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TuanHA Death Knight- The Ultimate Experience

Inaccurate: Best Death Knights rankings - World of Warcraft

Frost is as viable as UH in 2s, nothing more. The utility available to UH quickly outshadows frost in 3s.

@xifter Correct, Zukgee has paved the way for many top DKs now running red 160 strs and purple 80 str/160power gems with 360 res yellows on shoulders and feet. You are right that strength buffs diseases and with the current utility + blood presence being campable you can easily play at around 64% resil.

Currently, UH DKs are doing everything they can to spam Strength+Mastery, spamming cooldowns with PVE trinket procs, and re-upping diseases with all your str buffs - you start seeing 30k+ ticks...

In 5.3, main stat will be even stronger (as power is catching a pretty significant nerf). The opposite is true if you play Frost.

the two frost dk have higher rating than UH DK )) (3v3). (it's also depend of battlegroup....)
Having a problem that after 1 or 2 arena matches the routine doesnt wanna start doing.. anything. Tyreal without framelock. raidbot or lazyraider without framelock.
Pausing or resuming doesnt trigger any action. Even thoughh it will print out paused or not, but still. Quite annoying :)
restarting HB wont help either, restarting WoW most of the time wont either.
Tried a complete blanc install with no plugins, same deal. I'll try to upload a log soon.
log 1 attached. just enabled HB before joining arena, says not in game.
log 2 was too big. full of :
[20:04:31.381 N] 31:381 HP: 99% RP: 0 (B:0 D:2 F:2 U:2) Myself 0y 99% hp Path of Frost ()
[20:04:34.021 N] Not in game
[20:04:36.421 D] System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 01F30F26 [299]!
at Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative)
at Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative)
at Styx.StyxWoW.get_IsInGame()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()

Last arena where it would load, it stopped everything after first player died..
disabeling pause rotation hotkeys, tried 3 bot bases.

What am I missing here?


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the two frost dk have higher rating than UH DK )) (3v3). (it's also depend of battlegroup....)

Actually, pes is also on UH now too... In any case, there's not much to worry about below 2.2k or so... Frost is still viable, but most high-end DKs prefer UH due to the increased utility and recent UH buffs. Pretty much the only FDKs pushing glad run hunter/dk/pal(or disc) for obvious reasons (single target pressure) or have extreme talent (serennia, for instance, has started streaming again and runs frost).
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Having a problem that after 1 or 2 arena matches the routine doesnt wanna start doing.. anything. Tyreal without framelock. raidbot or lazyraider without framelock.
Pausing or resuming doesnt trigger any action. Even thoughh it will print out paused or not, but still. Quite annoying :)
restarting HB wont help either, restarting WoW most of the time wont either.
Tried a complete blanc install with no plugins, same deal. I'll try to upload a log soon.
log 1 attached. just enabled HB before joining arena, says not in game.
log 2 was too big. full of :
[20:04:31.381 N] 31:381 HP: 99% RP: 0 (B:0 D:2 F:2 U:2) Myself 0y 99% hp Path of Frost ()
[20:04:34.021 N] Not in game
[20:04:36.421 D] System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 01F30F26 [299]!
at Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative)
at Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative)
at Styx.StyxWoW.get_IsInGame()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()

Last arena where it would load, it stopped everything after first player died..
disabeling pause rotation hotkeys, tried 3 bot bases.

What am I missing here?

Not 100% or anything, but I believe this is hb side? Try running the beta release perhaps. Have you updated the CR through SVN?
Excellent CC, I used it in arena successfully (the donator version).
I only made a slightly modification to do not waste Runic Power when Conversion is active (and RP <= 80) and with blood you are semi-immortal (against meele of course)

Where you can make this modification "to do not waste Runic Power when Conversion is active (and RP <= 80" ???

Unholy Pvp seems great with the special edition - Is the special Edition optimized for Blood Pvp also?
I tested Blood in random BG and it seems very very good ;-D
Yeah, Blood support PvP and have logic Death Strike pet to get heal.

It great for Flag Carrying or Node Watching.
Yeah, Blood support PvP and have logic Death Strike pet to get heal.

It great for Flag Carrying or Node Watching.

Well im having fun with Blood DK PVP although the damage is.... lets just say... low and weak. I topped Damage tables and died once because of three casters. My team were kinda horrific though. Anyway UH is awesome as always, love seeing changes to this routine as its just fantastic!

However i still feel frost is a little disappointing, im currently using unlocked LUA when it comes to frost as i get around 5-6k dps more than HB routines. I know the CC is awesome as always but it just feels slow compared to my other way.

Anyway i still love your routines Tuanha as always!
I agree, I use your CC for mostly everything. Except Frost 2 hand. :( i still get higher dps with CLU. I dont like CLU since twan gives me more options but at then end about 5-10k dps difference. Love your work and wishing for a better Frost 2 hand :P <3
Well tbh, last few week I don't have enough time to make PvE frost DW perfect... Only work on PvE mostly and our RBG team pushing toward 2k at require a lot more cool pvp logic.

I'll try PvE rotation next week.
Well tbh, last few week I don't have enough time to make PvE frost DW perfect... Only work on PvE mostly and our RBG team pushing toward 2k at require a lot more cool pvp logic.

I'll try PvE rotation next week.

Thank you so much Tuan but you always say DW for Dual wield. I want you to improve the TWO HAND FROST pve please <3

Good luck with 2k!!! you will get it
Grettings Tuanha, just purchased your full pack after using the Monk routine for a while! Keep it up!

Anyway, I wanted to let you know of an issue I am having with the DK Special Edition. My DK is level 87 so I'm not sure if that is where the issue is or not, but I was hoping to make leveling up quicker. :)

Every few mobs I fight, my game completely freezes for 1 sec at a time. So 1 sec smooth, then the next sec frozen, etc and it repeats, which makes it unplayable. It doesn't do this on every fight, only some (maybe once per minute, still often enough that it's quite annoying). I'm wondering if it's some ability or setting that is throwing a bunch of errors and locking my game up. Any ideas? Here is my log file. Thank you for any help!

View attachment 7144 2013-05-04 13.27.txt

Edit: also, unrelated to my issue, I noticed it is using Strangulate to try and interrupt non-interruptable spells (the Ghoul stun still works nice for it though). is there any way to make sure Strangulate only gets used on things it can interrupt?
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