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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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Anyone here using ShamWoW with LazyRaider for Arenas with success? (success = 1800+ MMR in 2s or 3s)
If so, could you share what settings and spec you are using as well as what you set the "tank" to?
I just tried doing 2s and it never even cast a single spell other than earth shield and I was burnt down quickly due to lack of casting heals.
Stree, Suggest since you are getting unexpected results to follow the steps provided in ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] on posting an issue/question regarding behavior you observe. There are no special settings needed with regards to getting your Resto Shaman to heal with LazyRaider. You simply start it up and it goes, so if there was an issue healing then don't expect other users settings to resolve it for you. Post the details as described in the FAQ and I'll look into it for you and see if we can't get you past it. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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Idk, it runs great in bg's, instances, raids, etc with lazy raider. just didnt seem to do much at all in arena. not sure why. ill have to keep testing before i really look into making a real error report on it.
Idk, it runs great in bg's, instances, raids, etc with lazy raider. just didnt seem to do much at all in arena. not sure why. ill have to keep testing before i really look into making a real error report on it.
Stree, Sorry to hear that, but cannot do anything for you unless the information described in the FAQ (linked in prior response) is provided. Doesn't require extensive testing or analysis on your part (although if you prefer that by all means please do.) Just copy/paste the template, provide the info described, attach the complete debug log file and your done. Bobby53
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Sorry to be off topic, but bobby53 you must be in customer service because you are VERY kind in your posts, and very (can't think of the word so I'll use) politically correct in the formation of your sentences. I wanted to give you more Rep for it, but unfortunately I must spread the love around first before I can give you more lol. Anyways keep up the awesome work on your Sham CC!
Its more of a matter that I have no clue what time it was when i tried to do arenas and I am not 100% sure if my not casting was due to being silenced or stunned yet. I rarely watch times due to being in game and being unable to see what time it says on my desktop.

Also I had a question about the advanced tab? When will we be able to or how to we add blacklisted stuff to the dispels and purges? In ZG the bot dispels the buff from the cauldrons (poison resist, the freeze one, and the fire one). There's also a few other things in other dungeons I don't recall off the top of my head.

Also I have a suggestion: When using the CC with BG Bot [Beta] in random battleground, on death the bot will automatically use ankh (reincarnate), no matter if there are still players standing on you (usually the ones that killed you). Nobody would really ever use this while the players who killed them are still there. May want to disable this while in BG's because it just looks bottish in my opinion.
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Its more of a matter that I have no clue what time it was when i tried to do arenas and I am not 100% sure if my not casting was due to being silenced or stunned yet. I rarely watch times due to being in game and being unable to see what time it says on my desktop.

Also I had a question about the advanced tab? When will we be able to or how to we add blacklisted stuff to the dispels and purges? In ZG the bot dispels the buff from the cauldrons (poison resist, the freeze one, and the fire one). There's also a few other things in other dungeons I don't recall off the top of my head.

Also I have a suggestion: When using the CC with BG Bot [Beta] in random battleground, on death the bot will automatically use ankh (reincarnate), no matter if there are still players standing on you (usually the ones that killed you). Nobody would really ever use this while the players who killed them are still there. May want to disable this while in BG's because it just looks bottish in my opinion.
Stree, Thanks for the follow up. The log file would indicate if you were CC'd as well as a number of other important aspects of the combat which is why its essential information to attach. In general, its not worth posting about behavior if a log file isn't provided since the user can't describe enough of the necessary information to compensate for the files absence.

Cleanse Blacklist: There is a file named ShamWOW.config in the CustomClasses\Config folder that contains the cleanse blacklist and the purge whitelist. If its not there you'll want to revisit the install instructions in the FAQ. The cauldron buffs are already in the cleanse blacklist. If you don't see them listed in your Advanced tab install the ShamWOW.config from the latest version. If they are present and still not working, I will need a post containing a log file and the details as described in the FAQ.

Ankh issue: thats a long standing issue and is being invoked by the Bot, not the CC. The same thing will occur if you get soulstoned. Typically for a suggestion like this you will want to post the details mentioned in the FAQ since you are requesting a change to behavior you observed, and having the detail regarding what happened makes it easier to alter the behavior. No need in this case as I am aware of it already.

Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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Sorry to be off topic, but bobby53 you must be in customer service because you are VERY kind in your posts, and very (can't think of the word so I'll use) politically correct in the formation of your sentences. I wanted to give you more Rep for it, but unfortunately I must spread the love around first before I can give you more lol. Anyways keep up the awesome work on your Sham CC!
flipboi001, Thanks for the post and the feedback! +rep I just try to be respectful of others and speak as I would like to be spoken too. Thanks for your post and the rep (both past and planned) Bobby53
Stree, Thanks for the follow up. The log file would indicate if you were CC'd as well as a number of other important aspects of the combat which is why its essential information to attach. In general, its not worth posting about behavior if a log file isn't provided since the user can't describe enough of the necessary information to compensate for the files absence.

Cleanse Blacklist: There is a file named ShamWOW.config in the CustomClasses\Config folder that contains the cleanse blacklist and the purge whitelist. If its not there you'll want to revisit the install instructions in the FAQ. The cauldron buffs are already in the cleanse blacklist. If you don't see them listed in your Advanced tab install the ShamWOW.config from the latest version. If they are present and still not working, I will need a post containing a log file and the details as described in the FAQ.

Ankh issue: that's a long standing issue and is being invoked by the Bot, not the CC. The same thing will occur if you get soulstoned. Typically for a suggestion like this you will want to post the details mentioned in the FAQ since you are requesting a change to behavior you observed, and having the detail regarding what happened makes it easier to alter the behavior. No need in this case as I am aware of it already.

Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

Thanks Bobby!
I didn't figure that a log file would need to be attached for the ankh issue (assumed it was something that it did to everyone, not just me). I expected it to be a CC issue rather than a Bot issue tho, thanks for the update tho.

It appears that my install of ShamWoW did not have the ShamWoW.config, so I have done a new install of the CC and will test it out again in PVE and in arenas to see if i can re-create the lack of casting in arena (and actually know what time frame to look into the logs)

Thanks again for the quick reply's, hopefully a re-install fixed any issues I had but if not ill be ready with times to attach a log file to hopefully help out more with fixing the issue, lol.

Update: The cleansing seems to have fixed with a re-install and not only that but the bot appears to be healing more efficiently. The only issue I am seeing now is that my in game cursor will change (as if I am queuing a spell that has no target) and will not cast until i click a target. (I think it is doing then when trying to cast on self).

Log will be uploaded shortly with post from FAQ
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HonorBuddy Mode: LazyRaider (ZA)
Shamans Location: ZA - Dungeon
What should have happened (be specific): Was healing, and everything was casting well, until a spell was triggered that appeared to have no target. Spell should have been casted on a target.
What did happen (be specific): Spell triggered was given no target and cursor icon was changed, bot would not properly continue to cast until I manually clicked a player to cast the spell on. (I believe it was attempting to cast heals on self).
Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): 10AM

HonorBuddy Mode: BG Bot [Beta]
Shamans Location: AB - Battleground
What should have happened (be specific): Should have targeted the enemy player and cast Lightning Bolt's if no nearby player was in need of heals/dispels, in addition to purging anything from the enemy player.
What did happen (be specific): The bot would occasionally target an enemy player and run to them and just run circles around them doing nothing else until the player was dead.
Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): 10:30AM

BG Bot Log is one labeled with x at the beginning of file name

Did some more testing using the "PVP" bot setting rather than BG bot. The self healing issue is there as well, which leads me to believe its something to do with the CC?

When in PVP or BG Bot and having the bot set to "Healing Only" in the PVP tab, should the bot be targeting enemy players and casting earth shock (no lightning bolts, or anything like that) and running up to them? Shouldn't it be selecting friendly players to move to or near to heal and assisting them with the occasional lightning bolt(when no friendly targets near by meet the requirements to need a heal)? Please correct me if I am wrong or if this should not be happening, then I will get more logs uploaded.


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Ah there sorry.
Got these errors, can anyone help me?

