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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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bobby, I was just wondering how this CC behaves as healer in instances / raids, is it the same as PVP?

Why I'm asking this is cuz; in PVP it uses "Earth Shield" on itself.. But in instances I want the tank to get Earth Shield and Water Shield to myself. It will look really wierd if you Earthshield yourself :D

Imho, this the best cc ever created, it just rocks!
and to answer your question, yes it does cast it on the tank
Hmmm.... The only minor thing I realized is that after a while the CC forgets to Earth Shield the tank. Also seems to forget to remove / put up totems. I THINK that this happens when screen loads or something (happened in The Throne of Tides after the scene skip). Also HB seems to freak out after a while, can't target the window, almost like its frozen but the log actually updates all the time and the bot does the work.

Using HB 4928 with latest ShamWoW and latest LazyRaider.

Watched the log and it seems it's spamming my HB with some stuff. (Note that this happens after a while, it actually uses Earth Shield in the beginning)

(Had to cut off the log because it was 3MB)

View attachment New Text Document.txt (sry for the name)
Anyone a idea how to make the bot using this talent Maelstrom Weapon ? its at the end of the tallent tree ? SRY bad englisch :) :D
keyprot, If your Enhancement spec Shaman has that talent then it will use it when it procs. The CC recognizes your spec, buffs, and debuffs and reacts without you having to tell it. If you are getting different results, please use the instructions in the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] page for steps on posting the information needed for me to assist you. Thanks and good luck, Bobby53
bobby, I was just wondering how this CC behaves as healer in instances / raids, is it the same as PVP?

Why I'm asking this is cuz; in PVP it uses "Earth Shield" on itself.. But in instances I want the tank to get Earth Shield and Water Shield to myself. It will look really wierd if you Earthshield yourself :D
No, in general it should react based upon the environment you currently have your Shaman running in (Grinding/PVP/Raiding.) The design principal of ShamWOW is to inspect your build, environment, and the current combat scenario and react in a best of breed fashion. Ideally you should not need to change any of the default options for most situations. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
Hmmm.... The only minor thing I realized is that after a while the CC forgets to Earth Shield the tank. Also seems to forget to remove / put up totems. I THINK that this happens when screen loads or something (happened in The Throne of Tides after the scene skip). Also HB seems to freak out after a while, can't target the window, almost like its frozen but the log actually updates all the time and the bot does the work.

Using HB 4928 with latest ShamWoW and latest LazyRaider.

Watched the log and it seems it's spamming my HB with some stuff. (Note that this happens after a while, it actually uses Earth Shield in the beginning)

(Had to cut off the log because it was 3MB)

View attachment 23891 (sry for the name)
Thanks for the post. I'll take a look at it later but not sure I'll find the section you are referring to. When you notice a problem, take a quick look at the system time/clock on your computer then mention that time in the post. That way I can focus on the portion of the file that corresponds to the problem you noticed. Otherwise I can't always identify it. Thanks, Bobby53
Bobby as always great CC, Seems the latest HB patch borked things up. Tried to run a BG with my shaman and didn't get very far. All he wanted to do was drop his totem and recall it. I tried turning off totem under stress along with the option not to recall the totem. No luck quick fixing it. Log posted.

Looked at the last guys post, the time was 00:04 for the error. Basically all the way at the bottom. From what I can tell Shamwow thinks that the totems are 1K+ away. Not sure if it's a fixable issue, cause they are deff at his feet.


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^ Beat me to it. Guess im not the only one.

Thanks for your hard work. There seems to be a problem with the totems as of the new release of the bot. For some reason, the bot thinks the totems are >300 yards way and summons them, then recalls them over and over again. This happend in both firelands Raid (new one) and BAradin Hold. The bot will stop healing and will just try to resummon the totems.

For example:

[7:31:24 PM:605] % Recalling Totems that were set 1193.3 yds away at point <0, 0, 0>

The totems were clearly right next to me.


Bobby as always great CC, Seems the latest HB patch borked things up. Tried to run a BG with my shaman and didn't get very far. All he wanted to do was drop his totem and recall it. I tried turning off totem under stress along with the option not to recall the totem. No luck quick fixing it. Log posted.

Looked at the last guys post, the time was 00:04 for the error. Basically all the way at the bottom. From what I can tell Shamwow thinks that the totems are 1K+ away. Not sure if it's a fixable issue, cause they are deff at his feet.

I am also getting this error.


Totemic Recall Spam

HonorBuddy Mode: BG Mode(Beta)
Shamans Location:Warsong Gultch
What should have happened (be specific):While entering combat not spam Totemic recall while fight was still going on
What did happen (be specific): Spammed Totemic Recall while still in combat
System time of issue (log time stamp): 6-28-2011 7:15 PM 7012 Log


Bobby; After looking into it further: "Earth Shield", "Call of Elements" and "Totemic Recall" is broken after death and after scene's that you skip (don't know what happens if you don't skip). Seems like it needs some kind of recheck after this kind of happenings. Don't know if its HB or CC issue though.

Check log after [02:31:15:446] ! Kill #64 at 462148 xp per hour fighting at x=184.4684,y=802.4698,z=807.6379

You will see that none of these 3 things show up again. And this was after the scene skip.

Happened same thing after death in Grim Batol.

