You got a point Donk, but over the years botters have become more main stream inside Wow. I mean most people who did use CR's in Arena would just press start and click pvp mode, So that you get the instant cc, instant damage stuff that is very easy to spot to be a bot. But yes a small % of botters are just casual players who know their classes and are bored of trying hard in pvp. Nothing beats PVP in WOTLK, PVP now is thrown out there, wait thats the whole of WOD.
I mean I even got sick of bots vs bots in Arena, when you used a CR but heavily modified it vsing the guy who just press play I did my cc manually I did my interrupts manually because if you had that all auto it was bullshit. But we all know if you did have all auto dont expect to get above 1800. The worse part of PVP is Bots in Battlegrounds and has been for years you do teams vs teams of just AFK bots. For real players pvp turned to crap when bots came into it and im sure it will never stop but its keeping a limit on them atm.
Blizzard is doing something big by the end of the year, none of us have any clue what it is and we never will but one thing I do know is giving 100k+ players a 2nd chance at keeping their accounts means "never do it again otherwise our new secret tool will smash your face"lays drama music:
i used tuanha healing classes my main was paladin holy i got to 2400 rating in rbg and 2100 rating 2200 in arena all i used by my self was trinket and wings and the rest i let do the routine you can do it if you have good partners ingame