HonorBuddy Mode: LazyRaider
Shamans Location: Dragon Soul: Warlord Zon'Ozz
What should have happened (be specific): As Enhancement, Should use malesrom procs for Lightning bolts when at 5 stacks. Should use unleash elements+Flame Shock, should use Wolves on bosses, should use elemental totems on bosses, should use abilities faster
What did happen (be specific): All of the above...Overall the CC is performing very badly for me..It will often use Unleash Elements and either: Let it fall off without flame shokcing with NO flame shock ont he target, or use a Earth Shock.
It seems like it waits 1.5 - 2 seconds before using abilities causing a significant drop on DPS. it will sit on 5 stacks of malestrom and not use it, and sometimes when it does, it will use it to heal...I don't want to use malestrom procs for a heal in a raid environment..ever. It never uses wolves on bosses with the box checked, same with elemental totems.
Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): 10:30AM
I really liked this when i first used it a week or so ago, the only issue seemed to be range. now there are a few bugs, and implementations that really kill it for Lazyraiding..
kbrebel04, Thanks for the post. I am sure it seemed very detailed at the time it was written, but in practice there isn't much in it I can use. The three key things I need are 1) What went wrong 2) When it went wrong 3) Complete debug log. I appreciate your time so will provide additional detail below on what I am referring to:
System Time of 10:30. The time indicated is when HonorBuddy was started. What I need is the time you see the problem. Next time you believe a Flame Shock falls off, look at the system time and provide that (preferably with seconds.)
What happened? This is the key thing the user should be trying to communicate. I don't have the chance to see what went wrong, the log will only say what ShamWOW thinks is happening, so its critical that the user clearly indicates in specific terms what they saw. For example:
What did happen: Unleash Flame buff fell off unused at 10:43:17 with no Flame Shock cast
Specific in terms what the problem is and when it occurred. If the post is only reporting one problem, the time would most likely appear in the System Time as mentioned earlier.
It seems like it waits 1.5 - 2 seconds before using abilities causing a significant drop on DPS. I need a specific time you see this to research it for you, or at least an approximate time and the name of the ability you felt it should have used. I checked approximately one minute of the log where it was in combat and didn't see anything revealing a problem.
it will sit on 5 stacks of malestrom and not use it,... I need a specific time you saw this. The log won't indicate something that it didn't see, which is why the observation of what went wrong and the time it was seen are so important
It will often use Unleash Elements and either: Let it fall off without flame shokcing with NO flame shock ont he target, or use a Earth Shock. None of that should be happening, but again I need the time you see it happen to be able to look into.
it will sit on 5 stacks of malestrom and not use it, and sometimes when it does, it will use it to heal... No occurrence of a Maelstrom Heal exists in the log provided, and I haven't seen it in any of my testing. If this does happen to you, please post the information along with the time you observed it and I will resolve it for you.
I really liked this when i first used it a week or so ago, the only issue seemed to be range. That doesn't seem accurate to me. It appeared you were frustrated with what you referred to as the range issue as well as when I didn't respond to your post the same day. The range issue was also significant for an Enhancement in Dragon Soul due to the large hitboxes of the NPCs which prevented you from fully utilizing the the CC in those fights, so am not sure how much anyone could like it if that was one of their initial uses.
I did notice an issue with instants (specifically UE and SS) being cast too quickly (prior to GCD completing). Later in independent work I found the hitbox size impacted Boss detection (which is why no Feral Spirit.) It would also be why no Fire Elemental for Elemental Shaman, however Fire Elemental is not cast in Raids for Enhancement (see priority in EJ article / you'll want to post there if you disagree.) I'll include fixes for these in the next release.
My apologies for it not meeting your expectations currently, and my thanks for the log file since reviewing it identified a problem that can be corrected. Unfortunately I won't be able to address the issues being written about without knowing when they occurred.
Thanks again and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53