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PureRotation V2

Tested Unholy Spec on the dummy tonight on my 519 DK could use an update rotation incorrect with current version seems to be spamming plaque strike and that's it also instantly casts empower rune weapon also T15 4 piece not working correctly for Unholy or Frost.
go back to the revision before alxaw added Festerblight rotation. had the same problem and the old revision is doing great so far
Can you add interruption of focus target to the rotations? I needed this last night and added it by making the following change to the PVERotation method. It works well enough, you just have to remember to set the focus before combat.

[COLOR="#008000"]Spell.InterruptSpellCasts(ret => Me.FocusedUnit), // Interupt incomming damage![/COLOR]
Spell.InterruptSpellCasts(ret => Me.CurrentTarget), // Interupt incomming damage!

[COLOR="#008000"]Spell.InterruptSpellCasts(ret => Me.FocusedUnit),[/COLOR]
Spell.InterruptSpellCasts(ret => Me.CurrentTarget),
great work on the cc guys my warlock ilvl 522 now absolutely destroys the dmg meters pulling 200k on every boss now.

any estimated time when fury and arms will be added?
Can you add interruption of focus target to the rotations? I needed this last night and added it by making the following change to the PVERotation method. It works well enough, you just have to remember to set the focus before combat.

[COLOR=#008000]Spell.InterruptSpellCasts(ret => Me.FocusedUnit), // Interupt incomming damage![/COLOR]
Spell.InterruptSpellCasts(ret => Me.CurrentTarget), // Interupt incomming damage!

[COLOR=#008000]Spell.InterruptSpellCasts(ret => Me.FocusedUnit),[/COLOR]
Spell.InterruptSpellCasts(ret => Me.CurrentTarget),

Spell.InterruptSpellCasts(ret => Me.FocusedUnit ?? Me.CurrentTarget) // will cast on focus if you have one, otherwise on your current target.
Current changes in V2 and V1

Wasting class specific interrupts (double casting interrupts like Mindfreeze and Strangulate) should be fixed
Deathknight-Rotation shouldn't stop anymore with Asphyxiate on Cooldown
Tested Unholy Spec on the dummy tonight on my 519 DK could use an update rotation incorrect with current version seems to be spamming plaque strike and that's it also instantly casts empower rune weapon also T15 4 piece not working correctly for Unholy or Frost.

Same for me, revert to revision 1103, works like a charm
PureRotation Retribution Paladin

Hi, just a few questions please....Regarding Ret Paladin

1. Is there a way to turn OFF use of synapse springs?
2. Or, if no, is there a way to have CC always use it and Execution Sentence together?
3. Is there a way for bot/CC to detect trinket procs as triggers to use any CD's, Synapse or Execution Sentence? - For example "Surge of Strength" from the Shado-Pan Assault Trinket
4. Can CC time the use of Holy Avenger / Avenging Wrath for 10 seconds after casting Guardian of Ancient Kings? -
5. When I have Sanctified Wrath as a selected talent, it does not use hammer of wrath on CD is it possible for CC to detect and adjust rotation during avenging wrath?

I hope this doesn't come across as complaining, because I am not. I greatly appreciate your work and it does work very well for every class i've tried Pure Rotation with.
If these questions have been answered previously, I apologize, I didn't see them.

At some point, would it be possible to have sep threads for each class? I know that may be a lot to ask, so if it doesn't happen no biggie. just may be easier to find comments about each class.

Anyway, thank you again for all of your collective work!
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something seems to be up with frost mages. sometimes he will just stop casting. doesnt happen that often, and its kinda random it seem.
Hi, just a few questions please....Regarding Ret Paladin

1. Is there a way to turn OFF use of synapse springs?
2. Or, if no, is there a way to have CC always use it and Execution Sentence together?
3. Is there a way for bot/CC to detect trinket procs as triggers to use any CD's, Synapse or Execution Sentence? - For example "Surge of Strength" from the Shado-Pan Assault Trinket
4. Can CC time the use of Holy Avenger / Avenging Wrath for 10 seconds after casting Guardian of Ancient Kings? -
5. When I have Sanctified Wrath as a selected talent, it does not use hammer of wrath on CD is it possible for CC to detect and adjust rotation during avenging wrath?

I hope this doesn't come across as complaining, because I am not. I greatly appreciate your work and it does work very well for every class i've tried Pure Rotation with.
If these questions have been answered previously, I apologize, I didn't see them.

