Everytime you update HB , the default simple copy of shamwow is mixed with any version from this topic you might be using before, so you should clear the folder and make sure that you use one of the two and not files from both.
@ Bobby53, the author of ShamWoW
Would it be possible you could lease this CC on an SVN site, so those of us that use programs like TortoiseSVN can get auto updates over the manual process of zip files? I have so many plug-ins, bots, CC's and profiles to keep up with - this would just make it easier and I am sure lots of us users would GREATLY appreciate it!
Jalysco, I'll assume you are asking how to use in Arena (a support question) and not soliciting a random opinions in a support thread (discussion question.) If it is intended as a discussion question, please post those elsewhere as the ShamWOW thread is for user support only.Can anyone give an idea of how this cc works in arena (2s, 3s, 5s) + bg?
Any rating you guys had with solo using this? What spells/tricks do you use manualy?
hi1674, See the sites linked to in the download page or ShamWOW FAQ as references. There is a reference for Shaman information on Leveling, PVPing, and Raiding. All documents referenced include spec information. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53Need help with a good dps setup.
Elemental Talent-spec.
Thank you in advance
I'm having a problem with ShamWOW and BGBuddy, It rapidly casts Earth Shield on the Flag Carrier, i figure it must be something going on with the CC, Could you please fix this if this is the problem Heres the log file:
View attachment 33893
For me ShamWOW isn't working anymore since the new update. Everytime I load HB I get a few errors concerning ShamWOW and can't use it (can't even select it as CC). Logfile attached (in this logfile I was logged in with my hunter, but the errors are the same, even when I log in with my shaman, so this file should be okayView attachment 33931
Grim077 and DaBear78: The response from Laria (+rep) describes how to resolve the issue. Just be in the habit of downloading and reinstalling ShamWOW anytime you update HonorBuddy. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53Everytime you update HB , the default simple copy of shamwow is mixed with any version from this topic you might be using before, so you should clear the folder and make sure that you use one of the two and not files from both.
Laria, My apologies for that. Life has been busy this week. I have finally been able to wrap up the .14 changes to fix the distance issues that were effecting Enhancement and added some additional fixes and improvements as well. Once I get that posted I'll shift my attention to the enhanced LoS API's. Thanks, Bobby53Now that all LoS changes are public in hb 5710, how about .14 with some changes bobby?![]()
o Fix: All Specs - numerous changes to distance checking, effective combat range, and spell range checking. Should address all issue currently encountered where spells not being cast due to range
o Fix: All Specs - Spiritwalker's Grace - correctly detects when that is cast by user; spells interrupted by movement are no longer avoided while moving if buff active
o Fix: All Specs - would sometime attempt to cast Stoneclaw Totem while on cooldown
o Change: All Specs - added reason message to all Stop Moving attempts.
o Change: All Specs - Suppressed Spell Miss logging for party members
o Fix: Enhancement - message: when Maelstrom Weapon talent detected, will now correctly indicate how it will be used
o Fix: Enhancement - Dwarf only - fixed Stoneform spam occurring at some points when attempting to cleanse poison while on cooldown
o Change: Enhancement PVP - extensive reworking of movement and attacks. Further work required, but should achieve better results in fully botted play.
o Fix: Resto - would sometimes have a pending spell on cursor but not finish cast due to timing of target death, disconnect, etc.
o Fix: Resto - corrected an issue where Shaman moving to a heal target that is out of range would sometimes move too close.
o New: Config - Heal on Maelstrom option available for Grinding/Questing. Defaults to True which will reserve Maelstrom for healing. False will use LB and CL casts, unless in a Stressful Fight in which case reserved for healing. This does not affect PVP, Raiding, or Dungeons
It seems that even when I turn off the Ghost Wolf in General, it still makes my shammy go into a Ghost Wolf. I don't understand. Is there any way that I can get rid of it making me go Ghost Wolf when the enemy is literally like 10 feet from me? Seems like a waste of time.
/fillerIf you have a problem or question regarding ShamWOW, see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] before you post. Specific information has to be included for me to assist you. ....
Exsp0zed, Thanks for the post and the compliments, I am glad that ShamWOW is of use to you! Here is a response on each question:Do you ever plan on incorporating in Spiritwalker's Grace?
Also, Heroism doesn't seem to work in PvP at all. I haven't seen my bot use it once since I started using ShamWOW a week ago. Even since the recent update to enable it in PvP.
Edit: What about Spirit Link Totem also?
Don't get me wrong. I think ShamWOW is amazing and that's why I'm pointing these things out. You seem to know what you're doing and you are very good at your work.
[reply to weischbier on same question], This one is still low on the priority list for automated casting due to its situational use. There are really two fundamental areas I see this being used:
Raids and Arena using LazyRaider: In these environments, movement is controlled by the user. Spiritwalker's Grace is a movement spell since it frees you from having to stand still. This means in this setting the most effective way to control it is by the user casting as needed. The bot would then need to recognize its been cast and not stop movement prior to a cast that it normally would. This applies to both healing and dps spells. I believe this is already supported when you have movement disabled in ShamWOW.
All Others: Movement during combat is pretty predictable, so there wouldn't be much benefit here except possibly in chasing runners or following a very aggressive tank. The problem is the CC can't anticipate far they are going to run and its not a spell you want to use if you only have to move a few yards. Out of Combat it would allow healing on the move. Also out of combat it may make sense to use for Enhancement Shaman prior to a Pull if at max range if instants are on cooldown, but it could mean maybe 1 extra CL/LB/LvB and if you close into melee range before the cast finishes you are probably better on starting your melee rotation.
So basically, while the spell is *really* cool and I enjoy using it when I play, I don't see it being a game changer for botted Shaman until you can anticipate more about the situation ahead vs. reacting to the current situation.
Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
If you have a problem or question regarding ShamWOW, see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] before you post. Specific information has to be included for me to assist you. ....
shlord, Thanks for the post. Resolving the pending spell on cursor issue will require very specific details (complete debug log, exact time it happened, your description of circumstances/observations when it happened...) The log file alone won't be enough because the problem is a situation that ShamWOW is not detecting (so if it doesn't realize it happened it cannot write anything to the log file about it.) What I will need to resolve this issue is for for a user as soon they notice the pending spell issue (blue cursor), leave HB and WOW alone and immediately look at the system time on your local computer (be sure it includes seconds) and take a screenshot or whatever you need to record that specific time so you can provide it to me along with your log file in your post. Thanks for your help, Bobby53o Fix: Resto - would sometimes have a pending spell on cursor but not finish cast due to timing of target death, disconnect, etc.
o Fix: Resto - corrected an issue where Shaman moving to a heal target that is out of range would sometimes move too close.
:O bobby bobyy bobby, u are the man, no more 1 v 15 with all my team in my back cuz a warrior dived them lol
and pending spells happened a too.. ;D ill test later and update it
really thanks..
your shaman will only spam Lightning Bolts if you are spec'd into Telluric Currents - which 99% of resto shamans its not a waste of mana as it gets all your mana back and if ur already full it keeps you there.hey, even if i set it to healing only... on bosses when people are fully healed it spams lightning bolt on the boss... is there any way to stop this as it wastes mana