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PureRotation V2

Anyone having problems with the Disc Priest routine? I keep hearing the error sound as if its trying to use an ability that is currently on cooldown but can't figure out which ability it is. Not only is it extremely annoying to hear it constantly spamming the unavailable ability, its slowing down the routine by pausing all the time. Edit - Added log, hope it helps.


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Anyone having problems with the Disc Priest routine? I keep hearing the error sound as if its trying to use an ability that is currently on cooldown but can't figure out which ability it is. Not only is it extremely annoying to hear it constantly spamming the unavailable ability, its slowing down the routine by pausing all the time. Edit - Added log, hope it helps.

- disable the plugin ShutUpAIML

seems like Power Word Barrier, but not sure bout that, Wulf has to look at it, thanks for the log
Its fixed in v2. Done some intensive testing with theclaw and frost mage, when released, is doing a pretty much perfect rotation.

Thanks millz! i sooo cant wait for pure V2 to come out.

but for now im gonna switch to fire spec. does fire spec have the same issue or no?

Anyone having problems with the Disc Priest routine? I keep hearing the error sound as if its trying to use an ability that is currently on cooldown but can't figure out which ability it is. Not only is it extremely annoying to hear it constantly spamming the unavailable ability, its slowing down the routine by pausing all the time. Edit - Added log, hope it helps.

I think it due to shield the targets when you crit heal them. It is more powerful than PW:B. Atleast, that is my theory :P
I've asked about this before but havent heard any replies. Are there any plans to implement pestilence into the frost dk rotation? Casting it manually is a pain because the routine is using up the global cooldown casting other things. Pestilence is a biggie in aoe

we are testing this atm :)
i have a question about the destruction warlock...he cast immolate every 3 secounds on the target and pause then before cast incinerat...i don?t know why he do this but i thing he can cast incinerat so long if immolate is down or a secound befor for examble...or have somebody a tip what should i change in the bot...sry for my bad english :D
same problem with fire spec too.. :(

Fire's had some big changes in v2 too, but will double check it hasn't got the same issue frost had.

i have a question about the destruction warlock...he cast immolate every 3 secounds on the target and pause then before cast incinerat...i don?t know why he do this but i thing he can cast incinerat so long if immolate is down or a secound befor for examble...or have somebody a tip what should i change in the bot...sry for my bad english :D

Likely it's multi-dotting, but i'll look into it.
not in use atm, if you have a suggestion, let them know.

I definitely have a suggestion. Think fights like Ji-Kun on heroic with talon rake that can crank you for 700k physical damage, or Tortos, or any fight where you know you are fixing to get cranked with a huge physical damage attack. It would be nice to let Pure rotation run a full rotation except for Shield of the Righteous or word of glory. This would allow you to easily use SoTR every time a big hit is incoming and avoid a huge amount of incoming damage, but at the same time let the rest of the rotation continue like normal, and since these abilities are off global this should be easy enough.

What do you think?

Also it would be awesome if you could fix seal swapping so that when you engage the boss it would stop setting it back to insight. I turned off seal swapping so it no longer continously switches back to insight but it will always switch back once when combat is entered. Just aggravating to waste a global early on if you intend on running a different seal.

Edit: Actually it would just be nice if the hotkeys for cooldowns and specials would work for prot pallies. When you disable cooldowns/specials, it will continue to use them. but I really really think being able to use everything except holy power abilities would be soo so huge. Thanks guys for such a awesome awesome CC.
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Also Just and FYI, when you disable party and raid buffing , or set it to false. It will continue to raid buff, is there anyway to set this off so it will not use kings or Might constantly if a different spell is on raid ?
Hi, using the /branch/ svn with resto shaman. don't play it much so don't know a lot about the class. But what I did notice Is that It doesn't want to use Unleash Elements at any health % I use. The spell only has a 15 second Cooldown and reduces next direct heal or Healing Rain Mana cost by 30%, very usefull for preserving mana as It kind of burns through It In a raid at low gear within the first 35% of the boss.
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with the rogue cc
what is better, The Normal Rotation or the Custom Rotation ? ( what is the different )
sorry no log atm but , demon form tanking currently has no rotation im not sure if that is intentional or not will update log when home
Hi PR crew, fast question, as i mentiont before your routines are just flawless but.
i been fooling alot around trying to go demonology, since i tend to see all endgame guild warlocks do it.