This is your main problem:
[7:39:32 PM:925] This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
That means you're either loading a profile that isn't level-appropriate for your character or you're loading a profile in a wrong bot (for example: Quest profile in grind bot).
It's nothing to do with the CC.
Thanks Bobby! I didn't figure that a log file would need to be attached for the ankh issue (assumed it was something that it did to everyone, not just me). I expected it to be a CC issue rather than a Bot issue tho, thanks for the update tho.
No problem. Just be aware I don't research questions, issues, or requested changes in behavior if the detail associated with it isn't available. Unfortunately I don't have the time needed to hope that I am recreating the same issue a user experienced and instead rely upon data comparison to confirm that I have. That requires a log file and descriptive info from the user.

It appears that my install of ShamWoW did not have the ShamWoW.config, so I have done a new install of the CC and will test it out again in PVE and in arenas to see if i can re-create the lack of casting in arena (and actually know what time frame to look into the logs)

Thanks again for the quick reply's, hopefully a re-install fixed any issues I had but if not ill be ready with times to attach a log file to hopefully help out more with fixing the issue, lol.

Update: The cleansing seems to have fixed with a re-install and not only that but the bot appears to be healing more efficiently. The only issue I am seeing now is that my in game cursor will change (as if I am queuing a spell that has no target) and will not cast until i click a target. (I think it is doing then when trying to cast on self).

Log will be uploaded shortly with post from FAQ
There are two folders in the distribution .zip and its a common error to only extract the ShamWOW folder. Without the log file I don't know if it was that or an older version was in use, but either way glad to hear it is working for you.
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HonorBuddy Mode: LazyRaider (ZA)
Shamans Location: ZA - Dungeon
What should have happened (be specific): Was healing, and everything was casting well, until a spell was triggered that appeared to have no target. Spell should have been casted on a target.
What did happen (be specific): Spell triggered was given no target and cursor icon was changed, bot would not properly continue to cast until I manually clicked a player to cast the spell on. (I believe it was attempting to cast heals on self).
Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): 10AM
Stree, Thank you for the incredibly well written issue post! Greatly appreciate the detail. I looked at 10:00A and for the type of issue you described, it is difficult to determine the cause of the issue. I do see where it attempted to heal a Shaman (not self) with Riptide and cast it repeatedly. It definitely sounds like Auto Self Cast was off, but that shouldn't affect ShamWOW. I have added auto-detection of the Auto Self Cast console variable and set it to True if needed at startup which should hopefully resolve the matter if it gets in this peculiar state of being able to see the health of a target and for them to appear to be close but cant receive a heal yet. This will be in the next version so please advise if the problem reoccurs.

HonorBuddy Mode: BG Bot [Beta]
Shamans Location: AB - Battleground
What should have happened (be specific): Should have targeted the enemy player and cast Lightning Bolt's if no nearby player was in need of heals/dispels, in addition to purging anything from the enemy player.
What did happen (be specific): The bot would occasionally target an enemy player and run to them and just run circles around them doing nothing else until the player was dead.
Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): 10:30AM

BG Bot Log is one labeled with x at the beginning of file name

This was due to the PVP Combat Style option being set to Healing Only. That setting instructs it to not "pick a fight" so to speak so it will ignore the PULL request by the BG Bot. If you would like your Shaman to Heal but fight if nobody requires healing at the moment just change it to Healing Over Combat.
Did some more testing using the "PVP" bot setting rather than BG bot. The self healing issue is there as well, which leads me to believe its something to do with the CC?

When in PVP or BG Bot and having the bot set to "Healing Only" in the PVP tab, should the bot be targeting enemy players and casting earth shock (no lightning bolts, or anything like that) and running up to them? Shouldn't it be selecting friendly players to move to or near to heal and assisting them with the occasional lightning bolt(when no friendly targets near by meet the requirements to need a heal)? Please correct me if I am wrong or if this should not be happening, then I will get more logs uploaded.
I encountered a lot of issues with BG Bot fighting for control when running as Resto in battlegrounds so had been advising only to use BG Bot with either Enhancement or Elemental specs. For users insisting on Healing BG's then recommended either using LazyRaider or if they require AFKing using PVP Bot (w/ Squire.) Frankly none of these are perfect solutions at present with each having some limitation. I'll take another look at this setup after the next release goes out. If you run this again and notice the time when it occurs please post the log file so I can try and zero in on the specifics.

