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Tuanha Paladin Holy PvP

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hey tuanha i know the cc is built for pvp but in pve it was only casting holy light and rarely casts divine light and flash of light no matter what setting i use

is this a pve limitation?
In PvE the bot do cast Divine Light and Flash of Light but mainly Holy Light and Holy Radiance.

The main reason is in PvE, all damage are PREDICTABLE.

Therefore in PvE, the Bot logic is totally difference, it's don't use Flash of Light and Divine Light often because these spell will burn your mana too fast.

Also, the bot use Holy Light more because it the best Heal Per Mana spell and Holy Light transfer 100% heal amount to Beacon target (the tank mostly)

I think, the current PvE heal logic is not bad, the last DS raid, my heal on par with a Shaman he have ilevel 400 PvE gear, I have only PvP gear :)
Me.Inventory.Equipped.Trinket2.Name.Contains("Gladiator's Emblem of Tenacity")

wouldn't it be better to check for a list of itemids in your pvp ccs tuanha?
How about HoJ, Arcane Torrent for interrupts?
and how about the herbalism speed bonus, the lifeblood?
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Hey guys,

TuanHA Holy Paladin 5.6 is uploaded.

This version is REALLY FAST as most of the code have been optimized (I'm obsessed with bot speed performance for PvP lol)

This version also address the Line of Sign issue in arena and warsong.

Please download at page #1

wouldn't it be better to check for a list of itemids in your pvp ccs tuanha?
Yes, but i was being lazy, and this will work for future PvP trinket.

How about HoJ, Arcane Torrent for interrupts?
and how about the herbalism speed bonus, the lifeblood?
There's Arcane Torrent and HoJ included in interrupt rotation.
For herbalish speed buff, none of my char have this profession :D
Only if Blizzard keeps the naming scheme for trinkets, and even worse: it breaks the ccs locale independence, which i think is worse than being lazy and find out a few numbers ;)

you can use a "Public Static Class" for the Trinkets with a list within and I can get you the correct call for Lifebloom if needed.
Got some issues with the newer versions of ur cc, imo the older ones worked better healing wise for me. The latest one dont heal as much as the old one did and i die alot faster.
I haven't found logic that beacon tank AND don't slow down the CC.

Let me think about it man :D
would really love to know if there is a way to keep beacon up on tank, anyone?
I found a smart logic to keep beacon on Tank, but I have no time to raid.

Pls contact me via skype for help testing HB1859L68
Hi tuanha,

I was wondering if you have the beta and are already implementing this for mop?
I don't have beta key but I've read the news/change spells and thinking about improvement.

In MoP, I'll try to maintain the Holy Paladin CC, the Retribution Paladin CC will not be updated because I don't have enough free time for both.
Hope you update this CC in MOP. Its SO beast! Thanks a lot of uploading this on the forums
The MOST impressive spell we get next week in 5.0.4 is the Glyph of Beacon of Light Removes the global cooldown on Beacon of Light

This open a lot opportunities for Heal 2 people at once and build Holy Power because it OFF the Global Cooldown (extremely powerful in PvP, in PvE we don't switch beacon often)

The bot excellent at this kind of ability because no human can be fast enough to use spells that have no 1.5 second wait time :)
Will you being updating this throughout mop ? if so i'm more than willing to donate for your efforts
Just to let you know, i got a 1550 rating yesterday with this CC, RUTHLESS geared, 2 Cata Armour pieces (Shoulders+Head), and Cata Gravel.

Hammer of Justice
All Modes of Attacking (Pure heals)
the Seal change so i just buff Might, (Rouge Arena Partner)
and divine(something the one that makes you run faster) so i can LoS the shadow priests.

Any other tips i would quite happily share, but im still working out the best custom settings for Arena. (If you have any Taunaha pm me or just post here!!)

Again thanks for this leg..... en....... wait for it.. dary CC 1750 awaits.

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What settings do u guys use on the 4 healing options? and the rest would be fin to hear to? share some tips with each other so we can have a nice setup for this :)
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