been trying to reforge etc, and run with the pre-setup made in pr, updated to newest routine etc, and for some reason it's pulling from 10-15k less dps off then if it where destruction?
any specifik reason for this? is it harder to code or what could cause so big a dps lose from switching specs? got told by meny now that demo can bring biggest dps output over a fight, but as it is for now, my destro gives me 10-15k more dps on a dummies then demo does.

another question, the purerotation v.2 where do you get it? cause i just keep downloading downloading from the svn link on first page.
Hi PR crew, fast question, as i mentiont before your routines are just flawless but.
i been fooling alot around trying to go demonology, since i tend to see all endgame guild warlocks do it.

been trying to reforge etc, and run with the pre-setup made in pr, updated to newest routine etc, and for some reason it's pulling from 10-15k less dps off then if it where destruction?
any specifik reason for this? is it harder to code or what could cause so big a dps lose from switching specs? got told by meny now that demo can bring biggest dps output over a fight, but as it is for now, my destro gives me 10-15k more dps on a dummies then demo does.

another question, the purerotation v.2 where do you get it? cause i just keep downloading downloading from the svn link on first page.

Destruction is better than Demology for almost all gear levels.
Unless you have Best in Slot gear, is Destruction the best alternative as far as I know.
But the differense is not that big at the iLvL 500 ish area.
There is a demology warlock in my guild, who pulls about the same amount o dps as me. We are almost equally well geared.
sorry no log atm but , demon form tanking currently has no rotation im not sure if that is intentional or not will update log when home

Hey - It worked when I coded it, but you're the only person that's ever commented to say they've tried it out, so i'll have to take a look at it.

Hi PR crew, fast question, as i mentiont before your routines are just flawless but.
i been fooling alot around trying to go demonology, since i tend to see all endgame guild warlocks do it.

been trying to reforge etc, and run with the pre-setup made in pr, updated to newest routine etc, and for some reason it's pulling from 10-15k less dps off then if it where destruction?
any specifik reason for this? is it harder to code or what could cause so big a dps lose from switching specs? got told by meny now that demo can bring biggest dps output over a fight, but as it is for now, my destro gives me 10-15k more dps on a dummies then demo does.

another question, the purerotation v.2 where do you get it? cause i just keep downloading downloading from the svn link on first page.

Demonology is difficult to code as the rotation changes drastically depending on what you're fighting. We code it primarily for the boss fights, but on trash it'll not dump demonic fury the same as on a boss. It's also very slow to get started while building up demonic fury (but granted, does very good dps once it's got going). Then of course it's limited by what it can do due to range checks (i.e. we don't trigger immolation aura until units are in range, but the routine can't (well, doesn't) tell you to move closer).

On the flip side destruction is very high dps to start (burst damage), then slows down as the fight goes on.

Another thing to consider, is that I'm destruction at the minute (so naturally gets more of my time/focus).

v2 isn't released yet, we're still working on it. It's on the SVN under the /branch folder, but we're changing it lots at the minute, so it's not always working (i.e. as I type this there's a big issue breaking most of the routines). I don't recommend raiding with it yet.
Hi, using the /branch/ svn with resto shaman. don't play it much so don't know a lot about the class. But what I did notice Is that It doesn't want to use Unleash Elements at any health % I use. The spell only has a 15 second Cooldown and reduces next direct heal or Healing Rain Mana cost by 30%, very usefull for preserving mana as It kind of burns through It In a raid at low gear within the first 35% of the boss.

Assume it should be used on cool-down then? Or should it be used before a specific spell? None of the dev's play a resto shaman so let us know what the ideal scenario is and we'll sort it.
with the rogue cc
what is better, The Normal Rotation or the Custom Rotation ? ( what is the different )

Lao wrote the sub rogue class (i'm assuming that's the one you're talking about), but has left the PureRotation team (although it may only be temporary??). I believe the normal rotation uses the correct abilities at the specific time, but the other one guesses what should be used and will use that (so your dps could go either way, higher or lower). In most cases just use the normal rotation.
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