An option in the GUI like Death Rune Usage, where our pulldowns are Normal or Only Necrotic Strike/Soul Reaper would be awesome (because you want to use soul reap if you can). That way, only use of death runes would be user commands, like icy veins for roots![]()
So with Only Necrotic Strike, we'd spam blood runes into Blood Boil, frost runes into Icy Touch, Plague Strike on targets with less than 2 diseases, Scourge Strike with free Unholy Runes, and only use Death Runes for necrotics. This is essentially the top UH PvP "rotation", outside of the Icy Touch bug I mentioned earlier (for whatever reason, if you use a Death Rune that used to be a Blood Rune for Icy Touch, it will turn over an Unholy Rune into a Death Rune... no idea why) but it may end up getting fixed and is frankly less important than the Necrotic Only logic (I assume adding logic to exploit the Icy Touch bug would make my suggestion not work as well).
As a quick note, festering strike is actually taking a nerf in 5.3, so that part of the PvP rotation will become even worse shortly here.
Please fix logic to address these issues.
Unholy rune logic: 1.) Soul reaper if target 45% or less. 2.) Plague strike on targets who are missing diseases 3.) Scourge strike if other 2 criteria are not met.
Blood rune logic: 1.) Blood boil 2.)death strike if player health below a threshold.
Frost rune logic: 1.) Icy chains if target at certain distance from player 2.) icy touch to dispell/slow/dmg
Lastly, Death rune logic: 1.) death strike if health below certain threshold 2.) Soul reaper if no unholy rune and target 45% hp or less and target does not already have soul reaper debuff 3.)Necrotic strike
Reflex11 - If I left something out or need a correction let me know.
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