A few lines from my latest testing session:
Target gets interrupted:
[15:12:46.631 N] 46:630 - HP: 100% - Rage: 10 - XXX(Priest) - 4y - 88% hp - Pummel (Interrupt target)
[15:12:51.623 N] 51:622 - HP: 100% - Rage: 23 - Me - 0y - 100% hp - Disrupting Shout (Interrupt target)
[15:13:38.809 N] 38:809 - HP: 100% - Rage: 0 - XXX(Priest) - 7y - 66% hp - Storm Bolt (Interrupt target)
[15:12:57.720 N] 57:720 - HP: 100% - Rage: 37 - Me - 0y - 100% hp - War Stomp (Interrupt target)
Mass Spell Reflection was used to prevent Mind Control:
[15:19:24.856 N] 24:856 - HP: 100% - Rage: 14 - Me - 0y - 100% hp - Mass Spell Reflection (Reflect CC)
Interrupts on focus
-Charge to interrupt:
[15:25:31.802 N] 31:802 - HP: 100% - Rage: 0 - XXX(Priest) - 23y - 100% hp - Charge (Gap Closing on focus)
-Heroic Leap+interrupt:
[15:25:51.704 N] 51:704 - HP: 100% - Rage: 79 - Me - 0y - 100% hp - Heroic Leap (Gap Closing on focus)
[15:25:51.971 N] 51:970 - HP: 100% - Rage: 79 - Me - 0y - 100% hp - Disrupting Shout (Interrupt focus)
-Storm Bolt to interrupt focus
[15:26:01.687 N] 01:687 - HP: 100% - Rage: 79 - XXX(Priest) - 14y - 99% hp - Storm Bolt (Interrupt focus)
-Also using War Stomp when it's in range
[15:26:23.622 N] 23:620 - HP: 100% - Rage: 66 - Me - 0y - 100% hp - War Stomp (Interrupt focus)
Target gets interrupted:
[15:12:46.631 N] 46:630 - HP: 100% - Rage: 10 - XXX(Priest) - 4y - 88% hp - Pummel (Interrupt target)
[15:12:51.623 N] 51:622 - HP: 100% - Rage: 23 - Me - 0y - 100% hp - Disrupting Shout (Interrupt target)
[15:13:38.809 N] 38:809 - HP: 100% - Rage: 0 - XXX(Priest) - 7y - 66% hp - Storm Bolt (Interrupt target)
[15:12:57.720 N] 57:720 - HP: 100% - Rage: 37 - Me - 0y - 100% hp - War Stomp (Interrupt target)
Mass Spell Reflection was used to prevent Mind Control:
[15:19:24.856 N] 24:856 - HP: 100% - Rage: 14 - Me - 0y - 100% hp - Mass Spell Reflection (Reflect CC)
Interrupts on focus
-Charge to interrupt:
[15:25:31.802 N] 31:802 - HP: 100% - Rage: 0 - XXX(Priest) - 23y - 100% hp - Charge (Gap Closing on focus)
-Heroic Leap+interrupt:
[15:25:51.704 N] 51:704 - HP: 100% - Rage: 79 - Me - 0y - 100% hp - Heroic Leap (Gap Closing on focus)
[15:25:51.971 N] 51:970 - HP: 100% - Rage: 79 - Me - 0y - 100% hp - Disrupting Shout (Interrupt focus)
-Storm Bolt to interrupt focus
[15:26:01.687 N] 01:687 - HP: 100% - Rage: 79 - XXX(Priest) - 14y - 99% hp - Storm Bolt (Interrupt focus)
-Also using War Stomp when it's in range
[15:26:23.622 N] 23:620 - HP: 100% - Rage: 66 - Me - 0y - 100% hp - War Stomp (Interrupt focus)