Thank you for the awesome new update!
NaRK, Thank you very much for the description and debug log. The description of what happened isn't entirely accurate. Contrary to Fulmination never being used, the log shows Fulmination was used approximately once per minute in the 20 minute span beginning at 15:49 (so includes the first 15 minutes of the timeframe referenced.) Of those, it appears 3 failed. The failure is due to a bug occurring when a combat buff is cast immediately prior (like Bloodlust, Elemental Mastery, etc.) I will fix that in the next release.Hello Bobby,
I would like some support
HonorBuddy Mode: Quest
Shamans Location: Tol Barad Peninsula
What should have happened (be specific): Using Fulmination when >= 7 stacks of Lightning shield
What did happen (be specific): Never used Fulmination, I was with 9 lightning charges during all the time I quested there
Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): 15:54:28:147 to the end of the log.
Toney001, Thank you for taking the time to post again. Just to clarify, there IS evade bugged mob detection already present in ShamWOW. In rersponse to an evade mob, it should blacklist the mob and continue with the next objective. However, it appears to be failing in your case. I appreciate you going to the trouble of posting and attaching a huge log. Unfortunately there are two things I need to be able to resolve this for you.HonorBuddy Mode: Questing
Shamans Location: Zangarmarsh
What should have happened (be specific): Nothing differently afaik, just a suggestion to add, if possible, detection of evading mobs and a possible way to disengage/blacklist.
What did happen (be specific): Bot was stuck fighting a mob for 7 hours.
Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): I don't remember exactly. It was overnight. Probably something like 2am to 9 am.
Like I said, this is just a suggestion.
Since patch 4.3 it feels like there's evading mobs everywhere (I'm starting to think it was done on purpose to bust bots), so a way to detect/avoid/blacklist evading mobs would be amazing for levelling.
That's pretty much it. Thanks in advance!
peanutbird, I was able to look quickly at the logs. It stops healing due to some It appears you experienced a couple issues:
- Exception from Loot APIs @ 10:30:08: not sure if this was coming from PartyBot, HonorBuddy, or some other component, but if you keep getting it disable looting.
- Exception from Quest Helper plug-in @ 10:30:08: disable this for arena
- Out of Memory? - this shouldn't be happening, but it did @ 10:32
- Exception downloading mesh @ 10:35:12: This could be a side effect of the out of memory
At this point, it appears that a number of exceptions from other components are comprimising the state of your session and interfering with ShamWOW's operation. Once you hit the out of memory all bets are off on the remainder of the session. My suggestion is to shutdown+restart, delete all your navmesh files, follow the suggestions above, then run again. Be sure to eliminate all plug-ins that aren't essential to arena.
You should also wait to click Start after entering the Arena Prep area, and then press Stop when viewing the Arena Scoreboard (so before exiting arena.) This will eliminate having to load meshes for whatever city or continent you are in when queueing for arena.
Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
Toney001, Thank you for taking the time to post again. Just to clarify, there IS evade bugged mob detection already present in ShamWOW. In rersponse to an evade mob, it should blacklist the mob and continue with the next objective. However, it appears to be failing in your case. I appreciate you going to the trouble of posting and attaching a huge log. Unfortunately there are two things I need to be able to resolve this for you.
1. Enable Debug Output. Click the Class Options button, to the General tab and enable Debug Output
2. When posting, provide the time you observed the issue. It doesn't have to be the start of the issue, but it does need to be a single specific time as to when you saw it happening. If you wake up in the morning and its fighting an evade bugged mob, immediately close HonorBuddy. That way you can simply say the last thing in the log is the evade issue. Otherwise, just write down the time before touching anything and provide that in a post with the log.
The problem here is that for some reason it isn't detecting Evade mobs, so there is nothing in the log file that will scream "I'm fighting an evade mob but don't realize it." That's why the time is so important. As for the debug info, it provides valuable details and data on what the CC was thinking at the time it was fighting that I need to understand where the behavior went wrong.
