Inspected your log, there's no error.Grettings Tuanha, just purchased your full pack after using the Monk routine for a while! Keep it up!
Anyway, I wanted to let you know of an issue I am having with the DK Special Edition. My DK is level 87 so I'm not sure if that is where the issue is or not, but I was hoping to make leveling up quicker.
Every few mobs I fight, my game completely freezes for 1 sec at a time. So 1 sec smooth, then the next sec frozen, etc and it repeats, which makes it unplayable. It doesn't do this on every fight, only some (maybe once per minute, still often enough that it's quite annoying). I'm wondering if it's some ability or setting that is throwing a bunch of errors and locking my game up. Any ideas? Here is my log file. Thank you for any help!
View attachment 90249
Edit: also, unrelated to my issue, I noticed it is using Strangulate to try and interrupt non-interruptable spells (the Ghoul stun still works nice for it though). is there any way to make sure Strangulate only gets used on things it can interrupt?
WTB a dk partner on my Alliance Realm![]()
Grettings Tuanha, just purchased your full pack after using the Monk routine for a while! Keep it up!
Anyway, I wanted to let you know of an issue I am having with the DK Special Edition. My DK is level 87 so I'm not sure if that is where the issue is or not, but I was hoping to make leveling up quicker.
Every few mobs I fight, my game completely freezes for 1 sec at a time. So 1 sec smooth, then the next sec frozen, etc and it repeats, which makes it unplayable. It doesn't do this on every fight, only some (maybe once per minute, still often enough that it's quite annoying). I'm wondering if it's some ability or setting that is throwing a bunch of errors and locking my game up. Any ideas? Here is my log file. Thank you for any help!
View attachment 90249
Edit: also, unrelated to my issue, I noticed it is using Strangulate to try and interrupt non-interruptable spells (the Ghoul stun still works nice for it though). is there any way to make sure Strangulate only gets used on things it can interrupt?
Inspected your log, there's no error.
The "Freeze" issue happen because there's no way to disable Framelock in Questing bot. Once you get to 90 and start raiding, pvping, use Tyrael Bot Base and the freeze issue gone. If you run dungeon buddy, make sure disable framelock in Bot Config.
Strangulate work on uninterrupted spell but in PvE some spell that not strangulatable. Just disable it while leveling.
I wish you was in my realm lol.Jesus, answer your skype I could have you 2400++ this week if u wanted.
You need special edition for rbg/arena I believe and use Tyrael not lazyraidercant use lazyraider in arena,it works perfectly in rbgs and raids,any reason why?sorry if someone asked before
combat bot works fine but its slow as a turtle,would love to use the framelock of lazyraider
On a side note, I am wondering what everyone's highest ratings are they have achieved with this profile in both 2s and 3s. Post honestly!I just started using and am tweaking it a bit but got 1650 in 2s so far with rlf playing undergeared resto druid in just mal honor gear. My dk has tyran weap and 5 pc's of tyran gear atm for reference.
Tuanha - 2 requestsThere are 6 or more logic about death coil. I don't have my code right now but i made CR do these think for dead coil:
- Kill Totem at range
- Attack enemy if you can't get into melee
- Heal Pet
- Build up Dark Transformation when you have nothing to do
- Use in Proc - Unholy
- Use in rotation - Unholy
- Heal You with Lichborne
Noxxic shows 2H frost being superior in PvE compared to DW Frost.
Maybe focus on PvE just 2h frost? less weapons to search for too.
Tuanha - 2 requests
Is there any way you could limit the totems it will attach with Death Coil? For example, only attack spirit link, mana tide, healing tide, and grounding?
Also, Is there any way to WAY lower the priority on festering strike? When I get death runes that I could use to necrotic spam... it will use festering strike and maybe 2 necrotics if I am lucky most of the time.
Please let me know if this is an option you can add or a revision you can make.
Noxxic is shit. Use Icy Veins.