hey, i'm already explain why dps so low:
and i speak not about last update. I'll compared dps results now and in Dec rev. But ok, now i did few tests:
i'm 550 WW monk with legendary cloak (offspec, my MW 580 and working rly great!).
all tests - raid dummy, same settings, 100kk.
1) Chi brew and Xuen Talents, 122 rev, 100kk - my dps 195k. I explain earlier why dps where so low: CR waiting 0.5-2 sec till RSK off cooldown, using RSK, then using Blackout. So, CR loss everytime 1-2 GCD. just read my previous post pls!
https://www.dropbox.com/s/9wkjy0vvswwlolp/122 rev, xuen.txt
2) Chi brew and RJW Talents, 122 rev, 100kk - my pds 184k. RJW in one target. CR miss around 10 blackout with proc (2T16), again waiting.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/aqkdozh5f6zhzz7/122 rev, RJW.txt
Then i open SVN logs and find rev around 5-10 Dec, then i'm stop playing WoW till 20 Jan. Rev 88 marked as "Great improve WW DPS" (23 Dec) already got this error. I'll choose rev 69 (it's the last rev then i'm playing).
3) Chi brew and Xuen Talents, 69 rev, 100kk - my dps 225k! I change nothing in settings, but without RSK bug i've got +30k dps.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/f1wpbo4y81fopbf/rev 69, xuen.txt
All tests performed with HB + Tyrael last rev, Hardlocking 15 TPS. Also i think what this bug appeared in 71 rev then you done huge changes for WW and MW but i don't want test this.
Tuanha pls don't think what i blame you. I just want make this CR better. And for now WW rly not good. You can test this on 69 rev. Trust me
Also for all who have issues with WW dps in PVE. Just downgrade to 69 rev till Tuanha made changes. And post your feedback pls!
PS for rev 122 pls push RSK highter than RJW. That give more DPS. And fix RSK
/summon @Tuanha