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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

Right now i test SE and CR dont use tigereye brew =\ fix this pls =)
i set to use tigereye brew on 6 stack. already my monk have 20 stacks..
Right now i test SE and CR dont use tigereye brew =\ fix this pls =)
i set to use tigereye brew on 6 stack. already my monk have 20 stacks..
looks like your monk collect tigere brew more than use. For example: use on 6, buff for 15 sec. in this 15 sec monk collect 8 tigereye brew.. Try to set atleast 8-10
RJW Not being used single target anymore (Ever) Plz Fix
And TEB stacks will not be used less than 20.
RJW Not being used single target anymore (Ever) Plz Fix
Rushing Jade Wind use on single target = dps loss, I've test it and SimulationCraft also NOT recommended it.

However in PvP it still use on single target.
Look I've heard it a million times it's not a single target dps increase but when I have logs parsing top 10% of my class I can completely disagree with you. Please add the fuction back for it.
Okay maybe that was a little (really rude) rude but let me explain further for people that don't know how to use RJW single target and the last revision you did (prior to this one) that add single target rjw uptime to > 90% was incredible!!!!

First stop using Simcraft for your stats because it is based off a 9350 haste break point which is built around a single target patchwork fight and furthermore will not cast RJW single target for you simulation of Simcraft it's not built for it.

Bring your Haste to 11k - 11.5k and assuming (Warforged AoC or Heroic AoC) bringing down the cd of FoF and EB and accounting for cloak and meta proc's off of RJW. Your rotation allowed for no energy cap and no energy starvation with use of RJW at the 11k haste marker. I parsed on 8 bosses last week after the revision of RJW because I was trying to cast it manually before the last revision. When you made that change it was activating god mode dps I pulled more dps than ever before. Please change it back. I can provide the actual numbers behind this theroy but as a Premium User all I'm asking for is a change to use RJW single target like your last revision. (not like the previous that was change target count to 1 because it wasn't keeping it up like the last revison)

I have a 570ilvl monk and I can help prove these numbers to you any time you would like.

Please I beg of you just add it back.
Now that you're done with improving the WW monks rotation. Could we possibly get some safer interrupts like I mentioned ealier?

When can us monks get the safer interrupt you have in some of your other Combat Routines? I'm tired of instantly kicking people casting channeled spells. It's too botlike

Edit: Another thing I'd love would be for the flag returns and pickups to work with the Deepwind Gorge carts.
Someone have any good fistweaver configuration for raid, please post it >_< Thanks!
I've been using TuanHA Monk Mistweaver since level 1-- it's been awesome, but have had some serious problems since hitting 90 a few days ago. When I start the bot, it buffs everyone, HoTs party members, etc. Then it goes completely catatonic once combat starts. Where it performed admirably in the past, it just tanks now. Always in the middle of combat when heals are the most sorely needed. I have the mana/heals slider cranked up to 10.

I am using the latest updated version of Honorbuddy, and the latest (v129) version of TuanHA Monk.

What's the problem that you're having?: Mistweaver heals very little or not at all in the middle of dungeon combat.
Windows version?: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
What bot are you having problems with? (Grind, Quest, BGBuddy etc): Combat Bot, Lazy Raider, Tyrael (latest attempt at fix)
What profile are you running?: TuanHA Monk, Mistweaver

Talents: Momentum, Chi Wave, Ascension, Ring of Peace, Dampen Harm, Chi Torpedo
Glyphs: Renewing Mist, Targeted Expulsion, Zen Meditation
Tuanha, looks like @Trashcan right. Done some research with simc and got the same DPS as with Xuen talent. With more good gear (560-565) RJW rly more cool in 1 target than Xuen. I disagree with AoC for monks but this.. add RJW for him :)
Most optimal dps with this priority:

# count action,conditions
M 38.79 rising_sun_kick
N 71.31 rushing_jade_wind,if=talent.rushing_jade_wind.enabled
O 10.42 fists_of_fury,if=buff.energizing_brew.down&energy.time_to_max>4&buff.tiger_power.remains>4
P 27.87 chi_wave,if=talent.chi_wave.enabled&energy.time_to_max>2
Q 0.00 chi_burst,if=talent.chi_burst.enabled&energy.time_to_max>2
R 0.00 zen_sphere,cycle_targets=1,if=talent.zen_sphere.enabled&energy.time_to_max>2&!dot.zen_sphere.ticking
S 10.58 blackout_kick,if=buff.combo_breaker_bok.react
T 9.24 tiger_palm,if=buff.combo_breaker_tp.react&(buff.combo_breaker_tp.remains<=2|energy.time_to_max>=2)
U 96.35 jab,if=chi.max-chi>=2
V 41.54 blackout_kick,if=energy+energy.regen*cooldown.rising_sun_kick.remains>=40

so, right after RSK
Okay maybe that was a little (really rude) rude but let me explain further for people that don't know how to use RJW single target and the last revision you did (prior to this one) that add single target rjw uptime to > 90% was incredible!!!!

First stop using Simcraft for your stats because it is based off a 9350 haste break point which is built around a single target patchwork fight and furthermore will not cast RJW single target for you simulation of Simcraft it's not built for it.

Bring your Haste to 11k - 11.5k and assuming (Warforged AoC or Heroic AoC) bringing down the cd of FoF and EB and accounting for cloak and meta proc's off of RJW. Your rotation allowed for no energy cap and no energy starvation with use of RJW at the 11k haste marker. I parsed on 8 bosses last week after the revision of RJW because I was trying to cast it manually before the last revision. When you made that change it was activating god mode dps I pulled more dps than ever before. Please change it back. I can provide the actual numbers behind this theroy but as a Premium User all I'm asking for is a change to use RJW single target like your last revision. (not like the previous that was change target count to 1 because it wasn't keeping it up like the last revison)

I have a 570ilvl monk and I can help prove these numbers to you any time you would like.

Please I beg of you just add it back.
Hi. I agree with your suggestion about RJW talent and already test this with simc, maybe tuanha did changes for you and other high ilvl monks. But I totally disagree with AoC trinket. This trinket would be good if 80% bosses in SoO would be like Ultraxion in Dragon Soul. So with these you can down your haste to 10-11k, always stand and damage. But in SoO you can't do this: too many moves. Haste and crit our top stats. With one handler weapons your crit cap - 57.24% as I remember. It's around 12k crit rating which I'm already got in ~550. So, reforge in haste with AoC - stupid. ~575 ilvl you able to reach 17k haste (cap for us) with chi brew talent + crit cap with http://www.wowhead.com/item=104616 trinket. And that's would be more profitable for your damage (around 20k dps).
Sorry for my bad English :)
Build 5.4.5157
Improve performance.
WindWalker now can use Rushing Jade Wind on 1 target if you set the talent to use on target = 1

@Trashcan and Sky1vvy, I hope you both satisfied with that change xD
Build 5.4.5157
Improve performance.
WindWalker now can use Rushing Jade Wind on 1 target if you set the talent to use on target = 1

@Trashcan and Sky1vvy, I hope you both satisfied with that change xD
lol :D thx sir i'll test this change right after my raid! thx man!
Is there any kind of chi dump logic for the MW. I am seeing a lot of the time, I am sitting there with max chi and still casting SM.