At some point, would it be possible to have sep threads for each class? I know that may be a lot to ask, so if it doesn't happen no biggie. just may be easier to find comments about each class.

Anyway, thank you again for all of your collective work!

If you do implement #4, please make it optional. Timing AW and GotAK 10 seconds apart works great for normal use, but if you have the Sanctified Wrath talent, it's a DPS loss. Maybe some check to see if the user has the talent?
Tested Unholy Spec on the dummy tonight on my 519 DK could use an update rotation incorrect with current version seems to be spamming plaque strike and that's it also instantly casts empower rune weapon also T15 4 piece not working correctly for Unholy or Frost.

Yes Unholy has been broken for several days now.. Needs an update to fix the transformation, the above issues, the empower rune used at the proper time, and the 4 set bonus added
something seems to be up with frost mages. sometimes he will just stop casting. doesnt happen that often, and its kinda random it seem.

Its fixed in v2. Done some intensive testing with theclaw and frost mage, when released, is doing a pretty much perfect rotation.
Yes Unholy has been broken for several days now.. Needs an update to fix the transformation, the above issues, the empower rune used at the proper time, and the 4 set bonus added

Alxaw has informed me all of these issues are fixed in v2. We're hoping to release v2 very soon (still some issues with healing/dispell stuff that Wulf is looking at).
Hey guys,

I'm currently running with a heavily modified version of the ret part of the cc and I'm trying to add in some support for my trinket procs and I've hit a bit of a wall. Essentially I want three different conditions for Execution Sentence (ES).

The first should be something along the lines of when ji-kun's feather and zandalari warrior trinket procs are up it should cast ES when ji-kun has less than 8 seconds left and just before either zandalari or ji-kun expires.

The second is when only ji-kun is up and it should cast ES when it has less than 2 seconds left.

The third just normal ES cast with inquisition.

Here is what I have so far but I can't figure out how to program the first condition

1. Spell.Cast("Execution Sentence", ret => TalentManager.HasTalent(18) && Me.HasAura(84963) && Me.HasAura(138759) && Me.HasAura(138960) || Spell.GetAuraTimeLeft(138960)<3 || !Spell.GetAuraTimeLeft(138759)<7),

2. Spell.Cast("Execution Sentence", ret => TalentManager.HasTalent(18) && Me.HasAura(84963) && Me.HasAura(138759) && Spell.GetAuraTimeLeft(138759)<2 || !Me.HasAura(138960)),

3. Spell.Cast("Execution Sentence", ret => TalentManager.HasTalent(18) && Me.HasAura(84963) || !Me.HasAura(138759)),

138759 is ji-kun, 138690 is zandalari and 84693 is inquisition.

The first one I wrote is just plain wrong because apparently you can't have both !Spell.GetAuraTimeLeft and Spell.GetAuraTimeLeft in the one line or something, the second one is just casting ES whenever it's off cooldown for some reason and the third one is fine.

I know this is going above and beyond what you guys usually do but I would really appreciate some help here, cheers.
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Hey guys,

I'm currently running with a heavily modified version of the ret part of the cc and I'm trying to add in some support for my trinket procs and I've hit a bit of a wall. Essentially I want three different conditions for Execution Sentence (ES).

The first should be something along the lines of when ji-kun's feather and zandalari warrior trinket procs are up it should cast ES when ji-kun has less than 8 seconds left and just before either zandalari or ji-kun expires.

The second is when only ji-kun is up and it should cast ES when it has less than 2 seconds left.

The third just normal ES cast with inquisition.

Here is what I have so far but I can't figure out how to program the first condition

1. Spell.Cast("Execution Sentence", ret => TalentManager.HasTalent(18) && Me.HasAura(84963) && Me.HasAura(138759) && Me.HasAura(138960) || Spell.GetAuraTimeLeft(138960)<3 || !Spell.GetAuraTimeLeft(138759)<7),

2. Spell.Cast("Execution Sentence", ret => TalentManager.HasTalent(18) && Me.HasAura(84963) && Me.HasAura(138759) && Spell.GetAuraTimeLeft(138759)<2 || !Me.HasAura(138960)),

3. Spell.Cast("Execution Sentence", ret => TalentManager.HasTalent(18) && Me.HasAura(84963) || !Me.HasAura(138759)),

138759 is ji-kun, 138690 is zandalari and 84693 is inquisition.

