Thanks yea, I hadn't tested it out all that much.... I will need to calculate a minimum distance for sprint. I am going to default it at 15 for now on my next update.Thanks![]()
Thanks yea, I hadn't tested it out all that much.... I will need to calculate a minimum distance for sprint. I am going to default it at 15 for now on my next update.Thanks![]()
Thanks yea, I hadn't tested it out all that much.... I will need to calculate a minimum distance for sprint. I am going to default it at 15 for now on my next update.
Hmm.. it seems like sprint was replaced by mounting up again to go 1 step.. and mounting to move between the other node in the groups of 2 as well, which both kinda looks bad and causes lots of collision due to the fact that lots of them are around "bends" in the terrain if you get what I mean.
Oh, can I stop SmartYield from overriding rotations ? It's not the biggest thing, just wondering if it was implemented
Yea, i mean, what are you trying to use for a rotation?
Yea, regular node is really ... it doesn't do much, no quality or yield increases.Ah, was just using the RegularNode rotation, but I just found the DisableRotationOverride
Yea, regular node is really ... it doesn't do much, no quality or yield increases.
It would take a log to explain my choices, but I will try after i attempt to cap my red scrips for crafting.
Oh, i see what you mean, however, the RegularNode does spend GP if you don't have 96+ percent chance to gather items...which is unlikely for any gatherer at lvl 60. Sounds good though. Trying to meet everyones needs here with the configuration extensibility.Not sure what you mean, it uses King's Yield just fine, I just wanted to be able to disable it so it didn't show up at Azys Lla with zero GP unless I added some sort of resting period
Also, there is another property for gatherIncrease="" that takes Auto (default), Quality, or Yield, and that will determine whether it switches to SmartYield or SmartQuality rotation.
Hmm.. it seems like sprint was replaced by mounting up again to go 1 step.. and mounting to move between the other node in the groups of 2 as well, which both kinda looks bad and causes lots of collision due to the fact that lots of them are around "bends" in the terrain if you get what I mean.
Oh, can I stop SmartYield from overriding rotations ? It's not the biggest thing, just wondering if it was implemented (Whoops nevermind, found it)
I haven't seen any issues with the sprint logic, is your mount settings at like 3 yalms?
You mean the global settings? That's around 80-85 yalms setting, but I had that disabled, you remember how it was sprinting to take 1 step before, now it's mounting up to take one step..
Also just tried a profile I made earlier today for birch logs that was working pretty good, hard to explain, but it was flying from plateau to plateau, now it's sorta doing all the things I don't want it to do, like running down plateaus to mine, and then back up to the hotspot before mounting again. It also gets stuck mid air creating flightpath waypoints, but not moving.. I guess I'll have to mess with that, could be my fault.
[12:43:55.399 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot stopped
[12:43:55.399 D] OnStop event
[12:43:55.399 D] OnStop Event Invoking
[12:43:55.399 D] ProfileOrderManager.OnBotStop. Resetting caches.
[12:43:55.399 N] Bot Thread Ended.
[12:44:46.788 D] Loading last profile
[12:44:47.882 N] Loaded profile Collectable: Adamantite Ore
[12:44:47.885 N] Bot Thread Started.
[12:44:48.118 N] Connection to established.
[12:44:48.118 N] Clearing all hooks.
[12:44:48.118 D] Replaced hook [PreCombatBuff] bbf135d2-553b-49ac-88e0-d62a3468435c
[12:44:48.118 D] Replaced hook [Heal] 4011f40a-576b-467f-86cc-0eaf3c050f68
[12:44:48.118 D] Replaced hook [Pull] 8f50a95c-c2ed-4d48-b71b-023c3de868e5
[12:44:48.118 D] Replaced hook [CombatBuff] 9dd4dca6-39de-430d-a592-0f304f1f0dd6
[12:44:48.118 D] Replaced hook [Combat] 3e844289-ee5c-4754-ad40-47463ce84eb5
[12:44:48.118 D] Replaced hook [Rest] 254daa7b-daf2-4168-a8ad-3befbd88b9cd
[12:44:48.118 D] Added new hook [RoutineCombat] 1a7606ad-8cd0-49a8-ae61-98754a6e3450
[12:44:48.118 D] Added new hook [HotspotPoi] c8c0a65b-5f8f-46fd-91c3-e7b36491fd4e
[12:44:48.118 D] Added new hook [SetDeathPoi] 8a3bb5bf-dc9b-4499-9ae6-9042d57c5f7c
[12:44:48.118 D] Added new hook [SetCombatPoi] 20e0ae6d-0cd0-44d5-a7f7-0a19ec0414b5
[12:44:48.118 D] Added new hook [SetHotspotPoi] 11359803-2b01-4eb8-909f-76ff528f56a5
[12:44:48.118 D] Added new hook [SelectPoiType] 906e3c44-70ab-4c6f-821d-bd3334a987a2
[12:44:48.118 D] Replaced hook [SelectPoiType] a5b24ad2-7e80-4ec8-8f61-22ffec6e3588
[12:44:48.118 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] 46400576-c034-4f80-95f9-89361e4912b2
[12:44:48.132 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to RunCode: LineNumber: 36, Name: Gear, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.ActionRunCoroutine, .
