It will cast Healing Rain if you have 4 or more players within a 10 yd radius whose health % is below the level configured. The default is 0% which disables it.Does this CC use Heal Rain in dungeons cuz i put it on 80% and 4ppl in party was below 50% but it didn't cast heal rain, actually i've never seen it do it?
Doug, There isn't an option you toggle to disable that behavior presently. If your Shaman is setup with Glyph of Water Walking and/or Glyph of Water Breathing, it will cast those on all players within range as long as the Preparation or Arena Preparation buffs are active. I had planned on providing an option but ended up releasing this version earlier than expected so I could address the breakage from HB I'll add an option to disable in next release on the PVP tab. In the meantime you can disable that by replacing those Minor Glyphs. Bobby53Thank you for a fantastic CC !!
is anyone else having a problem with it buffing water walking and water breathing at the start of a battle ground ? using BG Bot[Beta]. Yes I have the option to buff it off at and I also checked the config file to see if it really took the setting , shows it set to false. If others are having this problem , no big deal... if just me I'll post a log in a bit.
I have selected the option in the configuration page of Shamwow for Healing only. For some reason the cc still is casting Lava Burst/ Lightning Bolt occasionally. This isn't that big of an issue but I am trying to use as little mana as possible atm. Please see log below
Saif, The DPS casts were due to the spec and the configuration. Lightning Bolt was cast to take advantage of your spec (points in Telluric Currents talent.) See the log message:I have selected the option in the configuration page of Shamwow for Healing only. For some reason the cc still is casting Lava Burst/ Lightning Bolt occasionally. This isn't that big of an issue but I am trying to use as little mana as possible atm. Please see log below
Thanks for the post and your thoughts for improvement. Even suggestions usually require a log file. Based upon the description given, if the suggestion were implemented as described, then the user would be left to choose between either no ressurrection support and ressurrection support that switches to healing too slowly if the group enters combat. I'd rather fix it so it properly switches quickly if the group pulls while trying to rezz. If you keep running and encounter this again, please shoot me a log file so I can research further for you.Bobby: I have som suggestions. (No log this time only some suggestions)
Been using this CC now all day long and did atleast 40+ runs in normal/heroic cata and noticed the following:
- Ressing messes up the healing sometimes (bot selects ress but because of combat it only stands there a couple of seconds..after a while it gets the point and starts healing again but until that group looses alot of HP.) I think a good idea would be to have ressing as an option that you can turn ON/OFF (so u can ress manually).
The range of the spell is determined by WoW. Its a 40 yd range with a 10 yd area of effect. In general Healing Rain is a mana pig. You would never want to cast it on just 2 group members unless you just want to watch the animation and take the spell out for a run. Elitist Jerks recommends 5+ and that is the design compendium for ShamWOW's endgame PVE behaviors. The goal of ShamWOW is to automatically make the best choices based upon the available information and best in class information such as EJ, so don't look for it to expose every possible value or setting. The default is going to remain 0% and 4+ targets, but I give some thought to an option since I've opened up so many of the other healing settings.Healing Rain which is a really useful spell in dungeons is rarely used because it's almost 2-3/5 that is low on hp. And CC requires 4+.
Also people must be in range which decreases the chances that CC ever uses Healing Rain (group is often splitted up so 10yard requirement is hard to reach) and instead goes heal spam.Suggestion here is that you can pick how many party members haveto be %HP before using Healing Rain. And maybe set your own range too?
Chain Heal is cast if the target is within 40 yds and it will check for at least 2 hops (so 3 healed) of 12 yds each. That means if you are targeting A, then B must be within 12 yds of A and C must be within 12 yds of B, but C does not have to be within 12 yds of A. If Chain Heal isn't cast, its because there aren't 3 players needing heals meeting this criteria. It isn't mana efficient to cast Chain Heal on 2 players. If I open up the count to Healing Rain, I will for Chain Heal also.- Chain Heal; Same suggestion as above. Many times when it should use Chain Heal it heals with other spells (Like Healing Wave on everyone instead of x1 Chain Heal).
It already uses a heal priority based upon Health % which has worked well in Cata. A log file example of the the warlock/tank situation would be useful as it would contain an audit trail of the actual values. If the Warlock had a lower health % then it would be targeted for healing first. I would expect a priority factoring other metrics like group role, incoming damage, or number of enemies targeting a group member would work better than a priority based on class. I'll give this some additional thought, but I think there is a false economy in that the amount of healing and mana consumed will be the same. We might see better group survivability since you will always be better off risking a DPS than a Tank. I'll give this some thought and see what can be added without bogging down the heal target selection process.- And one last thing. Healing priority on party members. Is this something you have as future plan?
In the good old days as healer you could spam heals and keep everyone up at 100% HP but Cata HC dungeons changed this totally and now as healer it's prio #1 = Tank , prio #2 = the rest.
DPS can often be below 80% without any problems but CC always tries to keep them up to 100% and because of this the tank healing slows down alot.
CC doesn't seem to care what class is low on HP? and many times when I played today it healed the warlock (which had low hp because of lifetap I guess) instead of focusing the tank which had all aggro and loosed alot of HP. The result was that CC spammed all critical spells to keep tank alive which made the mana pool go very low.
A normal scenario would be full focus on tank until it's stable and then go for the rest.
This was alot of text but hope you understand what I'm trying to explain (getting late here hehe).
Thanks Aeus, but you typically want to leave it set to 'Auto'. Here are the meanings:It's probably set to Auto now. You can choose Healing Only. (Think it's in the instance tab in CC options)
No problem at all. Hopefully a user doesn't need to know anything about playing a Shammy and can just let the bot, cc, and plugins do the work. The default settings in ShamWOW will take you from 1 to 85 including end game content with no change needed. The revised AutoEquip2 is working nicely and now integrates with InstanceBuddy so the same equipping logic is used continuously when grinding, questing, or doing instances. The Talented plug-in works well (doesn't handle Dual Spec though, so if you depend on it just stay DPS.)Bobby, Thanks for the reply. I appreciate your help. Just started playing the shammy again so I am basically clueless to what it is doing. Thanks for the reply and thanks for all your hardwork! Saif
Bobby53, I just wanted to thank you once again for sharing such amazing work with the community!
I recently took my shammie into a dungeon with a Pally tank. My resto shammie was keeping Earth Shield up on him, but it was over-writing his Righteous Fury. When he re-applied Righteous Fury, it over-wrote Earth Shield. As a result, I had to play this one by hand.
I don't know if Righteous Fury/Earth Shield over-writing is a new mechanic, has existed for a while, or an outright Blizzard bug. But, would it be possible to disable Earth Shield, if the tank is a Pally? I looked through the ShamWoW config, but could find no option for disabling it.
thanks for the consideration!
You sure it was over-writing the Righteous Fury? The new interface consolidate the buffs into one icon when you have too much. Its probably was hidden away in one of the icon.
I run a Pally with Shaman healing earlier today and notice no problem with the two buffs.