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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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Bobby53, I just wanted to thank you once again for sharing such amazing work with the community!

I recently took my shammie into a dungeon with a Pally tank. My resto shammie was keeping Earth Shield up on him, but it was over-writing his Righteous Fury. When he re-applied Righteous Fury, it over-wrote Earth Shield. As a result, I had to play this one by hand. :D

I don't know if Righteous Fury/Earth Shield over-writing is a new mechanic, has existed for a while, or an outright Blizzard bug. But, would it be possible to disable Earth Shield, if the tank is a Pally? I looked through the ShamWoW config, but could find no option for disabling it.

thanks for the consideration!
chinajade, Great to hear from you and my apologies for any difficulties you were having with your Shammy / Pally combo. This did not exist prior to the last patch and no mention occurs in the patch notes. I also healed a pally on this patch and did not notice this behavior, so am assuming it is either WOW bug recently introduced or you encountered an anomaly. It is not an intended buff conflict that exists by design however. I cannot test at the moment, but if you could restart your system and let me know if you are still encountering I would greatly appreciate. In the event this ends up being posted as intended behavior, then I will update the CC accordingly. Thanks for the post, Bobby53

UPDATE: Ran a quick dungeon with a Paladin tank and had both Earth Shield and Righteous Fury up at same time, so does not appear to be a general WOW issue.
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ShamWOW Users: Have a wonderful and safe 4th of July weekend! I will be on vacation with family for the next week so doubtful I will be able to check the forums much until I return on the 8th. If you don't get a response, be patient and know I will look into and respond to your posts as soon as possible after I return. Thanks and safe botting, Bobby53
HonorBuddy Mode: Mixed

Shamans Location:

What should have happened (be specific):
There should be a check to see if there are too many instances of "Too far away error" which indicates the mob is running away. When this is detected, CC should stop chasing. Also, CC should stop chasing and change target when its taking damage that isn't the current target and "Too far away error" is detected.

What did happen (be specific):
Bot was on route to a hotspot running through multiple NPCs. At one point it decide to initiate combat with "Kalaran the Annihilator" and run back. However, "Kalaran the Annihilator" has already given up and went on another path. The bot continue to chase while having multiple NPCs attacking it.

System time of issue (log time stamp): [1:52:14 AM:419]


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I know you are going to want a log, but I am sorry that I cannot provide one. I signed up to Tol Barad and we were defending. I use using lazy raider as a Resto Shaman.

HonorBuddy Mode: Lazy Raider

Shamans Location: Tol Barad

What should have happened (be specific): Bot did not get in a water/earth shield loop.

What did happen (be specific): Because there was no tank close to me, the bot would keep casting Earth shield on me. After it cast Earth shield it would cast Water shield. This repeated over and over until I went into LazyRaider config to set a tank. The problem was, every time I died or moved to a location where the set tank was not around, I had to go in LazyRaider config and re set a tank.

Possible solutions: Having a checkbox in CC config to disable using Earth Shield on the tank.

Also, I know I asked for the water breathing and water walking pre bg buff, but this weeks call to arms is Alterac Valley. Having 30-40 people gets kind of annoying. So a possible solution to this too, is adding a checkbox to enbale/disable precombat buffing of Water walking/breathing. (EDIT: it's fine on AV, disregard)

Cheers, and thanks for making the best CC!
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I know you are going to want a log, but I am sorry that I cannot provide one. I signed up to Tol Barad and we were defending. I use using lazy raider as a Resto Shaman.

HonorBuddy Mode: Lazy Raider

Shamans Location: Tol Barad

What should have happened (be specific): Bot did not get in a water/earth shield loop.

What did happen (be specific): Because there was no tank close to me, the bot would keep casting Earth shield on me. After it cast Earth shield it would cast Water shield. This repeated over and over until I went into LazyRaider config to set a tank. The problem was, every time I died or moved to a location where the set tank was not around, I had to go in LazyRaider config and re set a tank.

Possible solutions: Having a checkbox in CC config to disable using Earth Shield on the tank.

Also, I know I asked for the water breathing and water walking pre bg buff, but this weeks call to arms is Alterac Valley. Having 30-40 people gets kind of annoying. So a possible solution to this too, is adding a checkbox to enbale/disable precombat buffing of Water walking/breathing.

Cheers, and thanks for making the best CC!

Why use lazyraider for PvP?
Its designed for raiding.
I know you are going to want a log, but I am sorry that I cannot provide one. I signed up to Tol Barad and we were defending. I use using lazy raider as a Resto Shaman.

HonorBuddy Mode: Lazy Raider

Shamans Location: Tol Barad

What should have happened (be specific): Bot did not get in a water/earth shield loop.

What did happen (be specific): Because there was no tank close to me, the bot would keep casting Earth shield on me. After it cast Earth shield it would cast Water shield. This repeated over and over until I went into LazyRaider config to set a tank. The problem was, every time I died or moved to a location where the set tank was not around, I had to go in LazyRaider config and re set a tank.

