Unfortunately after a promising start against a couple of horde teams in the arena - the shammy still refuses to fight against the allies
Have included a log file - the last game starting at 12:30 is an example of a game against allies - seems to go into a loop where it identifies 2 range targets but it sees them as friendlies
[12:31:00 AM:802] % PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]: h/m:27.0%/100.0%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
[12:31:00 AM:884] % PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]: h/m:27.0%/100.0%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
[12:31:00 AM:885] % combatChecks: in combat but no target/its dead/friendly so finding another
[12:31:00 AM:885] % No Current Target and can't find adds -- why still in Combat()
[12:31:00 AM:886] % PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]: h/m:27.0%/100.0%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
[12:31:00 AM:968] % PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]: h/m:24.2%/100.0%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
[12:31:00 AM:969] % combatChecks: in combat but no target/its dead/friendly so finding another
[12:31:00 AM:970] % No Current Target and can't find adds -- why still in Combat()
Cheers and thanks for the quick responses