Thanks for the post,
Rawrrawrmeow, The response from Croga was correct. The message:
[7:41:31 PM:177] This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
isn't a ShamWOW error, but it is a bug in the PVP Bot. That bot requires you to load a profile that is appropriate for the level of your character to be able to press Start. It won't actually use it as it auto-selects the appropriate battleground profile based upon whatever one you enter. Load the attached Blank.xml and you should not have a problem starting anymore. Thanks for the post with the log file, Bobby53


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Stree, Thank you for the incredibly well written issue post! Greatly appreciate the detail. I looked at 10:00A and for the type of issue you described, it is difficult to determine the cause of the issue. I do see where it attempted to heal a Shaman (not self) with Riptide and cast it repeatedly. It definitely sounds like Auto Self Cast was off, but that shouldn't affect ShamWOW. I have added auto-detection of the Auto Self Cast console variable and set it to True if needed at startup which should hopefully resolve the matter if it gets in this peculiar state of being able to see the health of a target and for them to appear to be close but cant receive a heal yet. This will be in the next version so please advise if the problem reoccurs.

This was due to the PVP Combat Style option being set to Healing Only. That setting instructs it to not "pick a fight" so to speak so it will ignore the PULL request by the BG Bot. If you would like your Shaman to Heal but fight if nobody requires healing at the moment just change it to Healing Over Combat.

I encountered a lot of issues with BG Bot fighting for control when running as Resto in battlegrounds so had been advising only to use BG Bot with either Enhancement or Elemental specs. For users insisting on Healing BG's then recommended either using LazyRaider or if they require AFKing using PVP Bot (w/ Squire.) Frankly none of these are perfect solutions at present with each having some limitation. I'll take another look at this setup after the next release goes out. If you run this again and notice the time when it occurs please post the log file so I can try and zero in on the specifics.

Thanks for the post,

No problem, I originally thought that the same thing (auto self cast being off) so I enabled it before I submitted the post and re-tested, this did not change anything. Throughout the day I continued to test in various places using BG bot, LazyRaider and PVP Bot and even isolated it to where there were no friendly players in range and took damage and it continued to do the same thing. I am 99.9% sure that the attempts to heal "a shaman" were me, it would only do this when my hp was low.

Around 8PM I ran a few BG bots and it seemed to have stopped doing this, just it started to run around enemies more and more in circles, and would only cast earth shock on them and never lightning bolt, lol. I am always #1 or #2 for healing done in the BG, but the whole running around the enemy doing nothing looks bottish. Other than that I have ran into no issues using the CC in BG's as Resto spec with BG Bot.
No problem, I originally thought that the same thing (auto self cast being off) so I enabled it before I submitted the post and re-tested, this did not change anything. Throughout the day I continued to test in various places using BG bot, LazyRaider and PVP Bot and even isolated it to where there were no friendly players in range and took damage and it continued to do the same thing. I am 99.9% sure that the attempts to heal "a shaman" were me, it would only do this when my hp was low.
Possibly, as the 10:00 incident shows attempts to cast Riptide on a Shaman at 0.0 yds. That means there is something wrong with the HonorBuddy API however, as anytime a spell is cast on self the target name output is "-ME-" but in this case it was Shaman.D2C0. That means that the simplest HB API WoWUnit.IsMe is failing, in which case you might as well give the keyboard the 3 finger salute (Ctrl+Alt+Del) and do a System Restart. It doesn't appear to be associated with low health as that same 10:00 incident it was trying to heal a target currently at 78% health.

Around 8PM I ran a few BG bots and it seemed to have stopped doing this, just it started to run around enemies more and more in circles, and would only cast earth shock on them and never lightning bolt, lol. I am always #1 or #2 for healing done in the BG, but the whole running around the enemy doing nothing looks bottish. Other than that I have ran into no issues using the CC in BG's as Resto spec with BG Bot.
It's great that your not seeing any additional issues with a Resto run with BG Bot, but since the recurring problem you reported was tagged as looking "bottish" I'm assuming thats a big enough problem to warrant attaching a log file.

Thanks for the posts, I'll keep an eye out for log files, and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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