Possible solutions: Having a checkbox in CC config to disable using Earth Shield on the tank.

Also, I know I asked for the water breathing and water walking pre bg buff, but this weeks call to arms is Alterac Valley. Having 30-40 people gets kind of annoying. So a possible solution to this too, is adding a checkbox to enbale/disable precombat buffing of Water walking/breathing.

Cheers, and thanks for making the best CC!

That water walking pre bg buff thing is so ridicilous actually, spams those spells in AV hehe :D

Bobby: I think the best solution is to have checkboxes for most of the stuff that is implemented because all the current options doesn't work well in all areas (bg, raid, instace etc).
Would be much easier to tweak it properly with the checkboxes so you can turn on and off stuff depending on where you are.

PS. Bobby don't forget to check my earlier post about Riptide on dead tank. DS.
Tried searching the post for it, but so many pages and the "search thread" function doesn't seem to be working (gave me weird answers).
Anyhow, I run with it in AV as a enh shaman, and everything is fine exept that every start of the AV it casts Water Walking on all 40 ppl, doing it every bg and might run in to same ppl again, it might seem a bit strange.
I did try turning it off in the options but it still casts it, more then one place where I need to turn it off?
Tried searching the post for it, but so many pages and the "search thread" function doesn't seem to be working (gave me weird answers).
Anyhow, I run with it in AV as a enh shaman, and everything is fine exept that every start of the AV it casts Water Walking on all 40 ppl, doing it every bg and might run in to same ppl again, it might seem a bit strange.
I did try turning it off in the options but it still casts it, more then one place where I need to turn it off?

I have same issue, turned it off but still casts it..very annoying. As he said though he won't be back until 8th July so we haveto live with it till then.
I have same issue, turned it off but still casts it..very annoying. As he said though he won't be back until 8th July so we haveto live with it till then.

Well I can live with it. This is really the best CC ever :)
HB3948J41 I had the same problem. Bobby told me to remove the glyph of water walking and water breathing to stop the bot from buffing in the beginning of a BG. It worked perfect.

I have a problem after a wipe using lazy raider and this cc where I keep putting earth shield on then water shield then earth shield over and over.
Hi, I was using this profile as RestoShaman with Instancebuddy, but he is attacking and I want him only to heal, what to do? THanks!
Hi, I was using this profile as RestoShaman with Instancebuddy, but he is attacking and I want him only to heal, what to do? THanks!

Bobby recommends settings the CC to Auto in RAF/Instances tab and it will use the healing spells etc. (Check 1-3pages back in this thread). I have it on Healing Only though and it works great for me.
To those of you with positive experiences with this CC : Do any of you find that the CC has mana management issues that would make it unusable in end game raiding? I am running oom in heroics. I have completely wiped HB and reinstalled it +shamwow and lazyraider but it still runs oom and very often at that. I did not notice this before the patch/HB+CC updates so I am just curious if anyone else is going through this or what your experiences have been running this CC for end game raid healing.
To those of you with positive experiences with this CC : Do any of you find that the CC has mana management issues that would make it unusable in end game raiding? I am running oom in heroics. I have completely wiped HB and reinstalled it +shamwow and lazyraider but it still runs oom and very often at that. I did not notice this before the patch/HB+CC updates so I am just curious if anyone else is going through this or what your experiences have been running this CC for end game raid healing.

In the very beginning of cata 80+ normal dungeons I noticed that it spams heals quite alot so I tweaked the different heal % so it consumes less mana.
Now I've done all heroics without any problems. You will also have some problems in the beginning until you get proper gear but u will be able to survive if you got good group.

I took a screenshot of the different %. Maybe they won't work for you but just change them around until you feel comfortable.

In the very beginning of cata 80+ normal dungeons I noticed that it spams heals quite alot so I tweaked the different heal % so it consumes less mana.
Now I've done all heroics without any problems. You will also have some problems in the beginning until you get proper gear but u will be able to survive if you got good group.

I took a screenshot of the different %. Maybe they won't work for you but just change them around until you feel comfortable.

View attachment 24109

Alright, I will try that. Thank you very much for your help. Specifically though, when I mention end game raiding I am talking about the 10 and 25 man normal/heroic instances. Have you had any experience with this CC and those dungeons?

This goes for anyone else that frequents this thread, what have your experiences been with this CC in actual Cataclysm raiding environments?
Alright, I will try that. Thank you very much for your help. Specifically though, when I mention end game raiding I am talking about the 10 and 25 man normal/heroic instances. Have you had any experience with this CC and those dungeons?

This goes for anyone else that frequents this thread, what have your experiences been with this CC in actual Cataclysm raiding environments?

Big raids seems worse because CC tries to keep everyone up all the time which drains your mana instant. That's what I've experienced so far.

Would be awesome if you could select in CC that you only want to heal tank/maintank or something. Or just select groups in raid that should be healed etc.

Bobby if you see this, could you check this request I made in plugin section and see if that's something that can be done:
(Also check my earlier post about Riptide on dead tank failure)

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