I greatly appreciate your help. Once this info is available I will do what I can to resolve immediately. Thanks again and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
Toney001, You are correct, it gives Kick a headache to look through a log file that has a lot of debug info that doesn't pertain to his Quest profiles. I intentionally created ShamWOW debug output to include a specific pattern, making it easy to filter out (remove) from a file. On the other hand, it is impossible to add the debug information to a file created with the Debug Output option disabled. The Windows FIND command line with the /V parameter will filter it out so users can leave the Debug Option enabled. There are plenty of GREP like utility programs that do the same, but the FIND command is already present on every Windows machine.I've been doing lots of bug reporting for Kick, so I disabled debugging so he didn't have to go through huge logs every time.
I'll get back to you when I find another evade bugged move. There's plenty of those around, unfortunately.
Thanks Bobby.
find /v "] % " debuglog.txt >nodebug.txt
find /v "] %% " "%1" >"nodebug.%1"
peanutbird, You are very welcome! The log had contained a number of .NET communication exceptions as well, which would seem to indicate a Party Bot issue as well (although I would have expected you need to start the non-Shaman first since it has the leader plugin enabled first.) As for the memory issue, it is most likely due to an exception occurring that wasn't being handled correctly which resulted in the program looping and consuming vast amounts of memory. In otherwords, you could have 16GB and it likely would have still occurred.Thanks for your pointers. I already noticed the Quest Helper exception beforehand and disabled it a few minutes after the debug note was written. The Out of Memory message is curious since I have 8GB of memory on this machine and run no other programs in the background.
My theory is that there's a bottleneck when both WoW clients change the zone simultaneously.
In any case, I think I've found the issue. I have to join arena on the Shaman a few seconds before I join it on the second character or else the bug occurs. I also have to leave it on the Shaman before I leave it on the second character or the shaman-WoW-client throws #132. Presumably the bug is somehow related to HB/Partybot and not your CC at all. Thanks for your time.
derhelge, Thanks for your post. Bind Elemental is a good practice and doesn't sound like an issue unless you are saying it is spamming Bind Elemental (repeated failed castings interfering with the rest of the spell priority.) If it is spamming that spell due to some error, please see the steps provided in the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] which provides a template to copy and paste as well as directions on attaching a complete debug log file. It will be very important when posting to provide a single specific time (your local computer time) that you saw ShamWOW casting Bind Elemental when it shouldn't have. In general, the design objective of ShamWOW isn't to be configurable to your style of play, but to implement a best in class response for your Shaman. So while I'll review and consider requests like yours to add an option to control a specific behavior, but typically only add an option like that if it is required for some situation. Thanks for your post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53Hi,
i like your CC very much. In BG i have a little Elemental Shaman Problem in big Fights he try always to Bind Elementals over and over again, can you maybe add an Option to enable/disable bind Elementals in Pvp?
It doesn't really matter what settings others are using, because ultimately you will need to know how to play a Resto Shaman in Arena so your rating will be based upon your skill and understanding of the class, pvp, and your team composition. Read this earlier reply to another ShamWOW regarding the same request -- End Game PVP [CLICK HERE]. Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53Can anyone post your sham wow setting for arena resto shaman settings love to see what everyone is doing and also link your highest score particularly 3v3
Derhelge, Please do make a complete post when you encounter this again. I don't encounter a lot of people repeatedly breaking CC's in BG's unless its to focus one that has been slowed/rooted. Clearly it can happen however. ShamWOW currently is lacking Diminishing Returns logic so it would attempt to cast again even once the Water Elemental is immune. I'll add logic to detect that and suppress BE casts at that point. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53Thx Bobby53,
Let me explain the Problem. For Example the Bot Fight on flag in eye of the Storm an there is an Frost mage, first he bind his elemental but some On make an aoe effect and put the elemental Out from bind so the Cc bind elemental again. So my toon bind again and again for 30secs. Next Time i See this i give you a Log and use your Template.
what specc should i go while lvling? enhancement or elemental? or even resto? , reading the posts ppl posted here are a lot about resto specc, how well is the CC for the other 2 speccs?
DrDoctor, You should read the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE]. This will answer common questions about ShamWOW and provides links to additional information on Shaman. #9 in that document answers your questions. Spec for PVP does not matter. Since at some point you may want to take over manually, play the one you would prefer playing by hand. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53Ok, i will trye them both, what specc you thhink would be best for pvp?