And this is probably going to fix the issues I've been having
if (distance < Radius)
Logging.Write(Colors.DeepSkyBlue, "FlightPathTo: Already in range -> Me: {0}, Target{1}", from, Target);
isDone = true;
return true;
[gifm]ffxiv favors guide[/gifm]Does anyone want to educate me on favors? what is the best strategy etc?
Too much effort, i am working on flight nav, can't sift through old and new data right now (it changed last patch). =([gifm]ffxiv favors guide[/gifm] much effort, i am working on flight nav, can't sift through old and new data right now (it changed last patch). =(
Anyone know if there is a rotation that can gather a 470 red scrip legendary item with less than 650 gathering/perception? Even if it is just 1
Well that is actually the only impelmented behavior so far. The touch and go is manual at the moment, but it will change the automatic process when i add hotspots, of how to target the next node. My plan is to blacklist the closest node to the one i have already selected as my touch and go target, then move to the next closest node or next hot spot if there are no nodes left inside.
Likely, you will have 3 hot spots, 2 for regular nodes and 1 for the epheremal. But I might be able to handle it with a single hotspot as well.
Just would need to prioritize the epheremal, blacklist the next closest regular node to the one it chooses, and continue on. It should work in theory. In the GatherOrCollect mode, it will still be able to gather the Ephemeral, but will also gather the other nodes. (if the profile has items to gather that match).
And this is probably going to fix the issues I've been having
The flight part is lovely! Tested it at the Adamantite node, flew me there, waited, zoomed down to the node just fine. Cheers on that! I did run into an issue that maybe someone can shed some light on. Trying to do Ephemerals I am having an issue. I show up, mine the ephemeral node fine... but any time I touch the normal nodes I run into a problem. The node I run to will then opens super fast, close, then it says we don't want anything the node has. That's when it hangs up hard, I cannot untarget the node, can't move away, etc. I actually have to X out of the game to be able to continue playing. This happened using the collect 550 and collect all profiles. I grabbed the zip file earlier this evening, around 5pm et. Here's part of the log where it happened.
[00:53:52.201 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] c637a02d-62fa-444f-9eef-65e6e4e4c14a
[00:53:52.263 N] GatherCollectable: Node set -> Mineral Deposit 0x114C6290
[00:53:52.356 N] GatherCollectable: GatherSpot set -> GatherSpot -> NodeLocation: <-311.9997, -53.59439, 326.8317>, UseMesh: True
[00:53:52.432 N] GatherCollectable: Using rotation -> DefaultCollect
[00:53:52.512 D] [POI Set] Type: Gather, Name: Mineral Deposit, ObjectId: 40000375, NpcId: 0, Location: <-311.9997, -53.59439, 326.8317>
[00:53:52.516 V] Blacklisting 40000375 for 00:00:36 [Type: Interact] - Reason : Blacklisting node so that we don't retarget -> Mineral Deposit 0x114C6290
[00:53:52.518 D] Interacting with Mineral Deposit 0x114C6290
[00:53:53.221 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Skipping this node, no items we want to gather.
[00:54:28.569 N] GatherCollectable: Node set -> Mineral Deposit 0x114C6290
[00:54:28.643 N] GatherCollectable: GatherSpot set -> GatherSpot -> NodeLocation: <-311.9997, -53.59439, 326.8317>, UseMesh: True
[00:54:28.644 D] [POI Set] Type: Gather, Name: Mineral Deposit, ObjectId: 40000375, NpcId: 0, Location: <-311.9997, -53.59439, 326.8317>
[00:54:28.644 V] Blacklisting 40000375 for 00:00:36 [Type: Interact] - Reason : Blacklisting node so that we don't retarget -> Mineral Deposit 0x114C6290
[00:54:28.644 D] Interacting with Mineral Deposit 0x114C6290
[00:54:30.714 N] Gathering Window didn't open: Retrying. 1
[00:54:30.714 D] Interacting with Mineral Deposit 0x114C6290
[00:54:32.783 N] Gathering Window didn't open: Retrying. 2
[00:54:32.783 D] Interacting with Mineral Deposit 0x114C6290
[00:54:34.784 N] Gathering Window didn't open: Retrying. 3
[00:54:34.784 N] GatherCollectable: Resetting.
Still hung up. I can chat, etc, but can't release the node maybe? not sure what's going on tbh. I am amazed with what I have seen so far, keep up the great work man, loving it aside from this little hangup.
Only thing i can think of is that it isn't in the Plugins Directory. Or you only pulled the profiles, can't be 100% sure which.
Did both.. I made it fly to the spot now though but it does NOTHING after that.. doesn't mine or something.
Did already post a log of it. But there was no nodes there either so that's maybe why.
Hey ExMatt, just posting this spreadsheet with lots of useful information that I hope is relevant. I'm starting to gear up my gatherers and looking at his guide for help.