing blow
- NEW: Hand of Reckoning Rogue/Druid every 8 seconds, they always in combat
- NEW: Dispel Pet
- NEW: Word of Glory use on 1+ Holy Power to heal unit under 35%. It's a live saver because talent Last Word make it ALWAYS crit for 15k-20k.
- NEW: Stun Priest/Warrior trying to break Divine Shield
- NEW: Prevent Death Knight from stealing important spell on Dark Simulacrum
- Many minor fix to make it perfect
Please enjoy TuanHA Holy Paladin verion 5.3, you can download at page #1
All the best,
when i download this? how do i open the file? where do i put the files?