[12:44:48.132 D] Removed all hooks from [HighPriorityProfileOrderBehavior_Hook]
[12:44:48.132 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 405a974b-0a31-4841-9853-938eed337a00
[12:44:50.201 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to FlightPathTo: IsDone: False, Target: <-64.44664, -37.67329, -809.4534>, EdgeDetection: 50, Radius: 3, InverseParabolicMagnitude: 10, Smoothing: 0,1, MountId: 45, NavHeight: 0, DismountAtDestination: False, LogWaypoints: True, HighPriority: False, LineNumber: 42, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.ActionRunCoroutine, .
[12:44:50.201 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 252b3d8d-1649-466c-9107-25fb7a33cd3c
[12:44:50.201 N] FlightPathTo: Created 36 waypoints to fly a distance of 115.5584
[12:44:50.201 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <35.8167, 13.13591, -836.2756>
[12:44:50.201 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <32.95203, 13.54493, -835.5092>
[12:44:50.201 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <30.08737, 13.93897, -834.7429>
[12:44:50.632 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <27.2227, 14.30317, -833.9766>
[12:44:50.832 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <24.35803, 14.62291, -833.2102>
[12:44:50.965 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <21.49337, 14.88393, -832.4438>
[12:44:51.131 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <18.6287, 15.07242, -831.6775>
[12:44:51.265 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <15.76403, 15.1752, -830.9111>
[12:44:51.432 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <12.89937, 15.17974, -830.1448>
[12:44:51.565 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <10.0347, 15.07432, -829.3785>
[12:44:51.732 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <7.170031, 14.8481, -828.6121>
[12:44:51.865 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <4.305365, 14.49121, -827.8458>
[12:44:52.031 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <1.440697, 13.99484, -827.0794>
[12:44:52.165 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-1.423969, 13.3513, -826.313>
[12:44:52.332 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-4.288635, 12.55408, -825.5467>
[12:44:52.465 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-7.153301, 11.5979, -824.7804>
[12:44:52.665 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-10.01797, 10.47879, -824.014>
[12:44:52.799 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-12.88263, 9.194058, -823.2477>
[12:44:52.965 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-15.7473, 7.742366, -822.4813>
[12:44:53.098 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-18.61197, 6.123714, -821.715>
[12:44:53.299 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-21.47664, 4.339444, -820.9486>
[12:44:53.465 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-24.3413, 2.392234, -820.1823>
[12:44:53.632 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-27.20597, 0.2860747, -819.416>
[12:44:53.798 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-30.07064, -1.973764, -818.6496>
[12:44:53.999 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-32.93531, -4.380776, -817.8832>
[12:44:54.200 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-35.79997, -6.927275, -817.1169>
[12:44:54.398 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-38.66464, -9.604436, -816.3505>
[12:44:54.965 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-41.5293, -12.4024, -815.5842>
[12:44:55.065 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-44.39397, -15.31032, -814.8179>
[12:44:55.264 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-47.25864, -18.31648, -814.0515>
[12:44:55.499 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-50.1233, -21.40836, -813.2852>
[12:44:55.700 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-52.98797, -24.57275, -812.5188>
[12:44:55.933 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-55.85263, -27.79588, -811.7524>
[12:44:56.132 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-58.7173, -31.06346, -810.9861>
[12:44:56.365 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-61.58197, -34.36089, -810.2198>
[12:44:56.568 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-64.44664, -37.67329, -809.4534>
[12:44:56.833 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to GatherCollectableTag: IsDone: False, AdjustedWaitForGp: 0, AlwaysGather: True, CordialTime: BeforeGather, CordialType: None, DiscoverUnknowns: False, FreeRange: False, FreeRangeCondition: Condition.TrueFor(1, TimeSpan.FromHours(1)), GatheringSkillOrder: null, Slot: -1, GatherObject: null, GatherObjects: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String], DisableRotationOverride: False, GatherRotation: Collect470, GatherSpots: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[ExBuddy.OrderBotTags.Gather.StealthApproachGatherSpot], GatherIncrease: Auto, GatherStrategy: GatherOrCollect, HotSpots: Clio.Utilities.IndexedList`1[ff14bot.Navigation.HotSpot], Collectables: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[ExBuddy.OrderBotTags.Collectable], ItemNames: null, Distance: 3,2, SkipWindowDelay: 0, SpellDelay: 250, WindowDelay: 2000, Loops: 1, SpawnTimeout: 200, While: True, DefaultGatherSpotType: GatherSpot, EdgeDetection: 50, Radius: 2,7, InverseParabolicMagnitude: 10, Smoothing: 0,1, MountId: 45, NavHeight: 0, DismountAtDestination: True, LogWaypoints: False, HighPriority: False, LineNumber: 45, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[12:44:56.833 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] db9b78b9-5b88-48df-bdff-2ae8216d91a7
[12:44:56.834 N] FlightPathTo: Created 26 waypoints to fly a distance of 135.2452
[12:44:59.866 N] FlightPathTo: Created 20 waypoints to fly a distance of 92.86375
No problem, try to share logs/profiles and If i have a moment I can point out things that might help or test them.
