HonorBuddy Mode: PVP
Shamans Location: Umm..?
What should have happened (be specific): 1) Bloodlust isn't being cast no matter how many players are around 2) Totems aren't being dropped properly, they should be down before engaging combat, 90% of the time it's fighting without totems which makes me a useless shaman. 3) Sometimes when I drop totems manually, it recalls them immediately! 4) It sort of holds maelstrom stacks for far too long, i just wish it would immediately use it after reaching 5 stacks.
Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): All the time
MJAlfoudari, A couple quick observations:
1) That was a partial log file attached (HonorBuddy, Plugin, and CC startup and initialization info is missing which would be at the beginning of the file.)
Computer time of problem: All the time- that info doesn't help. The time that should be provided is the time you saw one occurrence of a specific problem occur. That information plus your complete debug log file allow me to focus on researching the issue you saw that concerned you, rather than wandering through the long trying guess what might match up with what you saw. See the FAQ for clarification if needed. You can absolutely report several discrete times if you saw it occur several times. However, things like "All the time" don't provide added value.
3) Maelstrom Proc in PVP - it doesn't hold them too long, it reserves them for potential healing as described in recent posts. It's a survival oriented playstyle which works well in battlegrounds by saving them for use on self or party member. However, in the event you have someone healbotting you in bg's or arena you should be able to use it for damage on proc even if lower in health, so I have added an option on the PVP tab so you can disable Prefer Healing with Maelstrom Procs for PVP as well. If disabled, it will ignore party members health and only use Maelstrom Procs for healing if your health falls below the Need Heal Health %.
4) Bloodlust - I need a complete debug log to look into this further
5) Totems not being dropped properly - I don't agree with that assessment, but I have increased the priority. Rather than waiting until SS, LL, and Shocks are on cooldown will now cast at the start of combat if within melee range.
For a melee character in PVP, the problem with popping a trinket, using a racial, setting totems, and any other buff when combat starts while you are beyond melee range is that you may not make it to melee if you get CC'd and thus wasted the cooldown. Wait to cast it once you get to melee range and you have now delayed your big damage melee spells by several seconds due to GCDs etc. So have raised the priority for now, but anticipate further adjustments/changes in this area.
Look for the changes mentioned above in the next release. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53