[02:29:04:767] *Totemic Recall ....last one.
[02:29:06:231] *Call of the Elements .......last one.
[02:30:56:234] *Earth Shield on -TANK- at 22.9 yds at 97.1% ......last one.

and dungeon ended [02:42:18:632] Activity: Resting , = 12-13min without using those skills.

View attachment 2011-06-29_02_21 3324 Log.txt
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Bobby as always great CC, Seems the latest HB patch borked things up. Tried to run a BG with my shaman and didn't get very far. All he wanted to do was drop his totem and recall it. I tried turning off totem under stress along with the option not to recall the totem. No luck quick fixing it. Log posted.
^ Beat me to it. Guess im not the only one. Thanks for your hard work. There seems to be a problem with the totems as of the new release of the bot. For some reason, the bot thinks the totems are >300 yards way and summons them, then recalls them over and over again. This happend in both firelands Raid (new one) and BAradin Hold. The bot will stop healing and will just try to resummon the totems. For example:
[7:31:24 PM:605] % Recalling Totems that were set 1193.3 yds away at point <0, 0, 0>
The totems were clearly right next to me.
I am also getting this error.
HonorBuddy Mode: BG Mode(Beta)
Shamans Location:Warsong Gultch
What should have happened (be specific):While entering combat not spam Totemic recall while fight was still going on
What did happen (be specific): Spammed Totemic Recall while still in combat
System time of issue (log time stamp): 6-28-2011 7:15 PM 7012 Log
Bobby; After looking into it further: "Earth Shield", "Call of Elements" and "Totemic Recall" is broken after death and after scene's that you skip (don't know what happens if you don't skip). Seems like it needs some kind of recheck after this kind of happenings. Don't know if its HB or CC issue though. Check log after [02:31:15:446] ! Kill #64 at 462148 xp per hour fighting at x=184.4684,y=802.4698,z=807.6379
You will see that none of these 3 things show up again. And this was after the scene skip.
<... cut for space...>
All, Thanks for the detailed and informative posts. All of these issues are due to HonorBuddy providing incorrect position/distance information and is due to HonorBuddy encountering a problem retrieving the current tile/mesh from the navmesh server. This is could be due to any of the following:

1. Navmesh server is down
2. HonorBuddy session / memory borked up
3. Navmesh issue with a new release
4. Area not meshed yet

This issue will surface time to time and is not correctable in the CC. Suggest closing everything and restarting WOW and HB. If error reoccurs there is a navmesh error of sometype. You won't be able to continue botting in that area until it is resolved. If it is a general navmesh server or system error, you'll have to wait until its fixed.

When this occurs, you can check in the HonorBuddy and Support threads to see if others have posted notifying the HonorBuddy Dev Team regarding problems with CC's not functioning in general (since they all care about the location and distance of objects or items at some point.) Only the HonorBuddy Dev's can fix this when it occurs.

As of the time I post this, it appears to have been corrected.

Thanks and good luck with your Shaman,

go into the confg values and set the distance of TR to like 50000 see if that works
That is a good idea and may work around distance issues with the totems, but won't resolve other distance issues (to enemies, friendlies, objects, etc.)
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As of the time I post this, it appears to have been corrected.

Thanks and good luck with your Shaman,

Thanks for the quick reply.

You mentioned that it is corrected, yet I am still observing the same behaviour. The only want to correct it is to use the ShamWOW version included with Honorbuddy_2.0.0.4982

6-28-2011_11_58 PM 7796 Log.txt //As you can see, it glitched the totem with ShamWOW v4.3.13

6-29-2011_12_02 AM 9032 Log.txt //Work fine with the default profile included v4.2.04-BUNDLED


Bobby I won't go into too much detail here as some others have covered most of it. I am having the same problem of dropping and then recalling totems. It looks like it gets in a loop here:

[10:58:45 PM:770] % WaitForCurrentSpell: no cast or gcd in progress
[10:58:45 PM:801] Spell_C::CastSpell(66842, 0, 0x200000004E73B3C, 0) [5]
[10:58:45 PM:801] *Call of the Elements
[10:58:46 PM:066] % WaitForCurrentSpell: waiting until gcd and/or cast are complete
[10:58:47 PM:301] % PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]: h/m:100.0%/88.4%, combat:True, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
[10:58:47 PM:535] % PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]: h/m:100.0%/88.4%, combat:True, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
[10:58:47 PM:535] % Recalling Totems that were set 1312.9 yds away at point <0, 0, 0>
[10:58:47 PM:567] % WaitForCurrentSpell: no cast or gcd in progress
[10:58:47 PM:770] Spell_C::CastSpell(36936, 0, 0x200000004E73B3C, 0) [6]
[10:58:47 PM:801] *Totemic Recall
As you can see in there for whatever reason it think the totems are 1312.9 yards away even though it just dropped them. Full log attached here for you though.


Thanks for the quick reply.
You mentioned that it is corrected, yet I am still observing the same behaviour. The only want to correct it is to use the ShamWOW version included with Honorbuddy_2.0.0.4982
6-28-2011_11_58 PM 7796 Log.txt //As you can see, it glitched the totem with ShamWOW v4.3.13
6-29-2011_12_02 AM 9032 Log.txt //Work fine with the default profile included v4.2.04-BUNDLED
HB4717A34, My apologies. I didn't look at your log file earlier because your post indicated you were experiencing the same problem as earlier posters. Upon review it appears to be a different issue. Looking into this now. Bobby53
yeah bobby i am running old dungeons with lazy raider and all it is doing is casting totems and recalling them.
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