HonorBuddy Mode: LazyRaider
Shamans Location: Stormwind Training Dummies
What should have happened (be specific): Should have casted Lightning Bolt at 5 stacks of Malestrom
What did happen (be specific): Did not cast lightning bolt when stormstrike and Lava Lash were on cooldown like it should, just continued on with rotation while the buff wore off.
Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time):10:31:01 PM
Same issue, new log Debug ON in a Raid Group on a Target Dummy. Please do not ask me to go to DS or a heroic as i ASSURE you this happens everywhere, not just on a target dummy...
Confirmed.. Any fix for this soon Bobby?
Zodder, Thanks for the post, but suggest you use it in Heroics and lower level raids first to become familiar with it. See the LazyRaider bot usage in #11 of ther ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE]. After running in those environments, you will be the best suited to answer the question of how it would perform for you since in Dragon Soul since LazyRaiding setups a lot depends upon the player. Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53anyone got experience with the performance of this CC running Dragon Soul as resto?
Laria, Yes will do that for you. Have not had time as I am traveling at the moment. Should in a couple days. Will PM you the access info. Thanks for making me aware of Raph's great work in this area, Bobby53Bobby, would it be possible for you to release a shamwowcopy for the current testreleases of bgbuddy and the included improved los-api from raphus?
Would be very useful for the towers in alterac and the keeps in ioc.
I wish that the other cc's were as advance as shamwow i have 3 85 shamans that i leveled using shamwow and run heroics and raids also very well programmed cc wish i could do something like this myself would give me something else to tinker with lol. I like tinkering lol.
boogeyman269 and dave1240: Thank you for passing along your thoughts and ShamWOW success! Glad to hear someone is getting good use of it.. +rep Thanks again and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53This CC is simply the best Custom Class available for shaman. I would love to see more CC work from you Bobby53 as Shamwow is truly Amazing, You should Work for HB as a CC developer ( If you dont allready). Excellent Work.
Particles, I suggest posting in both the InstanceBuddy thread and possibly the HonorBuddy Support Issues thread regarding your issue, providing a complete log file for a session where there was an occurrance of this. This is a general issue and not specific to Shaman. Since InstanceBuddy is changing the spec, initially it would be to be the best component to properly restore the original spec as needed. However, this can get complicated in a Mixed Bot environment if you immediately aggro some mobs or get killed upon exiting the dungeon before the spec change can occur. Another option is to have the behavior built into the Mixed Mode Bot so that on a mode switch it ensures that your previous spec is made active or it always chooses a DPS spec. I'll need to leave it to the Bot authors as to what fits their design intentions best. You may want to check in the Plug-ins to see if there is a spec management plug-in that assists with this already. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53I'm leveling a shaman using mixed mode. My primary spec is elemental and my secondary spec is resto. I'm queuing instances as a healer and DPS. InstanceBuddy does a perfect job changing my spec from healer to DPS or DPS to healer depending on what role I get when the queue pops. However, if doesn't change the spec back to elemental after the dungeon. Are there any solutions to this problem? I don't want the character to quest when it's using a resto spec because it's very hard and slow to kill anything.