Katzerle, Happy to consider changes in this area. I will make a revision relative to handling of lower Level Elites. As for the number of enemy mobs in combat there isn't enough context in the examples provided for those scenarios to be universal truths. For example, the scenario given of fighting 20 Level 10's would be very stressful for a character anywhere near Level 10. The CC is written for all levels of play and not just end game, so how it handles combat for lower level characters still leveling is equally important to how it handles combat for a geared Level 85. Checks regarding higher level characters already present in the code. What is not present are checks for characters that are sufficiently lower in level being treated as trivial. Here are the two scenarios of those I see:I have some constructive critism to stressfull fight behavior.
* Maybe it is possible to insert a check which Level the Mobs have for Stressfull Behavior. 20 Enemys level 10 isn't stressfull, 20 with Level 82 are deadly stressfull.
* The CC also uses stressfull fight on every single Elite Mob and don't take a look at the Level of the Mob. I don't know if this is volitional or just a Typo in Line 6463 and the || should be a &&.
Maybe it is possible to make complexer checks for Stressfull fight with more (unit.Level >= _me.Level) cases.
Beside this: really the best CC of the World![]()
Yes, will add.Any chance of getting a setting for Mana Tide?
I wanna use it far more often, like 65% or so.
waaldodxn, Please see Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for steps on posting an issue or question regarding behavior you observed. Thanks for the post and good luck, Bobby53its not dropping the totems for some reason. every other cast is ok
Could you please implement infight disspell for Raid's?!^^ We get ganked everytime because i can not dispell them.. i can not even disspell them manually while the bot is active (makes sense i know^^)
EDIT: Inserted a "Baradin Hold"-Log ... he didn't dispell =(
there is a dispel. i actually run into trouble when raiding because of it dispelling too fast on the valiona fight.
Kuku, If you observe some behavior that appears to be incorrect or an issue, be sure to indicate the system time you observed it. A complete debug log file as you attached is very helpful, but I can't respond as to why it didnt cast a dispel in a specific situation if I don't know when that was. Currently healing is at a higher priority than dispelling, so it will dispel after everyone is healed to the Group Need Heal % visible on your RAF options tab. A future release will support specifying a different prioritization for dispelling.Could you please implement infight disspell for Raid's?!^^ We get ganked everytime because i can not dispell them.. i can not even disspell them manually while the bot is active (makes sense i know^^) EDIT: Inserted a "Baradin Hold"-Log ... he didn't dispell =(
As mentioned above, it won't dispel if there is healing to be done. I'll consider adding Boss specific behaviors in the future, but for now you can either cast the Cleanse Spirit immediately before the current spell cast completes (same way you would queue a spell if playing manually) or Stop the bot and heal that particular fight manually. Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53For me it does not even dispell one time^^ A Boss-Specific "Dispell-List" would be great. So the Shamy dispells at the correct time.. At some Bosses you have to dispell instantly (Asaad or Argaloth for example) and at some bosses you need to dispell later (Valiona)...
ShamWOW was one of the original CC's released with HonorBuddy and will continue to be supported and enhanced. Singular is a recent project using a much different architecture. Because of this ShamWOW functionality won't simply be moved there, but instead will be reimplemented in accordance with Singular architecture and design guidelines. The idea is not to simply copy ShamWOW, but to use its current behaviors and decision making as a model and improve upon the current implementation. That makes it a much bigger project, but recreating what you already have only makes sense if the end result will be better. So, I will be implementing ShamWOW functionality into Singular, but it will take a very long time to complete (as in months.) Also, please don't look for % estimates on completion or functionality incorporated. In the end its 100% working if it does what you want, and a 100% broken if it does not.I know your working on singular as well. Just wondering what % of WowSham has been moved into Singular?
And once it's 100% will WowSham be discontinued?
If it doesn't write a message to the Log saying that it recognized your Use: trinket, just send me the exact name and I'll add it so everyone can benefit.Hi Bobby,
Is there any way for me to add a trinket to the CC? Some trinkets are recognized by the CC and some are not. I have been studying your code but not sure where you define the trinkets.
Thanks for all your work!
kayes, My apologies, however I am not obtaining the results you describe during my testing. Please visit Post #2 in this thread. Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ [CLICK HERE] has details that need to be provided in a post for me to research it. There is a template there you can copy and paste if to ensure all the info is covered. I'll keep an eye out for your post. Thanks for your help, Bobby53Hi Bobby,
Could you make the shaman drop totems when in pvp? also use Heroism?
dottzor, Thanks for the post! Glad to hear its working so well for you. I believe I have done everything I can regarding mana management at this point for Resto, but if you have any additional ideas please advise. The next release will have a separate config value for Mana Tide Mana % whereas the current version casts it at or below Emergency Mana %. Thanks again and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53Its getting spooky now Bobby.
This CC is getting close to the numbers I produce myself, both as Resto and Enhance.
The only big difference atm is mana-usage as resto.
REALLY good work.