One thing to remember, is you can make hotspots in the air, and also make additional hotspots preferably small 3-5 radius ones to use as waypoints between other hotspots. It uses the mount distance global settings to decide if it should fly or not, Unless you are already flying which, it will just fly automatically.
updated 5min ago, seems like the AdamantiteOre_AzysLla.xml profile has an issue.
It flys all the time below the island and even if you manually fly above the island it will fly below the island again
Code:[12:43:55.399 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot stopped [12:43:55.399 D] OnStop event [12:43:55.399 D] OnStop Event Invoking [12:43:55.399 D] ProfileOrderManager.OnBotStop. Resetting caches. [12:43:55.399 N] Bot Thread Ended. [12:44:46.788 D] Loading last profile [12:44:47.882 N] Loaded profile Collectable: Adamantite Ore [12:44:47.885 N] Bot Thread Started. [12:44:48.118 N] Connection to established. [12:44:48.118 N] Clearing all hooks. [12:44:48.118 D] Replaced hook [PreCombatBuff] bbf135d2-553b-49ac-88e0-d62a3468435c [12:44:48.118 D] Replaced hook [Heal] 4011f40a-576b-467f-86cc-0eaf3c050f68 [12:44:48.118 D] Replaced hook [Pull] 8f50a95c-c2ed-4d48-b71b-023c3de868e5 [12:44:48.118 D] Replaced hook [CombatBuff] 9dd4dca6-39de-430d-a592-0f304f1f0dd6 [12:44:48.118 D] Replaced hook [Combat] 3e844289-ee5c-4754-ad40-47463ce84eb5 [12:44:48.118 D] Replaced hook [Rest] 254daa7b-daf2-4168-a8ad-3befbd88b9cd [12:44:48.118 D] Added new hook [RoutineCombat] 1a7606ad-8cd0-49a8-ae61-98754a6e3450 [12:44:48.118 D] Added new hook [HotspotPoi] c8c0a65b-5f8f-46fd-91c3-e7b36491fd4e [12:44:48.118 D] Added new hook [SetDeathPoi] 8a3bb5bf-dc9b-4499-9ae6-9042d57c5f7c [12:44:48.118 D] Added new hook [SetCombatPoi] 20e0ae6d-0cd0-44d5-a7f7-0a19ec0414b5 [12:44:48.118 D] Added new hook [SetHotspotPoi] 11359803-2b01-4eb8-909f-76ff528f56a5 [12:44:48.118 D] Added new hook [SelectPoiType] 906e3c44-70ab-4c6f-821d-bd3334a987a2 [12:44:48.118 D] Replaced hook [SelectPoiType] a5b24ad2-7e80-4ec8-8f61-22ffec6e3588 [12:44:48.118 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] 46400576-c034-4f80-95f9-89361e4912b2 [12:44:48.132 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to RunCode: LineNumber: 36, Name: Gear, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.ActionRunCoroutine, . [12:44:48.132 D] Removed all hooks from [HighPriorityProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] [12:44:48.132 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 405a974b-0a31-4841-9853-938eed337a00 [12:44:50.201 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to FlightPathTo: IsDone: False, Target: <-64.44664, -37.67329, -809.4534>, EdgeDetection: 50, Radius: 3, InverseParabolicMagnitude: 10, Smoothing: 0,1, MountId: 45, NavHeight: 0, DismountAtDestination: False, LogWaypoints: True, HighPriority: False, LineNumber: 42, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.ActionRunCoroutine, . [12:44:50.201 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 252b3d8d-1649-466c-9107-25fb7a33cd3c [12:44:50.201 N] FlightPathTo: Created 36 waypoints to fly a distance of 115.5584 [12:44:50.201 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <35.8167, 13.13591, -836.2756> [12:44:50.201 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <32.95203, 13.54493, -835.5092> [12:44:50.201 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <30.08737, 13.93897, -834.7429> [12:44:50.632 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <27.2227, 14.30317, -833.9766> [12:44:50.832 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <24.35803, 14.62291, -833.2102> [12:44:50.965 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <21.49337, 14.88393, -832.4438> [12:44:51.131 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <18.6287, 15.07242, -831.6775> [12:44:51.265 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <15.76403, 15.1752, -830.9111> [12:44:51.432 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <12.89937, 15.17974, -830.1448> [12:44:51.565 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <10.0347, 15.07432, -829.3785> [12:44:51.732 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <7.170031, 