Hi, just a few questions please....Regarding Ret Paladin
1. Is there a way to turn OFF use of synapse springs?
2. Or, if no, is there a way to have CC always use it and Execution Sentence together?
3. Is there a way for bot/CC to detect trinket procs as triggers to use any CD's, Synapse or Execution Sentence? - For example "Surge of Strength" from the Shado-Pan Assault Trinket
4. Can CC time the use of Holy Avenger / Avenging Wrath for 10 seconds after casting Guardian of Ancient Kings? -
5. When I have Sanctified Wrath as a selected talent, it does not use hammer of wrath on CD is it possible for CC to detect and adjust rotation during avenging wrath?
I hope this doesn't come across as complaining, because I am not. I greatly appreciate your work and it does work very well for every class i've tried Pure Rotation with.
If these questions have been answered previously, I apologize, I didn't see them.
At some point, would it be possible to have sep threads for each class? I know that may be a lot to ask, so if it doesn't happen no biggie. just may be easier to find comments about each class.
Anyway, thank you again for all of your collective work!