The first one I wrote is just plain wrong because apparently you can't have both !Spell.GetAuraTimeLeft and Spell.GetAuraTimeLeft in the one line or something, the second one is just casting ES whenever it's off cooldown for some reason and the third one is fine.

I know this is going above and beyond what you guys usually do but I would really appreciate some help here, cheers.

Don't have time to go in depth at the minute, but a quick hint..


Isn't valid. If you want to check that the aura doesn't have less than 7 seconds left (so you want to check it has more or equal to 8 seconds)

Spell.GetAuraTimeLeft(138759) >= 8

Also, instead of calling HasAura numerous times...

Me.HasAura(84963) && Me.HasAura(138759) && Me.HasAura(138960)



Not sure if there's an int version of that, may need to use the string version (i.e. Me.HasAllAuras("Ji-Kun","Zandalari","Inquisition") ) etc.
Yes Unholy has been broken for several days now.. Needs an update to fix the transformation, the above issues, the empower rune used at the proper time, and the 4 set bonus added
This is possibly a stupid question, but I can't figure out how to revert back to an older version so that UH works again. Alternatively how long til V2 when it's fixed?
Hey guys,

I'm currently running with a heavily modified version of the ret part of the cc and I'm trying to add in some support for my trinket procs and I've hit a bit of a wall. Essentially I want three different conditions for Execution Sentence (ES).

The first should be something along the lines of when ji-kun's feather and zandalari warrior trinket procs are up it should cast ES when ji-kun has less than 8 seconds left and just before either zandalari or ji-kun expires.

The second is when only ji-kun is up and it should cast ES when it has less than 2 seconds left.

The third just normal ES cast with inquisition.

Here is what I have so far but I can't figure out how to program the first condition

1. Spell.Cast("Execution Sentence", ret => TalentManager.HasTalent(18) && Me.HasAura(84963) && Me.HasAura(138759) && Me.HasAura(138960) || Spell.GetAuraTimeLeft(138960)<3 || !Spell.GetAuraTimeLeft(138759)<7),

2. Spell.Cast("Execution Sentence", ret => TalentManager.HasTalent(18) && Me.HasAura(84963) && Me.HasAura(138759) && Spell.GetAuraTimeLeft(138759)<2 || !Me.HasAura(138960)),

3. Spell.Cast("Execution Sentence", ret => TalentManager.HasTalent(18) && Me.HasAura(84963) || !Me.HasAura(138759)),

138759 is ji-kun, 138690 is zandalari and 84693 is inquisition.

The first one I wrote is just plain wrong because apparently you can't have both !Spell.GetAuraTimeLeft and Spell.GetAuraTimeLeft in the one line or something, the second one is just casting ES whenever it's off cooldown for some reason and the third one is fine.

I know this is going above and beyond what you guys usually do but I would really appreciate some help here, cheers.

as far as i can see ... u r only missing some brackets to let the script make what u want to have

1. Spell.Cast("Execution Sentence", ret => TalentManager.HasTalent(18) && Me.HasAura(84963) && Me.HasAura(138759) && Me.HasAura(138960) && ( Spell.GetAuraTimeLeft(138960)<3 || !Spell.GetAuraTimeLeft(138759)<7)),

2. Spell.Cast("Execution Sentence", ret => (TalentManager.HasTalent(18) && Me.HasAura(84963)) && ((Me.HasAura(138759) && Spell.GetAuraTimeLeft(138759)<2) || (!Me.HasAura(138960)))),

3. Spell.Cast("Execution Sentence", ret => (TalentManager.HasTalent(18) && Me.HasAura(84963)) || !Me.HasAura(138759)),
4. Can CC time the use of Holy Avenger / Avenging Wrath for 10 seconds after casting Guardian of Ancient Kings? -

Anything changed here?
There was (since 5.0.1) no reason to stack GoAK for AW (this was removed long time ago, and i'm sure it will be still a dps loss!)

1.) Synapse - atm not
2.) ATM not, but i can refine the conditions to do so
3.) yepp we could detect proccs by adding each one, or we can keep track of Stats that were changed
5.) uhm ... well ... i think i missed this one ... it will find it's way into v1 and v2 within the next hours! (todo: add Sanctified Wrath for HoW when AW is UP or something like that ... will need to look into spell/aura details)
I've asked about this before but havent heard any replies. Are there any plans to implement pestilence into the frost dk rotation? Casting it manually is a pain because the routine is using up the global cooldown casting other things. Pestilence is a biggie in aoe