Having a problem, my character will not move from the spot of attack. It will use charge and all of it's gap closers, but refuses to use his legs!!
This problem is only with this combat routine, singular works fine..
Having a problem, my character will not move from the spot of attack. It will use charge and all of it's gap closers, but refuses to use his legs!!
This problem is only with this combat routine, singular works fine..
This CR is truly amazing. its much stessless in arenas and even works better then i thought it would.
but here are 2 things i would like to see updated in the future if its possible. at first it need some little deley before it breaks fears, it looks little to botish! and the second thing is the autokick system. it would be nice to see there things like random kick delays. also there should be an options that it kicks only casts above 1.5 seconds cast time. kicking 0.5 sec casts is to obvious i think! maybe add an hotkey to activate or disable kick during arena games!
keep up the good work mate
Afaik he allready stopped it instantly breaking fears with Zerker rage a while back when we requested that, Also the Interupt list was updated too not interupt casts that are too fast, like locks Circle or monk transfer, Wer these changes reverted?
since HB update .713 is this routine realy broken it just stops to attack after some minutes.
yes i am getting the same thing. i had to restart the bot at the start of every match
Turn off auto facing, seems to fix the crashing problem.
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: obj
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.IsSafelyFacing(WoWObject obj)
at RichieArmsWarriorPvP.Main.<>c__DisplayClasse2.<CastSpell>b__d1(Object ret) in c:\Temp\VVVVVVVAAAAA\Routines\RichieArmsWarriorPvP\Utils.cs:line 276
at Styx.TreeSharp.WaitContinue..()
at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.Sequence..()
at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
The routine also does not seem to prioritize slam at all, resulting in it not doing slams at alll since it will rage dump off heroic strike first. I changed the profile a bit to swap heroic strike and slam in priority:
CastSpell(SpellIDs.Slam, unit => Me.CurrentTarget, condition: cond => ((HasUnendingRage && Me.CurrentRage >= 105) || Me.CurrentRage >= 70) && Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura((int)SpellIDs.ColossusSmash) && isSpellOffCD(SpellIDs.Slam, 2), onGCD: false, message: "Colossus Smash"),
And moving heroic strike to just a rage dump:
CastSpell(SpellIDs.HeroicStrike, unit => Me.CurrentTarget, condition: cond => Me.CurrentRage >= 85)
This should net a massive burst dps increase.
so if i turn off auto-facing it will stop the issue were it doesnt do anything ?
Turn off auto facing, seems to fix the crashing problem.
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: obj
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.IsSafelyFacing(WoWObject obj)
at RichieArmsWarriorPvP.Main.<>c__DisplayClasse2.<CastSpell>b__d1(Object ret) in c:\Temp\VVVVVVVAAAAA\Routines\RichieArmsWarriorPvP\Utils.cs:line 276
at Styx.TreeSharp.WaitContinue..()
at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.Sequence..()
at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
The routine also does not seem to prioritize slam at all, resulting in it not doing slams at alll since it will rage dump off heroic strike first. I changed the profile a bit to swap heroic strike and slam in priority:
CastSpell(SpellIDs.Slam, unit => Me.CurrentTarget, condition: cond => ((HasUnendingRage && Me.CurrentRage >= 105) || Me.CurrentRage >= 70) && Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura((int)SpellIDs.ColossusSmash) && isSpellOffCD(SpellIDs.Slam, 2), onGCD: false, message: "Colossus Smash"),
And moving heroic strike to just a rage dump:
CastSpell(SpellIDs.HeroicStrike, unit => Me.CurrentTarget, condition: cond => Me.CurrentRage >= 85)
This should net a massive burst dps increase.
Would be awesome to come up with a set list of things to kick, and same for like mass spell reflect
i did now like 100 arena matches with my buddy we both have equal eq and he does per hand like 1mil dmage in arena
and this routine only 300-500k
u guys can use it in bgs but do not use it in arena....
i checked per hand and i do 1mil damage per hand in arena.