14.8481, -828.6121> [12:44:51.865 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <4.305365, 14.49121, -827.8458> [12:44:52.031 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <1.440697, 13.99484, -827.0794> [12:44:52.165 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-1.423969, 13.3513, -826.313> [12:44:52.332 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-4.288635, 12.55408, -825.5467> [12:44:52.465 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-7.153301, 11.5979, -824.7804> [12:44:52.665 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-10.01797, 10.47879, -824.014> [12:44:52.799 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-12.88263, 9.194058, -823.2477> [12:44:52.965 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-15.7473, 7.742366, -822.4813> [12:44:53.098 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-18.61197, 6.123714, -821.715> [12:44:53.299 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-21.47664, 4.339444, -820.9486> [12:44:53.465 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-24.3413, 2.392234, -820.1823> [12:44:53.632 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-27.20597, 0.2860747, -819.416> [12:44:53.798 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-30.07064, -1.973764, -818.6496> [12:44:53.999 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-32.93531, -4.380776, -817.8832> [12:44:54.200 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-35.79997, -6.927275, -817.1169> [12:44:54.398 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-38.66464, -9.604436, -816.3505> [12:44:54.965 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-41.5293, -12.4024, -815.5842> [12:44:55.065 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-44.39397, -15.31032, -814.8179> [12:44:55.264 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-47.25864, -18.31648, -814.0515> [12:44:55.499 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-50.1233, -21.40836, -813.2852> [12:44:55.700 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-52.98797, -24.57275, -812.5188> [12:44:55.933 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-55.85263, -27.79588, -811.7524> [12:44:56.132 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-58.7173, -31.06346, -810.9861> [12:44:56.365 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-61.58197, -34.36089, -810.2198> [12:44:56.568 N] FlightPathTo: Moving to waypoint: <-64.44664, -37.67329, -809.4534> [12:44:56.833 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to GatherCollectableTag: IsDone: False, AdjustedWaitForGp: 0, AlwaysGather: True, CordialTime: BeforeGather, CordialType: None, DiscoverUnknowns: False, FreeRange: False, FreeRangeCondition: Condition.TrueFor(1, TimeSpan.FromHours(1)), GatheringSkillOrder: null, Slot: -1, GatherObject: null, GatherObjects: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String], DisableRotationOverride: False, GatherRotation: Collect470, GatherSpots: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[ExBuddy.OrderBotTags.Gather.StealthApproachGatherSpot], GatherIncrease: Auto, GatherStrategy: GatherOrCollect, HotSpots: Clio.Utilities.IndexedList`1[ff14bot.Navigation.HotSpot], Collectables: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[ExBuddy.OrderBotTags.Collectable], ItemNames: null, Distance: 3,2, SkipWindowDelay: 0, SpellDelay: 250, WindowDelay: 2000, Loops: 1, SpawnTimeout: 200, While: True, DefaultGatherSpotType: GatherSpot, EdgeDetection: 50, Radius: 2,7, InverseParabolicMagnitude: 10, Smoothing: 0,1, MountId: 45, NavHeight: 0, DismountAtDestination: True, LogWaypoints: False, HighPriority: False, LineNumber: 45, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, . [12:44:56.833 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] db9b78b9-5b88-48df-bdff-2ae8216d91a7 [12:44:56.834 N] FlightPathTo: Created 26 waypoints to fly a distance of 135.2452 [12:44:59.866 N] FlightPathTo: Created 20 waypoints to fly a distance of 92.86375
maybe the nav server has an issueYea, just did it for me too.... strange since it is the same exact waypoints as in the combined profile, and that one works for me....