warning: UseMount takes precedence over UseGhostWolf: the Ghost Wolf setting ignored this session
I am not seeing this behavior. Please post two logs. Load HonorBuddy, change the setting to 1%, click Save. Exit HonorBuddy completely. Now start HonorBuddy, click the "Settings & Tools" button, select the appropriate version of ShamWOW (if prompted), then exit HonorBuddy. Post an issue with both log files. No timestamp needed for this one since you never Start the bot.Everytime I change the Drink mana setting from 65% to like 1% it switches back after next HB restart.
Thanks for the log. I'll look into it.EDIT: And it seems like its not the ressing bot tries in combat when someone dies (this time it was the tank)... Its the Riptide spam according to log?
And this is really really broken.. wipes the whole group sometimes because of late heals.
Here is the log: Check after 21:08.
EDIT2: This Riptide thing seem to occur only when tank dies in battle.. One hunter died and CC didn't try riptide on that player. So it's seems to be tank only.
View attachment 24053
HB4717A34, Thank you for the very detailed post. However I'm not sure I understand the issue description. What often works better specifying a how to fix a problem you have seen is focusing just on describing the problem. In this case, I understand the bot targeted Kalaran but I am not sure I understand the sequence of who is running away from whom and at what point. If you could provide a little more detail I'll give this some thorough consideration and see what can be done. Thanks, Bobby53HonorBuddy Mode: Mixed
Shamans Location: Badlands
What should have happened (be specific): There should be a check to see if there are too many instances of "Too far away error" which indicates the mob is running away. When this is detected, CC should stop chasing. Also, CC should stop chasing and change target when its taking damage that isn't the current target and "Too far away error" is detected.
What did happen (be specific): Bot was on route to a hotspot running through multiple NPCs. At one point it decide to initiate combat with "Kalaran the Annihilator" and run back. However, "Kalaran the Annihilator" has already given up and went on another path. The bot continue to chase while having multiple NPCs attacking it.
System time of issue (log time stamp): [1:52:14 AM:419]
Impala, Sorry but I do need a log file to look into operational problems like this one. Based on what you described the CC had a conflicting set of objectives that would need to be resolved before any options were added.I know you are going to want a log, but I am sorry that I cannot provide one.
Setting to Healing Only restricts your Shaman to believing it is a healer regardless of what spec he is. That means if you ever run an Instance as either Elemental or Enhancement you will only cast healing spells until you return to this page and choose a different setting. Or, you could leave set to the default 'Auto' setting and it will automatically switch to the correct behavior as designed. When running in an Instance as a Restoration spec Shaman, 'Auto' performs the same as 'Healing Only'.Bobby recommends settings the CC to Auto in RAF/Instances tab and it will use the healing spells etc. (Check 1-3pages back in this thread). I have it on Healing Only though and it works great for me.
Thanks for the post and the rep bronsontf22, and good luck with your Shaman!Best CC ive used ever. +rep
aeus, I appreciate the time you take to comment on my work. However, I can only handle reading "ridiculous", "really really broken", and "be sure to read what I wrote" a limited number of times without it affecting my responses. If possible just focus on the facts and know that I will respond to all posts to the best of my ability. I may not respond to them in order as some questions are easier to answer than others, but I will attempt to get to them all.That water walking pre bg buff thing is so ridicilous actually, spams those spells in AV hehe
Bobby: I think the best solution is to have checkboxes for most of the stuff that is implemented because all the current options doesn't work well in all areas (bg, raid, instace etc).
Would be much easier to tweak it properly with the checkboxes so you can turn on and off stuff depending on where you are.
PS. Bobby don't forget to check my earlier post about Riptide on dead tank. DS.
rsanrival, There isn't enough information posted to be able to meaningfully do anything with this. People will have mana management issues if they or a portion of their raid are undergeared, if the group takes more damage because of lack of familiarity with the encounter, a simple mistake resulting in the death of a DPS or other which weakens the groups total DPS thus lengthening the encounter, etc. , etc. , etc. If you have concerns regarding spell selection which contributed to mana being depleted early or excessively, please consult the Elitist Jerks article for Resto Shaman Raid Healing. This serves as the design document for the default healing spell selection, so any differences in what you observe versus what they prescribe would be greatly appreciated. You can also make changes to the health %'s that trigger spell selection in the Group Healing tab. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53To those of you with positive experiences with this CC : Do any of you find that the CC has mana management issues that would make it unusable in end game raiding? I am running oom in heroics. I have completely wiped HB and reinstalled it +shamwow and lazyraider but it still runs oom and very often at that. I did not notice this before the patch/HB+CC updates so I am just curious if anyone else is going through this or what your experiences have been running this CC for end game raid healing.
If you encounter an issue, please see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for details on the information needed for me to research an issue on your behalf. In HonorBuddy, the Bot (in this case LazyRaider) does the targeting then triggers the CC (in this case ShamWOW) to engage in combat. LazyRaider does not automatically target for you. The strategies, appropriate targets, and the time to attack vary greatly across raid encounters so it waits for you to target and engage. If you have a suggestion or would like to see a change to LazyRaider regarding that please post in that thread as it will pertain to all classes using that Bot and not just Shaman. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53I don't know if it's been asked in the 250 pages but when I use this with lazy raider set to follow the tank it doesn't seem to attack anything. Is there an easy fix to this?
Thanks Mupp, glad its working well for you!Welcome back BobbyLove the new version.
Please see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for details on the information that needs to be included for any issue you would like me to look into for you. Thanks and good luck, Bobby53I have a problem after a wipe using lazy raider and this cc where I keep putting earth shield on then water shield then earth shield over and over.
Hi Mupp, Even though the LazyRaider concept was initially developed so people could use HonorBuddy in some fashion for Raids, others have found it useful for every other aspect of game combat including PVP, Questing, and World PVP. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53Why use lazyraider for PvP?
Its designed for raiding.
HB9491F60, Please see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for details on the information that needs to be included for any issue you would like me to look into for you. A Resto Shaman will attack with Lightning Bolt and/or Shocks if you have the Telluric Currents and/or Focused Insight talents in your spec. If you prefer not to benefit from those talent procs and not cast these spells then you will want to respec your Shaman omitting them from your talent build. Thanks and good luck, Bobby53Hi, I was using this profile as RestoShaman with Instancebuddy, but he is attacking and I want him only to heal, what to do? THanks!
Please see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for details on the information that needs to be included for any issue you would like me to look into for you. Thanks and good luck, Bobby53My bot never use flame shock as Elemental in pvp. Please help!
warning: UseMount takes precedence over UseGhostWolf: the Ghost Wolf setting ignored this session
stevenr, Go to HonorBuddy settings and clear the checkbox setting 'Use Mount'. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53What have I to do to that my char use die ghostwolf?
aeus, Are you referring to the 'Need to Drink at Mana %' setting on the Group Heal tab? For some reason that setting has become enabled. It is supposed to be disabled because it hasn't been wired up yet, which is why you saw no effect from changing it as well as it not being saved/loaded. If you want to adjust the Drinking % in the current release, you need to change the 'Drink at Mana %' on the General tab of options. I had started to add these but they will go away and be implemented differently in a future release. Thanks for the post, Bobby53Sorry for that Bobby I will try to be more specific in my posts.
Here is the two logs for "Drink mana setting 65% -> 1%". I don't know what the logs say but 10min later I opened HB to run it ingame and it was back at 65%.
View attachment 24195
View attachment 24196
Best regards,