BGBuddy? How? this class does not work only with lazyraider?
This is the know issue when some people don't use talent point for 40 yard judgement.
I may make extra check/option for this in next release.
Thank you for your error report.
Currently stuck at 1500 2s.
What comp are you all using for high rated 2s? I use manual hammer, and hand of freedom, i trinket manually, just seems like we dont have enough CC for high rating, running with a unholy dk, i did a few with a 2200 boomkin but we kept losing, any tips would be nice for comps.
Tuanha, amazing work its amazing what you did with this cc. Sometimes i cant believe how good it is, just fearing dk pets is such a nice damage mitigation. All the little details is what makes this cc amazing
DK's aren't bad, people who don't know the class are bad... I am pushing 2.2K rating With a Stun-Master Holy Paladin and a Master-Frost DK.
This is a Honorbuddy Line of Sign bug, nothing I can do.Hi again
One thing i noticed and i aren't sure if its supposed to do it, is lets say im in WSG and someone is standing on the GY and im down below. I think the bot sees this as a line of sight issue and doesn't attempt to heal but if i do it manually then it will because it actually isn't. It happens on Eye of the storm aswell if you stand at the side of the ramp up to each base.
This is a Honorbuddy Line of Sign bug, nothing I can do.
I tried InLineOfSpellSight, it still report not in LoS and didn't heal.Code:StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.InLineOfSpellSight
Do you use this check?
I tried InLineOfSpellSight, it still report not in LoS and didn't heal.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
If you made one for Resto Shamans I would be forever grateful because this CC rocks! Never fails to heal when it should and I always come out of BGs and RBGs with top healing!
does this work for BG buddy aand it bot itself like CC or only lazyraider?
I don't think he has a resto shaman.
Bobbys does pretty decent, have to do some things manually though for arena like better shield management, interrupts, maybe totem management etc.
does this work for BG buddy aand it bot itself like CC or only lazyraider?